研究生: |
王儷蓉 Annie Li-jung Wang |
論文名稱: |
台灣鄉土小說翻譯---論黃春明與王禎和作品之可譯性及其英譯之等效問題 Translating Taiwan Nativist Fiction: On Translatability and Equivalence in the Translated Works of Huang Chun-ming and Wang Chen-ho |
指導教授: |
Lee, Ken-Fang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
翻譯研究所 Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 123 |
中文關鍵詞: | 台灣文學 、鄉土文學 、文化翻譯 、可譯性 、等效 、Eugene A. Nida |
英文關鍵詞: | Taiwan literature, nativist literature, cultural translation, translatability, correspondence (equivalence), Eugene A. Nida |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:652 下載:71 |
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台灣文學近年來蔚為顯學,英譯台灣文學於海內外亦逐漸受到重視,自一九六0年開始,國內外便陸續出現台灣文學作品的英譯本,當時許多華文文學選集皆同時收錄了黃春明、王禎和的鄉土小說。鄉土小說內容以描寫台灣本土人事物為主,頗能凸顯台灣風人文風土之特色,然而,對譯者而言,由於台灣特殊的歷史文化背景,翻譯這類作品時挑戰性十足。回顧六、七0年代,台灣最受歡迎的鄉土作家,莫過於黃春明與王禎和,其兩人之作品又多為美籍翻譯家葛浩文所譯。本論文以尤金‧奈達 (Eugene A. Nida) 的翻譯等效論(形式等效、功能等效)為基礎,以黃春明、王禎和鄉土小說英譯本為例,旨在探討台灣文學英譯的等效問題,以及譯者翻譯本土文化時所採行之策略與技巧。本文以實例分類討論黃春明、王禎和小說之英譯,評估各類譯文所傾向之等效類型。此外,針對台灣語言複雜多元的特色,本文亦論及本土文化之可譯性,並檢視不同譯者的處理方式與優缺點。最後,筆者總結台灣文學翻譯所涉問題廣泛,單以等效原則論之,尚有未竟之處,例如語言文化之特殊性,讀者對原文字意的解讀,以及字義本身的遊移不確定性,並非等效論所涉及的範圍。因此,等效僅能作為翻譯台灣文學的應用原則之一,無法兼顧所有層面。台灣文化的複雜性,導致譯者在諸多情況下,無法找到意義相符且效果對等之詞彙,而原文歷經不同的譯者以不同策略解讀後,譯本的內容也往往互有出入,這些風格、內容相異的譯本,其實便能間接帶出原作之特色與內涵,其核心精神愈經推敲愈為明確。因此同一作品若能擁有多版譯本,對於台灣文學意涵的釐清,將有正向的影響。此外,譯評不僅能鼓勵譯者,也提供了建議,對台灣文學翻譯品質的提升頗有助益。就黃、王作品而言,其英譯本零星,大多為單一譯本,而針對現有譯本所作的評論也相當少見,盼此論文有拋磚引玉之效,鼓勵更多新、舊譯者主動參與,藉由不同譯本與各類譯評的出現,互相參照,相得益彰,台灣文學多樣的面貌才得以展現在外國讀者眼前。
Taiwan literature has recently become a popular topic in academic researches, which also brings about the more emphasis addressed on translating Taiwan. Since 1960s, translations of Taiwanese literary works have started and some anthologies of Chinese literatures simultaneously selected the nativist works of both Huang Chun-ming and Wang Chen-ho. Taiwan nativist literature aims to describe the characteristics of the indigenous Taiwanese people and culture, which best elucidates the special features of the islands of Taiwan and its culture. Looking back on the 1970s, Huang Chun-ming and Wang Chen-ho are generally considered as the most popular nativist writers. Most of their works are translated by the American scholar-translator, Howard Goldblatt. Applying Nida’s principles of correspondence (formal correspondence and functional correspondence), the thesis explores the translatability and linguistic equivalences of the translated nativist fictions of Huang Chun-ming and Wang Chen-ho. It also inspects various strategies and techniques practicable in translating Taiwanese nativist culture. In the discussion, the texts of Huang’s and Wang’s nativist works are classified into categories. The strategies adopted by distinct translators and the differences of the translations are scrutinized. Besides, the problem of translatability of cultures is also an important theme in the discussion. Highlighting the hybridity of Taiwanese languages, the advantages and disadvantages of each translation by various translators are examined. After the discussion, it is concluded that the problem in translating Taiwan involves too many aspects, whether it’s history, anthropology, politics, etc. Nida’s principles of correspondence can hardly solve all these problems. For example, the existing possibilities of un-translatability in languages and cultures, the involvement of reader’s interpretations in the process of reading, and the arbitrariness of lexical meanings are out the discussion of equivalence. Therefore, the principles of correspondence serve only as one of the guidelines adoptable in translating Taiwan nativist literature. In addition, the complexity of Taiwanese culture and languages in many cases makes it so difficult for translators to find equivalents in translation because of un-translatability. Since translations vary from one another, different versions of translation may help bring about the essence of the original. In the process of re-reading and re-translating, the core issue and spirit of the original will be gradually revealed. Thus, different translated versions of Taiwan literature help clarify the content and definition of it. Besides, translation critiques provide translators with encouragements as well as advice, which gradually improves the quality of Taiwan literature in translation. Translations of the works by Wang and Huang are mostly single ones and few critiques of the available translations have been made. It would be more satisfactory if more translators engage in translating Taiwan. With the appearance of different translations and critiques, the beauty of Taiwan literature will then be more appropriately captured and objectively revealed.
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