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研究生: 陳建豪
Jian-Hao Chen
論文名稱: 綠能車用多能源補充站系統設計與實驗研究
System design and experimental assessment of multiple energy supply station for green vehicles
指導教授: 洪翊軒
Hung, Yi-Hsuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 綠色能源機電整合系統設計節能車輛多能源補充站
英文關鍵詞: green energy, mechatronics, system design, energy-saving vehicle, multi-energy supply station
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:407下載:8
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  • 本研究主要建置一套車用多能源補充站系統,建置能源有電能、高壓空氣能及氫氣能,達到一站多重能源補充機制。首先,電能系統架構設計有:快速充電、一般充電及鋰電池交換,提供使用者三種選擇機制;高壓空氣能系統架構設計有:高壓氣體充填及車用攜帶式高壓鋼瓶交換,提供使用者二種選擇機制;氫氣能系統架構設計,設有高壓氫氣鋼瓶充填、產氫機產氫充填及車用儲氫合金罐交換使用,提供使用者三種選擇機制。
    機電整合部分,設計電能控制系統與氣流系統。電能補充站控制系統有:快速充電器、一般充電器、按鈕開關、電壓及電流顯示器,接收110 ACV電源提供系統所需能源,系統中有二組快速充電及四組一般充電接頭;高壓空氣補充站系統控制有:電磁閥、壓力傳送器、流量傳送器、增壓缸及按鈕開關,提供3組高壓空氣快速充填接頭;氫能補充站系統控制有:產氫機、流量顯示器、壓力顯示器、按鈕開關及燃料電池,由100 ACV提供氫能系統元件所需之能源。

    This research mainly constructs a vehicle-used multi-energy supply system including electric energy, air energy and hydrogen energy for the purpose of providing various energy sources. First, the electric system consists of the fast charger, normal charger and exchangeable batteries for three mode selections. The high-pressure air system consists of: low-pressure air storage, pressure-boost device and the high-pressure air storage. The low-pressure air delivered to the high pressure tank via the pressure boost device. Therefore, two modes can be selected: high-pressure air supply and high-pressure tank exchange. For the hydrogen energy system, a hydrogen producer and a high-pressure hydrogen tank are provided for the hydrogen supply. Two modes are selected: hydrogen rapid supply and metal-hydride exchange.
    For the mechatronics, the electric supply station consists of 6 connections for fast/normal chargers; for the high-pressure air system, 110 ACV power is provided for the on/off of air flow. The air flow system separates into three paths with three quick connectors. For the hydrogen energy supply, the control elements receives 110 ACV for the on/off of hydrogen flow. By a switch design, users can select the supply modes.
    The station was covered with explosion-proof box. A fan was mounted for the force convection in order to avoid overheats of elements. Next, green vehicles were used for demonstration operation to proof the effect of the energy supply of the station. This research shows that it can provide multiple-type energy sources so that the number of supply stations can be reduced. The green vehicle can be easily charged for the long range mileage. The energy flow among three stations and the supervision system will be developed in the future.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言與研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 4 1.3研究方法 4 1.4研究架構 6 1.5文獻回顧 7 第二章 電能補充站設計 10 2.1電能補充站系統架構說明 11 2.2 電能補充站系統規格設計 13 2.2.1 電能補充站主體規格說明 13 2.2.2 電能補充站元件規格說明 14 2.3 電能補充站機構整合 15 2.4電能補充站系統充電控制實作 16 2.5電能充電系統實驗驗證 19 第三章 高壓空氣補充站設計 26 3.1高壓空氣補充站系統架構說明 26 3.2高壓空氣補充站系統規格設計 28 3.2.1高壓空氣補充站主體規格說明 28 3.2.2高壓空氣補充站元件規格說明 30 3.3高壓空氣補充站機構整合 34 3.4高壓空氣補充站系統控制實作 36 3.5高壓空氣充填監控 38 第四章 氫能源補充站設計 41 4.1 氫氣能源補充站系統架構說明 41 4.2氫能源補充站系統規格設計 43 4.2.1氫能源補充站主體規格說明 43 4.2.2氫能源補充站元件規格說明 45 4.3氫能源補充站機構整合 46 4.4氫能源補充站系統控制實作 48 4.5氫能源補充系統實驗驗證 51 第五章 補充站實車驗證結果與討論 55 5.1電動車輛動態測試 58 5.1.1電能補充站-實驗 63 5.1.2電能補充站-討論 64 5.2高壓空氣車輛動態測試 64 5.2.1高壓空氣補充站-結論 68 5.3氫能車輛動態測試 68 5.3.1氫能源補充站-結論 70 第六章 結論與未來工作 71 6.1 結論 71 6.2 未來工作 72 參考文獻 74 符號彙整 78

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