研究生: |
張佳雯 Chang, Chia-Wen |
論文名稱: |
焦點解決取向諮商心理師之替代性復原力研究 A Study of Vicarious Resilience of Solution-focused Brief Therapy Approach Counselors |
指導教授: |
Chen, Ping-Hwa |
口試委員: | 許維素 曾文志 李玉嬋 賴念華 陳秉華 |
口試日期: | 2021/06/29 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 306 |
中文關鍵詞: | 替代性復原力 、替代性創傷 、諮商心理師 、焦點解決取向 |
英文關鍵詞: | vicarious resilience, vicarious traumatization, counselor,, solution-focused brief therapy |
研究方法: | 現象學 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101570 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:332 下載:8 |
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本研究旨在探討焦點解決取向諮商心理師的替代性復原力經驗及其影響,具體的研究問題有五: 1. 心理師在協助創傷案主時產生的替代性復原力經驗為何?2. 替代性復原力對諮商當下或後續諮商歷程的影響為何?3. 替代性復原力對心理師投入專業工作以及個人生命之影響為何?4. 心理師所使用具正向觀點之焦點解決取向治療學派(以下簡稱 SFBT),與產生替代性復原力的關聯為何?以及 5. SFBT 心理師對出現的替代性復原力,認為有哪些是來自 SFBT的信念與技術之影響?本研究採詮釋現象學研究取向,以立意取樣邀請七位與創傷案主諮商並經驗過替代性復原力之 SFBT 心理師,以半結構的訪談大綱進行個別深度訪談,再以主題分析法進行資料分析。研究結果發現:(1)替代性復原力是:一種發生於諮商脈絡中,案主對心理師帶來的正向影響,此乃心理師同理投入於經歷創傷案主的復原故事,目睹其在創傷中仍具復原力或展現治癒能力與存活能力所致,並會引發心理師身體感受、內在情緒、態度及想法的轉化,於諮商當下或後續的歷程、於日後諮商工作與個人生活也會帶出正向改變,是一種心理師向案主學習與被賦能的歷程;並藉由心理師於諮商中向案主的表達,同時也能為案主帶來正向影響,使之信任心理師、更投入諮商、以及促進合作的諮商關係。(2)替代性復原力所帶來的正向影響包含:受訪心理師在諮商中視案主能力為治療要素、增加靈性觀點及增進臨在能力、並使案主在平等信任關係中更能談論力量與脆弱;因認同諮商價值、對諮商中的介入反應具影響力感到驕傲、以及對於能與案主同在而感恩與深感榮幸,使之更願意投入諮商工作,且認定此為一生的使命;以及其人性觀轉變為樂觀、具希望感、能正面面對生命議題、為創傷失落尋求正向意義、促使其自我照顧與減緩替代性創傷、且在面對個人困境時能做鼓勵案主所做與案主教的方法、以及珍惜與感謝生活。(3)出現替代性復原力可能相關的因素包含: 個人因素、心理師進行創傷治療工作的年資與諮商人數、諮商取向、身邊專業系統、以及案主周遭重要他人的支持。(4)替代性復原力與 SFBT 的理念有共通性,皆關注案主的復原力、正向行動、與優勢;心理師因體會到替代性復原力,印證 SFBT 信念而爾後更願意運用,發生正向循環的力量; SFBT 強調平等的諮商關係,使受訪心理師能接受來自案主的影響力;能在短期工作中看見案主成功而有效能感;此外,心理師認為多數 SFBT 諮商技術與信念,均與其出現替代性復原力有關聯。文末也提出建議與研究限制,供未來諮商心理師教育訓練、實務工作以及研究參考。
The current study aimed to investigate how Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) approach counselors experienced vicarious resilience (VR) in their counseling practices. The research questions of this study are: 1) what VR experiences emerged while the SFBT counselors worked with trauma clients? 2) how the emergence of VR influenced SFBT counselors’ practices accordingly? 3) how VR experiences influenced the SFBT counselors’ dedication to the profession and their personal lives? 4) how SFBT counselors perceived the relation between the positivity of SFBT and the emergence of VR in counseling process? 5) in which aspects the SFBT counselors perceived that the VR experience were related with SFBT beliefs and techniques? This study adopted a hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative research approach. Using purposeful sampling, seven SFBT counselors who had experienced VR during their works with trauma clients were recruited. Semi-structural in-depth interview was conducted for each participant. The method of thematic analysis was used for data analysis. The findings of study are 1) VR is induced by the SFBT counselors’ dedication, presence, and witness to trauma clients’ recovery stories, resilience, capacity of self-healing and survival over traumas in counseling processes. VR experience affected SFBT counselors’ bodily sensations, emotions, attitudes, and cognitions, which continued to positively influence SFBT counselors’ professional practices and their personal lives in a long run. VR is a reversed learning process where SFBT counselors experienced and conveyed their feelings of being empowered by their clients, and it also strengthened the working alliance and make positive impacts onto the clients. 2) VR brought positive impacts to the counselors, including to recognize clients’ personal resources to be therapeutic, to incorporate spirituality into counseling practices, to enhance the quality of the presence with their clients, and to establish an equalitarian and trustful relationship thus clients became more open to both strengths and vulnerabilities; meanwhile, counselors' professional commitments and identities of being as counselors were strengthened by clients’ positive changes. Theses SFBT counselors cultivated a sense of gratitude for companying and supporting clients, and they began to see counseling as a life-long career. Finally, counselors learned to be more positive, optimistic, and hopeful in confronting their personal life difficulties, making positive meanings to traumas and losses, resolving vicarious traumas, increasing self-cares, implementing coping strategies, and more appreciating their own lives. 3) Counselors’ personal factors, including the years they practiced trauma works, the number of clients they had seen, counseling approaches that counselor used, professional teamwork surrounding the counselors, and client’s supporting significant others, were all contributed to the emergence of VR. 4) VR shared commonalities with SFBT, including the focus on resilience, positive actions, and strength. The emergence of VR strengthened counselors beliefs in practicing SFBT, enhanced counselors’ egalitarianism, and counselors were more open to be influenced by clients. These SFBT counselors demonstrated a greater sense of efficacy for being able to help clients achieving goals within fewer sessions. Most of the interviewed counselors also perceived strong relations between using SFBT techniques and beliefs and the emergence of VR in their counseling practices. Suggestions and limitations were made for future education, training, practice, and research in the end.
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