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研究生: 陳淑芬
Shu-fen Chen
論文名稱: 國中生獨處能力與主觀生活壓力.身心健康之關係研究
Relationships among the Ability to be Alone, Subjective Life Stress and Mental Health of Junior High School Students
指導教授: 吳麗娟
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 國中生獨處能力主觀生活壓力身心健康
英文關鍵詞: junior high school students, the ability to be alone, subjective life stress, mental health
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:507下載:121
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  • 本研究的目的是在了解國中生(1)不同背景變項(年級、性別)在獨處相關概念(獨處空間、獨處時間、獨處方式)、獨處能力上的差異情形;(2)獨處相關概念與獨處能力的關係;(3)主觀生活壓力與身心健康的關係;(4)獨處能力與身心健康的關係;(5)主觀生活壓力、獨處能力與身心健康的關係;(6)獨處能力對於主觀生活壓力、身心健康的調節作用。
    一 不同年級國中生在獨處相關概念(獨處時間)、獨處能力上有顯著差異:三年級生獨處時間多於一年級、二年級;三年級獨處能力低於一年級、二年級。不同性別國中生在獨處相關概念(獨處方式)、獨處能力上有顯著差異:男生主要的獨處方式為電腦相關活動、看電視、想事情,女生主要的獨處方式為看電視、電腦相關活動、音樂相關活動;男生的獨處能力高於女生。
    二 不同獨處相關概念(獨處空間、獨處時間、獨處方式)與獨處能力沒有關係。
    三 國中生生活壓力、身心健康之間有顯著關係。其典型相關顯示:國中生家庭事件壓力、學校事件壓力、人際事件壓力、生長發育壓力愈大,則其身心健康方面生理症狀、焦慮和不眠症、社會功能障礙、嚴重憂鬱等狀況也愈多。另一典型相關顯示:家庭事件壓力、學校事件壓力愈少,而生長發育壓力愈大,則其身心健康方面社會功能障礙愈少,但嚴重憂鬱的狀況也愈多。
    四 國中生獨處能力、身心健康之間有顯著關係。國中生獨處因應能力愈高、獨處舒適能力愈高,則其身心健康方面生理症狀、焦慮和不眠症、社會功能障礙、嚴重憂鬱的狀況也愈少。而不同年級、性別國中生都有和上述相同的現象。
    五 國中生主觀生活壓力、獨處能力與身心健康之間有顯著關係。就全體國中生而言,當家庭事件壓力、學校事件壓力、人際事件壓力、生長發育壓力愈大,獨處因應能力愈小、獨處舒適能力愈小,則其身心健康方面生理症狀、焦慮和不眠症、社會功能障礙、嚴重憂鬱的狀況也愈多。不同年級、性別國中生都有和上述相同的現象。另外,分別從不同年級、性別分析,亦有其他不同的典型相關結構。
    六 獨處能力對於主觀生活壓力、身心健康有微調作用。不同年級、性別國中生都有相類似的微調作用。

    The purpose of the study was to investigate : (1) age and gender difference on alone concepts (alone space, alone time and activities) and the ability to be alone; (2) the relationships between alone concepts (alone space, alone time and activities) and the ability to be alone; (3) the relationships between subjective life stress and mental health; (4) the relationships between the ability to be alone and mental health; (5) the relationships among subjective life stress, the ability to be alone and mental health; (6)whether the ability to be alone buffers the relationship between subjective life stress and mental health.
    The sample consisted of 818 students from five junior high schools (ages 13-15) in Taipei. Instruments used in this study included Life Stress Scale, General Health Scale, the Ability to be Alone Scale. The main findings were as follows:
    1. There were significant age diffenences on alone concepts (alone time) and the ability to be alone: 15 year olds spent more time alone than 13 and 14 year olds, however 15 years old’s ability to be alone was lower than 13 and 14 years old’s. There were significant gender diffenences on alone concepts (activities) and the ability to be alone: The main activities for boys were playing computer, watching TV and thinking, while the main activities for girls’ were watching TV, playing computer and listening to the music. Boys’ ability to be alone was higher than girls’.
    2. The relationship among alone concepts (alone space, alone time and activities) and the ability to be alone was not significant.
    3. The subjective life stress was significantly related to mental health. The canonical function indicated when the number of family events, school events, interpersonal events and psychophysical developments were higher, then the somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and depression was more serious. The other canonical function indicated that when the number of family and school events were lower and the number of psychophysical developments were higher, then the social dysfunction was lower, but depression was more evident.
    4. The ability to be alone was significantly related to mental health. The canonical function indicated when solitary coping ability and solitary comfortable ability were higher, then the somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and severe depression were lower. Different age and gender samples had above-mentioned similar canonical functions.
    5. The subjective life stress and the ability to be alone were significantly related to mental health. The canonical function indicated when the number of family events, school events, interpersonal events and psychophysical developments were lower, and solitary coping ability and solitary comfortable ability were lower, then the somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and depression were more evident. Different age and gender samples had similar canonical function. When we respectively analyzed different age and gender samples, we fond there were other different canonical functions.
    6. The ability to be alone had a small buffering effect on the relationship between subjective life stress and mental health. Different age and gender samples displayed similar buffering effects.
    The study indicated that the ability to be alone is related to mental health and the ability to be alone can moderate the impact the relationship between subjective life stress and mental health. Finally, implication of study for guidance of adolescence, education of parents, and future research were discussed.

    第一章 緒論01 第一節 研究動機與目的01 第二節 研究問題與假設05 第三節 名詞釋義06 第二章 文獻探討07 第一節 獨處能力的相關文獻07 第二節 生活壓力的相關文獻34 第三節 生活壓力與身心健康的關係38 第三章 研究方法44 第一節 研究架構44 第二節 研究對象45 第三節 研究工具47 第四章 研究結果與討論55 第一節 不同背景變項在獨處相關概念、獨處能力的差異情形55 第二節 獨處相關概念與獨處能力的關係64 第三節 主觀生活壓力與身心健康的關係68 第四節 獨處能力與身心健康的關係76 第五節 主觀生活壓力、獨處能力與身心健康的關係88 第六節 獨處能力對於主觀生活壓力、身心健康的調節作用119 第五章 結論與建議130 第一節 結論130 第二節 建議133 參考文獻 一中文部分139 二英文部分143 附錄一 本研究所使用之研究工具153 附錄二 研究工具使用同意書157

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