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研究生: 蕭伊蝶
Hsiao, Yi-Tieh
論文名稱: 戶外教育學校本位課程發展與實施之研究—以中部某國小為例
The Study on the Development and Application of School-based Outdoor Education Curriculum: a Case of one Primary School in Central Taiwan
指導教授: 王錦雀
Wang, Chin-Chueh
口試委員: 蔡居澤
口試日期: 2020/06/23
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 269
中文關鍵詞: 十二年國民教育新課綱戶外教育學校本位課程個案研究
英文關鍵詞: Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, school-based curriculum, outdoor education, case study
研究方法: 個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100754
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:299下載:37
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  • 戶外教育對學生身心發展具正面積極效能,教育部將戶外教育列入十二年國教新課綱重大議題,並以戶外教育修訂校外教學法規,要求學校每學期至少實施一次,此重大舉措,使戶外教育發展方式多元。除單獨實施外,可整合各項重大議題,或結合部訂課程,成為跨領域課程的利器,或發展成為形塑符合學生需要與學校特色的學校本位課程,強化學生自主學習,形塑核心素養。學校本位課程更是新課綱是否落實的關鍵。因此,本研究採自然典範,探討以戶外教育為學校本位課程多年,極具課程特色的個案學校,其於十二年國教新課綱頒布前,戶外教育學校本位課程發展歷程為何?十二年國教新課綱施行後,其實施戶外教育學校本位課程的現況為何?並探究影響個案學校持續推動戶外教育學校本位課程的關鍵因素為何?並就其豐富的經驗,本研究結果如下:
    二、十二年國教新課綱施行後的現狀:(一)課程實施方式:在既有基礎上積極迎接變革;提前全面實施滾動修正;固定排課;連結部定課程進行跨領域整合;注重縱向銜接連貫;固定場域以深化課程;以共同核心素養貫穿課程。(二)面臨的挑戰,分六因素:外部環境因素:家長參與程度差距大;資源因素:人力物力資源不足;學校因素:面臨適性教學設計與教師任職穩定度問題;課程與教學因素:新課綱課程轉化的挑戰;教師因素:教師條件不同,壓力與負擔龐大;安全管理因素 :應變能力考驗大。(三)因應策略:資源因素:沿用過去因應方式;學校因素:同儕協作同行,改變師生互動模式共同成長;課程與教學因素:體現新課綱精神;教師因素:同僚專業相互支持楷模學習;安全管理因素 :固定領域與增加醫療量能。惟面對教師對戶外教育喜愛、本位課程認同度與人事異動問題,以及新課綱課程轉化及學習重點對應,尚未提出具體措施。

    Due to the outdoor education has positive influence on student’s mental development, the Department of Education has listed it as social issues for the 12-Year Curriculum Guidelines. Accompanied with the alteration of regulations of outside-school education with outdoor education, schools are required to perform outdoor education activity at least once in every semester; this significant decision has diversified the development pattern of outdoor education. Except for separate implementation, these outdoor education activities can also be combined with various important issues, such as combining with department-assigned curriculums, making it a great tool for cross-domain specific curriculum, or developed into school-based education that meets the students’ need with every school’s individual characteristic, reinforcing self-motivated study and promoting core competency. As school-based education plays an irreplaceable role in the implementation of the new curriculum. Thus, this study took on the natural-model approach to evaluate a unique case study with its long-term implementation of outdoor education curriculum. This study will also be discussing their development of school-based outdoor education before the introduction of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education and the current situation of the school-based outdoor education after introduction of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. With the case study, this paper will also explore the key factors affecting how the case study’s continuing implementation of school-based outdoor education, with the rich experiences of the case study school, this study concludes:

    1. Before the promulgation of the new curriculum of the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, the development course of the standard curriculum of the outdoor education case study school.
    (1) The process of pattern alternation of curriculum: initially only one single class activities then to the school-wide class activities in medium-term, then under the leadership of the Dean, the school-based curriculum has been turned to permanent planning and development in the late period. In addition to parental assistances during curriculum development, support of the Principal and the role of the Dean are even more important, and the Dean is the important pushing hand to turn outdoor activities into a curriculum. The Dean promotes curriculum development, integrate resources, communicate, and coordinate, and encourage administrative to support for the teaching department and stimulate the learning kinetic energy of the organization.
    (2)Challenges : Challenges are divided into six major factors: off-campus environmental factors: mainly home Long intervention impact courses; Resource factors: insufficient teaching materials, uncertain subsidies; School factors personnel changes and student differences; course Factors: poor course cognition, high difficulty of curriculum; Teacher's personal factors: the difference between professional and physical fitness produces pressure; Security management factors: Weather and mountain disease are difficult to predict.
    (3) Responding strategy: the environmental factors outside of the school: pre-communication to draw a line; resource factors: external resources to enhance teachers, in-place material for training students; school factors: teachers’ co- preparation and co-learning, individual training of students; curriculum factors: supportive environment, with the core of the curriculum specific planning; teacher's personal factors: experience sharing and helping each other; safety management factors: filing, medicine preparation and parental assistance.

    2. Key factors affect case study school continually promote outdoor education as school-base curriculum
    (1) School ecology: positive and healthy
    (2) Student learning results: significant
    (3) National policy: specific and clear
    (4) Professional growth of teachers: refined.
    The development of outdoor education as a school-based curriculum, must be relied on four elements: organization of education administrative and external system support, teachers’ autonomy and professional development, integrity of school ecological and security atmosphere, students are positively learning and progress.

    3. The current situation after the implementation of the new Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education
    (1) The pattern of curriculum implementation: positively receiving transformation on the existing basis; full implementation of rolling corrections in advance; fixed scheduling; linking the assigned courses of Education Department for cross-domain integration; focus on vertical jointing and connection; deepen the courses in fixed domains; throughout the courses with common core literacy.
    (2) Challenges, divided into six factors: external environmental factors: the gap of parental participation is large; resources factors: insufficient resources of man power and material; school factors: facing the problem of appropriate teaching design and teachers' employment stability; curriculum factors: the challenge of the transformation of the new curriculum; teachers' personal factors: teachers' conditions are different, the pressure and burden are huge; safety management factors: resilience is a big task.
    (3) Responding strategy: resource factors: following the past responses; school factors: peers’ collaboration, change the interaction model between teachers and students to grow together; curriculum factors: reflecting the spirit of the new curriculum; teacher's personal factors: mutual support in professional range among colleagues, model learning; safety management factors: located in fix areas and increased medical capacity. However, in facing the favor of teachers in outdoor education, recognition of standard curriculum and personnel changes, as well as the transformation of the new curriculum and corresponding learning key points has not yet put further step.

    Sum up the research results, the developing characteristics of outdoor education school-based curriculum of the case school are: First, make good use of the specific national policies post for the courses. Second, make good use of the resources of all parties. Third, the school ecology is positive and healthy. Fourth, the professional growth of teachers is solid. Fifth, long term implementation and present across multiple fields of outdoor education. Sixth, the effect of outdoor education is remarkable. The development mode of outdoor education school-based curriculum of case school is: First, continuous correction on the existing basis. Second, the vision of education in crossing areas. Third, transform to fixed scheduling of lessons. Fourth, vertical conjunction and horizontal connection. Fifth. Deepen the course in fixed field. Sixth, with mutual core literacy throughout the curriculum.

    To make suggestions through the research results: First, to reduce the working load of the Dean; Second, the division of cultivation units systematically increased outdoor courses; Third, expanding contents of sharing database of outdoor education and school-based curriculum; Fourth, increase quote of regular teachers; V. stably increase funds for development of outdoor education in schools; Sixth, establish a complete evaluation mechanism of core literacy.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 17 第三節 研究範圍與限制 18 第四節 研究貢獻與重要性 20 第五節 重要名詞釋義 20 第二章 文獻探討 23 第一節 戶外教育意涵與相關研究 23 第二節 學校本位課程意涵與相關研究 38 第三節 戶外教育在十二年國教新課綱中的展望 56 第四節 戶外教育與學校本位課程相關研究 63 第三章 研究方法論 69 第一節 研究取向 69 第二節 研究對象 72 第三節 研究方法與工具 79 第四節 研究程序 82 第五節 資料分析 85 第六節 研究者角色管理 89 第七節 研究倫理 92 第四章 研究結果與發現 95 第一節 十二年國教新課綱頒布前學校本位課程發展歷程 95 第二節 十二年國教新課綱實施後個案學校推動學校本位課程之現狀 127 第三節 影響個案學校持續推動戶外教育學校本位課程的關鍵因素 165 第五章 結論與建議 203 第一節 結論 203 第二節 建議 220 參考文獻 References 226 附錄 Appendixes 264

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