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研究生: 丁勤
論文名稱: 文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關性探討─以華裔學習者為例
Research on Relationship between Acculturation and Ability of Reading in Mandarin for Heritage Chinese Learners
指導教授: 林振興
Lin, Jen-Shing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用華語文學系
Applied Chinese Language and Culture
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 文化涵化華語文閱讀能力文化涵化量表閱讀測驗華裔
英文關鍵詞: Acculturation, Ability of Reading in Mandarin, Acculturation Scale, Reading Test, Chinese Heritage Learner
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205422
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:513下載:31
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  • 本研究目的為針對華裔學生探討文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關性。欲瞭解文化涵化的程度,是否與華語文閱讀能力具有相關性質。在文化與二語學習研究中,包含不同受試者的背景變項。本研究由於研究對象的限制,僅針對華裔學生的性別、年齡與文化涵化程度等背景變項進行文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關性探討。


    1. 華裔學生的文化涵化程度與華語文閱讀能力呈現顯著高度相關。
    2. 華裔男學生文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關係數比華裔女學生的為高,但兩者皆為顯著。
    3. 成年華裔學生的文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力相關係數比未成年華裔學生為高,但兩者皆為顯著。
    4. 文化涵化程度低華裔學生之文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力相關係數比文化涵化程度高的華裔學生高,但兩者皆為顯著。


    The purpose of this research is to discover whether there is a relationship between acculturation and ability of reading in Mandarin for heritage Chinese learners. Although there is plentiful research demonstrating the correlation among culture, acculturation and language learning, hardly does the research explore the relationship between acculturation and Chinese language learning. Therefore, the research aims to find the association between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin for heritage Chinese learners.

    The research includes an initial evaluation, a two-month Chinese language course and a post-course evaluation. 78 heritage Chinese learners between the age of 14 and 24 participated in this research, most of whom are Australian-heritage Chinese learners. The initial and final evaluations contain the same acculturation scale and test used in the study of reading for Chinese as a foreign language. This research uses SPSS and PLS statistic analysis tools to measure the results of the study. The results discovered by this research are the following:

    I. The correlation between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin is highly related.
    II. The correlation between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin of male heritage Chinese learners is higher than female heritage learners.
    III.The correlation between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin of adult heritage Chinese learners is higher than adolescent heritage learners.
    IV. The correlation between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin of low-acculturated students is higher than high-acculturated students.

    The researcher expects that the study results will contribute to the field of Chinese teaching as foreign language and will be of use to those who would like to further develop the study of acculturation and its relationship with Chinese language skills.

    中文摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 目錄 iii 圖目錄 v 表目錄 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與限制 3 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第四節 研究問題 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 文化與外語學習 7 第二節 文化涵化 10 第三節 華語文閱讀能力測驗 17 第四節 華裔青年之華語學習特性 36 第三章 研究設計與實施 39 第一節、研究流程 39 第二節、文化涵化量表編製 44 第三節、華語文閱讀測驗編製 48 第四節、華裔青年語文研習班 50 第五節、研究對象 53 第六節、研究工具與編製 53 第七節、資料處理與分析 54 第四章 資料處理與分析 57 第一節、施測樣本 57 第二節、測驗信度與效度 58 第三節、描述性統計 65 第四節、相關分析 71 第五節、討論與分析 79 第五章 結論與建議 83 第一節、結論 83 第二節、建議 85 參考文獻 87 附錄一 97 附錄二 98 附錄三 99 附錄四 100 附錄五 102

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