研究生: |
徐惠美 HSU, HUI-MEI |
論文名稱: |
古埃及文物之多媒體創作-以圖坦卡門法老為例 The Creating of Multimedia Works in Old Egyptian Carvings-"Tutankhamun Pharaoh" as the Framework |
指導教授: |
Chou, Shyan-Bin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 85 |
中文關鍵詞: | 古文物 、數位的 、ART DECO 、圖坦卡門 |
英文關鍵詞: | carvings, digital, ART DECO, Tutankhamun |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:323 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
摘 要
這樣一個已經存在至少五千多年的文明,仍在歷史中繼續延伸,孕育著埃及文明的尼羅河,也仍舊澎湃清澈;而圖坦卡門法老之死因,至今仍是科學家與考古學家的熱衷議題。此法老著名的陪葬品黃金面具對Art Deco設計風格的影響很大,其以金色、白色、黑色三色為主色,對稱簡單的風格,塑造出高貴華麗的氣質,對當時的建築物設計及平面設計影響很大。
關鍵詞:古文物、數位的、ART DECO、圖坦卡門
Egypt is an old, mysterious and civilized nation. The flooded Nile river gestated Gisa pyramids, temples, realistic and geometrical carvings, and secret mummies. Till now, these great architectures and carvings are worth to explore.
It was about 3,300 years ago that the Egyptian Pharaoh-Tutankhamun died abruptly before he had time to record his feats in history. Only recently his mummy was unearthed without any blemish together with him were treasures of precious jewelry, gold, silver, etc. What fascinates people was the story behind his gold mask.
His coffin was put in a wood box of the container. It was filled in the works of art、carved statues and gold jewels. The most famous was the gold mask and the gold mummy coffin. (The coffin was made of gold which was more than 200 kg.)
The civilization which lasted at least 5, 000 years still continued to stretch in history. The Nile river gestating Egyptian civilization was still in an upsurge. The cause of Tutankhamun’s death was the main subject of discussion for the scientists and archeologists. The pharaoh’s famous mortuary objects-gold mask which had a great influence on the Art Deco style; unusually, it’s master color were gold color, white color and black color. The symmetrical and simple style molded a noble and gorgeous character. At that time, it had a great influence on the building designing and the graphic designing.
In my art works, with the gold mask of Tutankhamun to be the main shaft, I combine the historical science, art and technology to display the old Egyptian civilization in multimedia. In my idea, I want to be in the status of a historian and a designer to research the gold mask of Tutankhamun. Through the digital way, I introduce the Egyptian map, the dynasties, the building of pyramids, the coffin chamber of Tutankhamun, and books of the dead. Looking forward to introducing the mysteries of old Egyptian culture to you.
I hope the multimedia works can make the boring documents more interesting and let the spectators can enjoy and explore Egypt quickly. In the unit of the coffin chamber of Tutankhamun, I use the 3D computer animation software MAYA to create polygons, to paste textures, and to create animations. I depend on the idea of virtual museum to give old Egyptian antique new life and to reach the purpose of communicating culture which possesses of the meaning of education.
The elastic design can transform the learning material to be the value-added goods such as CD, film or digital photos. I want to create the new pattern of digital learning to provide high quality content of digital learning for the appreciation, teaching, research, and exhibition and making use of value-added popularization in the future. It would be conducive to the promotion and fulfill the e-learning plan popularized by the government.
Keywords:carvings, digital, Tutankhamun, ART DECO
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