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研究生: 謝雁茹
Yen-ju Joy Hsieh
論文名稱: 論客語的否定詞與疑問句
On Negation and Interrogatives in Hakka
指導教授: 吳曉虹
Wu, Hsiao-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 客語疑問句否定詞正反問句
英文關鍵詞: Hakka, Interrogatives, Negation, A-not-A questions
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:282下載:28
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  • 本研究主要著重在兩種句末否定詞的問句(VP-NEG questions),分別是當句末否定詞為mo或是mang的句構,藉由呈現客語VP-mo問句和中文正反問句的相同處(短語答句、副詞、語氣詞、能產度、中性問句),我主張客語的VP-mo問句其實就是我們所謂的正反問句,有鑒於這些相同處,我承接了黃(1991)在對中文正反問句的分析時所提出疑問曲折詞組(Interrogative INFL)的抽象概念,我認為VP-mo問句中的mo其實就是疑問曲折詞組的體現。在這樣的分析之下,我提出客語VP-mo問句的形成歷經了兩個階段,首先,否定詞mo歷經了NEG-I-C的位移,再者IP會整個移位到CP spcifier而得到疑問的語意。這樣的分析也適用於分析VP-mang問句的形成,雖然VP-mang不屬於正反問句,但由於mang自身就帶有時貌的語意,進而驅使了否定詞mang歷經NEG-I-C的位移。

    另外,此研究也重新檢視了前人對客語疑問句的分類,我認為前人的觀察中,有三項是需要修正的,第一,客語句末的mo不應等同於中文句末的’嗎’,更進一步的說客語句末mo疑問句不應該被歸類為語助詞問句,因為真正的語助詞問句應該要可以跟否定詞一起出現;第二,我證明客語A-ya-m-A的句構不該被視為正反問句,因為A-ya-m-A不受限於孤島約束而且它的正向結構(A)和反向結構(not-A)是可以互換的;第三,我提出[you......mo]被視為正反問句的真正原因是因為mo為疑問曲折詞組的體現,並不是因為you和mo分別擔任A 和not-A的角色,證據來自於在[you......mo]這樣的問句中,省略you並不會改變疑問的語意,這點和中文的正反問句完全不同,因為省略正向結構(A)或反向結構(not-A)都會使得原來的句子喪失疑問的語意。

    This study focuses on two kinds of VP-NEG questions in Hakka, VP-mo questions and VP-mang questions. I argue that Hakka VP-mo question is a type of A-not-A question by demonstrating the affinities between Hakka VP-mo questions and Mandarin A-not-A questions (fragment answer, adverbs, particles, productivity, and neutral questions). Granted these similarities, I claim that mo is the overt realization of the A-not-A morpheme embedded under the interrogative INFL node in the spirit of Huang’s (1991) Modularity approach. In this way, I propose that Hakka VP-mo questions are formed by two steps. First, the negator mo undergoes NEG-I-C movement. Then the remaining IP is moved to the spec of CP for forming questions. This analysis can also apply to VP-mang questions. Though VP-mang question is not a type of A-not-A question, the negator mang inherently bears aspectual meaning, which serves as a motivation of NEG-I-C movement.

    I also re-evaluate previous classification of Hakka interrogatives. In this study, three kinds of mistaken ideas are modified. First, I show that Hakka sentence final mo is not equal to Mandarin ma. Thus, statements with mo in the sentence final position should not be viewed as particle questions because a true particle question is compatible with negators. Second, I demonstrate that A-ya-m-A questions actually belong to alternative questions because they are free from island constraints and the order of the positive and negative element can be exchanged. Third, I discuss the inherent reason why [you......mo] construction noted in the previous literature can be treated as A-not-A questions. I demonstrate that you is not obligatory in [you......mo] construction, contrary to Mandarin A-not-A questions in which the A part and not-A part should co-exist. Absence of either A part or not-A part will convert the questions into a declarative sentence.

    摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Main goals 3 1.3 The Language 3 1.4 Structure of this thesis 5 Chapter 2 VP-NEG Questions and A-not-A Questions 2.1 Overview 6 2.2 The data 6 2.2.1 Similarities 7 2.2.2 Differences 9 2.3 Previous studies on VP-NEG questions 12 2.3.1 Movement Analysis: Cheng, Huang and Tang (1996) 13 2.3.2 Ellipsis Analyses 16 Hsieh (2001) 17 Li (2006) 19 R. Huang (2008) 22 2.3.3 Remarks on previous analyses 3 2.3.4 Summary 25 2.4 Affinity between VP-mo questions and A-not-A questions26 2.4.1 Fragment answers 27 2.4.2 Co-occurrence with Adverbs 28 2.4.3 Co-occurrence with Particles 29 2.4.4 Productivity 30 2.4.5 Neutral questions 32 2.5 Proposal 33 2.5.1 Huang (1991): Interrogative INFL 34 2.5.2 Negation as a synthetic character 38 2.5.3 Main Claim: NEG-I-C Movement 40 2.5.4 Mo preferred over Kam 43 2.6 Negation mang 44 2.6.1 Syntactic distribution and Semantic properties 44 2.6.2 Previous studies on Hakka mang 47 2.6.3 Deriving VP-mang questions 48 2.7 Summary 49 Chapter 3 Classification of Hakka interrogatives 3.1 Overview 51 3.2 Previous Classification of Hakka interrogatives 52 3.3 Genuine Particle questions 55 3.4 Genuine A-not-A questions 56 3.4.1 A-ya-m-A≠A-not-A 56 3.4.2 you……mo≠A……not-A 60 3.5 Tone Sandhi 62 3.6 Summary 65 Chapter 4 Conclusion 4.1 Summary 66 4.2 Remaining issues 67 References 69

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