簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 高萱芳
論文名稱: 移動的視覺思考創作研究-城市意象.招牌
A study on the creative visual thinking of kinaesthetic figure Metropolitan
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
Liang, Kuei-Chia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: visual thinkingcognitionmemoryemotionimage
英文關鍵詞: 視覺思考, 認知, 記憶, 情感, 意象
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:226下載:0
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  • 身為一個設計創作者經常必須面對不同的問題與挑戰,在問題解決前必須先經過一連串的思考,而創作的生成通常需要一些外來的刺激感受來誘發內心的記憶,情感與記憶交織後會擁有獨特的個人感受,此內在潛藏情感之經驗累進過程便會成為創作的養分,這種情形通常會在行徑移動的過程中特別顯著。

    A design creator often has to face different problems and challenges. Before the problems are solved, there are a series of considerations. However, the generation of a creation usually needs the stimulation from outside to elicit the memory from one’s heart. The interleaving of emotion and memory will bring about a unique personal feeling. The process of accumulating the experiences of inner potential emotion will nurture the creation and such phenomenon is particularly significant in the process of the moving of acts.
    In the years of experiences of creation, we could find that there was a period of complex and abstract gestation. A long-time habit of creation will form an individual-specific process and model in the accumulation of time. Through the cognitive psychology in the literature, it is understood that it is complex and abstract process of information processing and behavior response in the memory system and human being’s unique characteristics that integrate personal emotion and feeling in the past experiences. The final goal of the research is trying to construct a process of creation of design and a framework of reference that could be followed in the practical creations for the future designs
    Beginning with literature study, it is hoped the researches by the experts and scholars in cognitive psychology and emotion memory could clarify the basic theory and principle of cognitive process. Through the author’s own practical explorative methods of creation and with the signboard of cram schools that record the deepest visual memory in the acts of cities as an example, the author recorded the sensory stimulations in Nang-Yang Street and nearby streets in Taipei City. The correspondence between the memory retrieval and inner emotion in the records of images and words were analyzed and the images were re-integrated after transformation and development to form a subject of creation for design. From the results of researches and creation, we could find that the creator’ s own various conditions, judgment on situation and personal intelligence would affect the results of creation. The research on the model of creation could conduct the experiment of sensory stimulation and memory retrieval for the feelings in different places and it would not be limited to the personal creation of design. The model could be partially modified for the different situations for the personal references in the creation of design in future.

    第壹章、緒論 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 1.1 創作研究背景與動機 ------------------------------------------------------------- 11 1.2 創作研究目的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 1.3 創作研究範圍與限制 ------------------------------------------------------------- 12 1.4 創作架構與流程 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 第貳章、文獻探討 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 2.1 認知心理 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 2.1.1 感覺訊號與知覺 ----------------------------------------------------------- 16 2.1.2 移動的視覺與認知 -------------------------------------------------------- 19 2.1.3 眼球移動與眼球顫動 ----------------------------------------------------- 20 2.2 記憶的屬性與特質 ------------------------------------------------------------- 22 2.2.1 記憶的定義 -------------------------------------------------------------------22 2.2.2 短期記憶 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 2.2.3 長期記憶 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 2.2.4 記憶的歷程 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 2.3 情感記憶與形成 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 28 2.3.1 情感的意義與要素 -------------------------------------------------------- 28 2.3.2 情緒與記憶 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 28 2.3.3 情感表現的類型 ---------------------------------------------------------- 30 2.4 意象的表徵 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 2.4.1 意象的意涵 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 33 2.4.2 象徵 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 2.4.3 隱喻 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 2.5 文獻探討小結 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 36 第參章、 創作流程與方法-------------------------------------------------------37 3.1 創作探索方法------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 3.1.1 移動的訊息刺激 ---------------------------------------------------------- 39 3.1.2 產生記憶認知 ------------------------------------------------------------- 40 3.1.3 情感回憶作用 ------------------------------------------------------------- 41 3.1.4 意象的轉化 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 42 3.1.5 創作概念形成 ------------------------------------------------------------- 43 3.2 創作實證階段 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 44 3.2.1 移動的訊息刺激之實證 ----------------------------------------------- 44 3.2.2 產生記憶認知之實證 -------------------------------------------------- 62 3.2.3 情感回憶作用之實證 -------------------------------------------------- 62 3.2.4 意象轉化之實證 --------------------------------------------------------- 65 3.2.5 創作概念形成 ------------------------------------------------------------ 69 第肆章、創作研究 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 71 4.1 創作主題與理念 -------------------------------------------------------------- 71 4.2 創作手法 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 4.2.1 色調表現 ------------------------------------------------------------- 72 4.2.2 視角表現 ------------------------------------------------------------- 73 4.2.3 畫面呈現方式 ------------------------------------------------------ 74 4.3 創作結果 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 第伍章、結論與建議 ------------------------------------------------------------- 80 5.1 結論 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 5.2 後續研究與建議 -------------------------------------------------------------- 80 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81

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