研究生: |
賴信平 Lai Hsing-pin |
論文名稱: |
大地吻痕-賴信平山紋岩語彩墨探討 The Land of Kissing Mark - A Study of Hill Stripe and Rock Words with the Approach of Colored Ink Painting by Hsing-pin Lai |
指導教授: | 李振明 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 125 |
中文關鍵詞: | 紋理 、岩語 、肌理 、地質 、地貌 |
英文關鍵詞: | Stripe textures, rock words, the textures by using light and dry ink strokes, geology, landforms |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:272 下載:6 |
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本研究從筆者對山水有著特殊的情感出發,以山石的肌理紋路做為題材,探討山水創作組織與表現的面向。論文共分六章,依序為 第一章:緒論。第二章:山水構成語符解析。第三章:山水創作之建構。第四章:創作的理念與實踐規劃。第五章:作品分析。第六章:結論。
This dissertation has its starting point focused on the particular emotion of landscape, adopting the textures by using light and dry ink strokes of mountain stone as the theme, discussing landscape creation and organization and expression style. The dissertation consists of 6 chapters: by sequence are Chapter 1: Preface; Chapter 2: Landscape structure and language analysis; Chapter 3: Creation of aesthetic constructivism of the land of kissing mark; Chapter 4: New ground and practical planning of landscape creation of the land of kissing mark; Chapter 5: Series work analysis of Hill Stripe and Rock Words; Chapter 6: Conclusion.
This dissertation is based on rocks which generate rich and changing stripe as the result of the shift of landforms to become a subject of research and creation. Ocean is often a depicting subject in creation; But to focus on study topic, this dissertation will explore the method of showing shades and textures by using light and dry ink strokes for mountain stone.
From the style and momentum of mountain stone of stripe with pen effect generated by using a pen to illustrate the method of showing the shades, stone and display elements of other mountain stone; with color of rose glory to illustrate interaction between ancient water ink and Toyoga , and to be placed in order.
This dissertation is adopting artistic conception of aesthetics in Chinese water ink painting; It has transformed creator’s recognition, sensation or imagination of objects to generate painting environment through conception, painting style and display skills. The dissertation is mainly looking for a joint between geological characteristic and landscape painting; And linking rich characteristics of geology, landforms and landscape painting to explore the base of method of showing the shades of the Chinese landscape painting. Understand the life source of landscape painting, art transform and creation method to anticipate profound theory research and creative painting angle. It also testifies the forming method of showing the shadows of the landscape painting and interior relationship of natural characteristics and structure through geological characteristic theory to lead into the learning of landscape painting; The theory is used to enrich practice and development of landscape painting.
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