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研究生: 許珍琳
Chen-lin Hsu
論文名稱: 台北市高中職學生有關性知識、性態度和性行為及其相關因素之調查研究
A Study of the Knowledge; Attitude; Behavior and other Related Factors on Sex Among Senior and Vocational High School Students in Taipei
指導教授: 晏涵文
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 性知識性態度性行為
英文關鍵詞: sex knowledge, attitude towards sex, sexual intercourse and contraception
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:610下載:0
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  • 摘 要

    A Study of the Knowledge; Attitude; Behavior
    and other Related Factors on Sex
    Among Senior and Vocational High School Students in Taipei
    A Master's Thesis by Chen-lin Hsu
    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the sex knowledge; attitude towards sex; sexual behavior and related factors, including individual character of students; family factors and inter-family communication, among senior and vocational high school grade 2 students in Taipei.
    This study composed of 713 randomly selected students from a basal group of 25314 students from Taipei senior and vocational high schools. With self-edited questionnaires as investigation tool and individual class as unit, the students were tested as a group. A total of 685 valid questionnaires were collected, where 332 of them were from senior high school students, and the remaining 352 from vocational high school students.
    The observation of this study is as follows:
    1. Sex Knowledge: The senior high school students attained better results in this area than the vocational high school students. Furthermore, students with mothers of qualification above polytechnics or university level scored higher than students with mothers of elementary or middle school qualifications. On the other hand, students with fathers of qualification above polytechnics and university levels have better sex knowledge than students with fathers having senior high or vocational school qualification.
    2. Attitude towards sex: The students' tolerable level on sexual behavior was generally conservative deviating towards neutral. The male students had a higher tolerable level on pre-marital sex than the female student. Students with averagely loving parents had a more open attitude than students with unloving or very loving parents. The students' attitude towards contraception is rather appropriate. The variables related to contraceptive attitude included sexuality; school type and the educational levels of both parents. Furthermore the students had rather proper attitude towards prevention of venereal diseases, where the variables included sexuality; school type and the educational level of mother.
    3. Sexual intercourse and contraception: More than 50% of these senior and vocational high school students already had friends of the opposite sex. A higher percentage of vocational high school students (8.83%) had engaged in pre-marital sex than senior high school students (3.31%). Those students who had previous sexual experiences had a higher tolerable level towards pre-marital sex than those who had none. Most of the students used condom as the contraceptive tool during sexual intercourse, thus situation in practicing contraception had been positive.
    4. The students' sexual knowledge was directly proportional to their sexual attitude. The attitude towards contraception; school type differences; and tolerable level in pre-marital sex could be used to project the level of sexual knowledge. The above three projected variables could illustrate the 12% in the total variation quantity in sexual knowledge. The sexuality; knowledge on reproductive physiology; inter-family communication; knowledge on contraception could be used to anticipate the attitude towards sex, and these four projected variables could demonstrate the 8.2% in the total variation quantity in attitude.
    5. Senior high school students had better sexual knowledge than vocational high school students, while the vocational high school students had a higher tolerable level in pre-marital sex than senior high school students. The rate of sexual intercourse in vocational high school students was much higher than senior high school students. Furthermore, there were significant differences in the age; sexuality; parents' educational level between vocational high school students and senior high school students.
    6. Source of students' sexual knowledge: The main source of knowledge in making friends with the opposite sex and sexual intercourse was from friends and fellow classmates, while knowledge in contraception was mainly obtained from mass media.
    7. When there is problem, the students would normally seek advice in preference order from friends; fellow classmates; parents; and physician or nurse. Generally the students felt that physicians and nurses; teachers; parents are the most ideal instructors in providing guidance on pregnancy and contraception.
    8. Most students felt that supermarket; convenience store; pharmacy; hospital and clinic are the best locations for placing contraceptives.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論   第一節 研究動機與重要性 1   第二節 研究目的 3   第三節 研究問題與假設 3   第四節 名詞界定 4 第二章 文獻探討   第一節 性知識之相關研究 6   第二節 性態度之相關研究 9 第三節 性行為之相關研究 13   第四節 親子溝通之相關研究 16 第三章 研究方法   第一節 研究架構 19   第二節 研究對象 20   第三節 研究工具 21   第四節 資料的收集與處理 26 第四章 結果與討論   第一節 個人屬性與家庭因素 28   第二節 性知識測驗結果及其相關因素探討 32   第三節 性態度傾向及其相關因素探討 39   第四節 性知識性態度與性行為之關係 52   第五節 性行為及其相關因素探討 55   第六節 性知識來源與求助對象之探討 64 第五章 結論與建議   第一節 結論 69   第二節 建議 70 參考文獻 73 附錄   附錄一 研究工具效度處理 82   附錄二 預試問卷 83   附錄三 行政公文 94   附錄四 正式問卷 95        

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