簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 胡淞筌
Hu, Sung-Chuan
論文名稱: 日語母語者習得華語未完成貌標誌「在」與「著」之研究
L2 Acquisition of the Mandarin Imperfective Markers Zai and Zhe by L1 Japanese Speakers
指導教授: 李臻儀
Li, Jen-I
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 二語習得華語未完成貌標誌動貌假說日語
英文關鍵詞: L2 acquisition, Mandarin imperfective markers, Aspect Hypothesis, Japanese
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DE.033.2018.A07
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:19
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  • 本研究旨在探討以華語為第二語言的日語母語者學習華語未完成貌標誌「在」與「著」之二語習得。根據動貌假說的相關性預測,學習者在習得第二語言未完成貌標誌的早期階段,傾向將未完成貌標誌與活動動詞相關聯,而依據動貌假說的發展性預測,學習者在後期階段,會將未完成貌標誌與動詞的相關聯延伸至有界動詞與狀態動詞。情狀體假說在許多歐洲語言中得到了廣泛的驗證,然而此類研究在中文領域則相對較少,更是缺乏以日語母語者為受測對象之研究。故本研究以檢驗該假說的兩個假設性預測為目的,探討日語母語者對中文未完成貌標誌「在」與「著」之第二語言習得是否符合動貌假說的預測,並了解日語母語者習得「在」與「著」的學習困難,探究母語轉移與語言程度效應在日語母語者習得中文未完成貌標誌中所扮演的角色。總共有六十位日語母語者參與了本研究的文法判斷測驗,受試者依據中文程度分成了兩組實驗組,另外亦含由三十位中文母語人士組成的對照組。本研究發現,日語母語者對中文未完成貌標誌「在」與「著」之習得結果不完全符合動貌假說的相關性預測,亦不完全支持該假說的發展性預測,根據研究結果表示,日語母語者對中文未完成貌標誌「在」與「著」之習得受到母語轉移、第二語言複雜度及語言程度效應等因素所影響。

    The present study aims to investigate the L2 acquisition of Mandarin imperfective markers zai and -zhe by L1 Japanese speakers. According to the Association Prediction of the Aspect Hypothesis, L2 learners tend to associate the imperfective markers strongly with activity verbs in the early stage of acquisition; on the other hand, the Developmental Prediction of the Aspect Hypothesis predicts that as learners’ proficiency increases, they will spread the use of the imperfective markers from activity verbs to telic verbs and stative verbs. Although the Aspect hypothesis has been tested and supported in many studies on the L2 acquisition of European languages (e.g., Robison 1990, 1995, Bardovi- Harlig 1992, 1998, Bardovi-Harlig & Reynolds 1995, Giacalone-Ramat 1995, Bardovi-Harlig & Bergström 1996, Rohde 1996, Tickoo 1996, Li & Shirai 2000, Housen 2002), it has not been extensively investigated in the acquisition of Mandarin and little attention has been paid to test the hypothesis on the acquisition of Mandarin by L1 Japanese speakers. Therefore, the present study fills the gap by investigating whether the acquisition of Mandarin imperfective markers zai and -zhe by Japanese speakers adheres to the predictions of the Aspect Hypothesis. The study also attempts to find out what kind of learning difficulties Japanese learners would encounter and explores the effects of L1 transfer and L2 proficiency on the acquisition of Mandarin zai and -zhe. Sixty Japanese speakers, who were divided into mid-level group and high-level group according to their Mandarin proficiency, together with thirty Mandarin controls were recruited to complete grammaticality judgment tasks. The study found that Japanese learners’ acquisition of imperfective markers zai and -zhe does not fully support the Association Prediction of the Aspect Hypothesis, nor do the findings fully adhere to the Developmental Prediction of the Aspect Hypothesis. The results indicate that Japanese learners’ acquisition of Mandarin imperfective markers zai and -zhe was affected by L1 knowledge, L2 complexity and L2 proficiency.

    Chinese Abstract i English Abstract ii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents vi List of Tables ix List of Figures x Abbreviation xi Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Background 1 1.2 Purpose of this Study 7 1.3 Significance of the Study 8 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 10 Chapter Two Literature Review 11 2.1 Theories of Aspectuality 11 2.2 The Aspectual System in Mandarin 18 2.2.1 Situation Types in Mandarin 18 2.2.2 Imperfective Viewpoint Aspect in Mandarin 24 Imperfective Marker Zai and its Interaction with Situation Aspect 24 Imperfective Marker -Zhe and its Interaction with Situation Aspect 26 2.3 Review Comments on the Classification of Situation Types in Mandarin 30 2.4 Theories of Language Acquisition 39 2.4.1 Aspect Hypothesis 40 2.4.2 L1 Influence 41 2.5 Previous Empirical Studies on L2 acquisition of Mandarin Aspect 42 2.5.1 Jin (2006) 43 2.5.2 Liu (2012) 44 2.5.3 Tong & Shirai (2016) 45 2.6 Summary of Chapter Two 46 Chapter Three Methodology 48 3.1 Participants 48 3.2 Instrument of Data Collection 50 3.2.1 Situation Types Included in the Experiment 50 3.2.2 Cross-linguistic Comparisons between Mandarin and Japanese 58 3.2.3 Questionnaire Design 64 Grammaticality Judgment Tasks for Zai and for -Zhe 65 A Multiple-Choice Judgment Task for Zai and -Zhe 67 3.2.4 Scoring Policy and Statistical Analysis 70 3.3 Procedure 70 Chapter Four Results and Discussion 72 4.1 Results of the Grammaticality Judgment Tasks and the Aspect Hypothesis 72 4.1.1 The Result of Zai’s Judgment Task 73 4.1.2 Discussion of Zai’s Result 77 4.1.3 The Result of -Zhe’s Judgment Task 82 4.1.4 Discussion of -Zhe’s Result 85 4.1.5 A Comparison between the Results of Zai and -Zhe 88 4.1.6 Discussion of the Results 91 4.1.7 Summary of Section 4.1 94 4.2 The Result of the Multiple-choice Judgment Task for Zai and -Zhe 95 4.2.1 The Result of the Multiple-choice Judgment Task 95 4.2.2 Discussion of the Result 101 4.3 Summary of Chapter Four 105 Chapter Five Conclusion 107 5.1 Major Findings 107 5.2 Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications 110 5.3 Limitations of the Current Study and Suggestions for Future Research 111 References 113 Appendix A Consent Form 117 Appendix B Form of Paticipants’ Language Background 118 Appendix C Questionnaire 119

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