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研究生: 嚴紫瑜
Tzu-yu Yen
論文名稱: 台灣英語系學生英語寫作焦慮及寫作策略的使用
Writing Anxiety and Writing Strategy Use Among Taiwanese English Majors
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 英語寫作焦慮英語寫作策略
英文關鍵詞: English Writing Anxiety, English Writing Strategies
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:421下載:161
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  • 中文摘要



    The current study is aimed to investigate English writing anxiety and English writing strategy use among Taiwanese English majors. The focus is to examine the relationship between writing anxiety and writing strategy use as well as the effect of students’ grade level on writing anxiety and writing strategy use.
    A total of 231 English majors took part in this study. The participants completed a questionnaire consisting of two inventories: the original Chinese version of the Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (Cheng, 2004a) and a modified version of the Second Language Writing Strategy Questionnaire (Petric & Czarl, 2003). The collected data were analyzed by computing descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlations, and one-way ANOVA. The results show that the participants’ reported English writing anxiety was at a medium degree and they experienced a higher level of cognitive anxiety (fear of negative evaluation). Besides, the participants were just moderate users of English writing strategies. Although the results didn’t show significant correlations between the participants’ overall writing anxiety and their overall use of writing strategies, there were still significant correlations between some subcategories of writing anxiety and writing strategy. Specifically, somatic anxiety was positively correlated with while-writing strategy use. But avoidance behavior was negatively correlated with pre-writing strategy use, revision strategy use, and overall writing strategy use. Moreover, overall writing anxiety was negatively correlated with revision strategy use. In addition, although the students’ grade level did not make a significant difference in overall writing anxiety or overall use of writing strategies, there was a significant difference in use of while-writing strategies among the participants of different grade levels.
    Pedagogically, the findings suggest the importance of decreasing learners’ writing anxiety through helping them develop a positive attitude toward writing evaluation. EFL instructors should also motivate learners to write more and inculcate them with extensive knowledge of writing strategies, guiding them to employ writing strategies and engaging them in different writing activities and tasks for activating and expanding strategy use.

    TABLE OF CONTENT English Abstract………………………………………………………………………..i Chinese Abstract……………………………………………………………………...iii Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………………...iv Table of Content..……………………………………………………………………...v List of Tables………………………………………………………………………...viii Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………1 Theoretical Background………………………………………………………….2 Major Research Questions……………………………………………………….4 Significance of This Study……………………………………………………….6 Chapter 2 Literature Review………………………………………………………...7 Language Anxiety Research……………………………………………………...7 Introduction to Language Anxiety…………………………………………..7 Definition of Language Anxiety…………………………………………….8 Research on Language Anxiety……………………………………………10 Writing Anxiety Research………………………………………………………12 Introduction to Writing Anxiety…………………………………………...12 L1 Writing Anxiety Research……………………………………………...12 L2 Writing Anxiety Research……………………………………………...15 Language Learning Strategy Research………………………………………….18 Definition and Classification of Language Learning Strategies…………..18 Research on Language Learning Strategies……………………………….20 Writing Strategy Research………………………………………………………22 Historical Background of L2 Writing Research…………………………...22 Studies of L2 Writing Strategies…………………………………………...25 Research on the Relationships Between Writing Anxiety and Writing Strategies………………………………………………………………………..29 Chapter 3 Methodology…………………………………………………………….31 Participants……………………………………………………………………...31 Instruments……………………………………………………………………...32 Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory……………………………..32 Second Language Writing Strategy Questionnaire………………………..34 Data Collection Procedures……………………………………………………..36 Pilot Study…………………………………………………………………36 Formal Study………………………………………………………………37 Data Analysis Procedures……………………………………………………….38 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion………………………………………………….39 Background Information of the Participants……………………………………39 Writing Anxiety…………………………………………………………………41 Levels of Writing Anxiety…………………………………………………41 Differences in Level Among the Three Dimensions of Writing Anxiety….42 Discussion…………………………………………………………………43 Writing Strategies……………………………………………………………….45 Use Frequency of Writing Strategies………………………………………45 Differences in Use Frequency Among the Three Categories of Writing Strategies…………………………………………………………………..45 Discussion…………………………………………………………………46 The Relationships Between Writing Anxiety and Writing Strategy Use……….48 Correlation Between Writing Anxiety and Writing Strategy Use.………...48 Discussion…………………………………………………………………49 The Relationships of Writing Anxiety and Writing Strategy Use to Participants’ Grade Level……………………………………………………………………51 Relationships Between Writing Anxiety and Students’ Grade Levels…….51 Discussion…………………………………………………………………54 Relationships Between Writing Strategy Use and Students’ Grade Levels..54 Discussion…………………………………………………………………57 Chapter 5 Conclusion………………………………………………………………59 Summary of the Study……………………………………………………59 Pedagogical Implications………………………………………………...61 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research……………………….64 References……………………………………………………………………………66 Appendixes…………………………………………………………………………...82 Appendix A: Questionnaire (Used in the Formal Study)……………………...82 Appendix B: Questionnaire (Used in the Pilot Study)………………………...88 Appendix C: Modifications of the SLWSQ Used in the Pilot Study………….96 Appendix D: Modifications of the SLWSQ Used in the Formal Study……...113 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Number and Percentage of Participants From Different Schools…………..40 Table 2: Number and Percentage of Participants From Each Grade Level…………..40 Table 3: Number and Percentage of Participants’ Pre-College Training on English Writing………………………………………………………………………40 Table 4: Descriptive Statistics on Writing Anxiety…………………………………..42 Table 5: One-Way ANOVA Repeated Measures Summary for Writing Anxiety…….42 Table 6: Pairwise Comparisons Among Three Dimensions of Writing Anxiety……..43 Table 7: Descriptive Statistics of Writing Strategies…………………………………45 Table 8: One-Way ANOVA Repeated Measures Summary for Writing Strategies .....46 Table 9: Pairwise Comparisons Among Writing Strategy Use……………………….46 Table 10: Correlation Between Writing Anxiety and Writing Strategy Use…………49 Table 11: Descriptive Statistics of Writing Anxiety by Grade Level………………...52 Table 12: One-Way ANOVA Summary for Somatic Anxiety………………………..53 Table 13: One-Way ANOVA Summary for Writing Anxiety………………………...53 Table 14: One-Way ANOVA Summary for Avoidance Behavior…………………….53 Table 15: One-Way ANOVA Summary for Overall Writing Anxiety………………..54 Table 16: Descriptive Statistics of Writing Strategy Use by Grade Level…………...55 Table 17: One-Way ANOVA Summary for Pre-Writing Strategy Use……………….56 Table 18: One-Way ANOVA Summary for While-Writing Strategy Use……………56 Table 19: One-Way ANOVA Summary for Revision Strategy Use………………….56 Table 20: One-Way ANOVA Summary for Overall Writing Strategy Use…………..57 Table 21: Pairwise Comparisons Among While-Writing Strategy Use………………57

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