研究生: |
廖俊瑋 Chun-Wei Liao |
論文名稱: |
景美溪集水區流量及雨量頻率分析 The Frequency Analysis of Runoff and Rainfall in The Chingmei Stream Watershed |
指導教授: |
Liaw, Shyue-Cherng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 92 |
中文關鍵詞: | 景美溪 、頻率分析 、極端水文事件 、流量變動 |
英文關鍵詞: | Chingmei Stream, Frequency Analysis, Extreme Hydrological Event, Variations of discharge |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:310 下載:16 |
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The frequency analysis is often applied in disaster prevention planning, hydraulic works design, and hazard risk analysis. It is possible to estimate the maximum volume of intensive rainfall and peak discharge based on a suitable probability distribution. The frequency analysis is also helpful for people to understand the hydrological characteristics in a watershed, and to enhance the efficiency of watershed management. The Chingmei stream watershed is selected as a study area in this research. The extreme hydrological events are analyzed, including the annual maximum daily discharge and annual one-day maximum rainfall during the period from 1970 to 2009. Four probability distributions are compared, including extreme-value type I distribution, logarithmic normal distribution, Pearson type III distribution, and logarithmic Pearson type III distribution. The estimated annual maximum daily discharge in late stage (1987-2009) is higher than that in early stage (1970-1986). Their variation is from 9.45% to 54.59%. The average of annual maximum daily discharges in late stage is bigger surpassing up to 17.77%, and the standard deviation is also increasing up to 32.45%. The estimated one-day maximum rainfall in late stage is higher than that in early stage. Their variation is from 12.87% up to 56.34%. The average of one-day maximum rainfall in late stage is bigger surpassing up to 16.74%, and the standard deviation is also exceeding up to 65.19%.The other is that the amounts of runoff and rainfall become larger during the wet season and lower during the dry seasons. Discharge in the wet season variation is from 9.12% to 12.62%. The average of wet season discharge in late stage is bigger surpassing up to 8.34%, and the standard deviation is also increasing up to 35.50%. Besides, the discharge variation is from -8.55% to -14.01% in dry season. The average of discharge in the dry season in late stage decreases to 13.42%, and the standard deviation is also up to 10.52%.These results present that extreme events increase interannually, including floods and drought. In conclusion, there is an increasing trend for the annual maximum daily discharge and annual one-day maximum rainfall in the Chingmei stream watershed. The variation is enhancing and the frequency is strengthening. It reveals that the occurrence probability of extreme hydrological events is rising in the further.
The Chingmei stream is an important river in the suburbs of Taipei city. As the settlement extended along the valley, flood plains were occupied and communities were close to channel. Weather pattern and surface runoff in Taiwan have been considerably affected by the change of global climate. Therefore, the integrated watershed management should focus on land-use planning in Changed steam watershed. This will help us response to the change of runoff and rainfall characteristics in change stream.
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