簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 許嘉玲
Chia-Ling Bonnie Hsu
論文名稱: 探索高雄都會公園義務服務員之學習及其影響因素
A Explore Research: The Learning of the Volunteers in Kaohsing Metroploitan Park and it's Revelant Factors
指導教授: 王順美
Wang, Shun-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 216
中文關鍵詞: 高雄都會公園義工(義務服務員)成人學習社會化非正規環境教育環境素養
英文關鍵詞: Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park (KMP), Volunteers, Adult Learning, Socialization, Nonformal Environmental Education, Environmental Literacy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:485下載:0
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  • 摘 要



    The environmental educational characteristics and goals of Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park (KMP) need support from volunteers to carry out. The well trained volunteers, therefore, help increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Environmental Education (EE) in KMP . The learning of the volunteers in KMP is then examined this research. The goal of this explore study is to understand the learning of the volunteers in KMP, and the factors relevant to their learning.
    In this study, the anthropology (naturalistic inquiry) is used as the research method. Using interview guide approach as the data collecting method, the guideline of the interview emerges from the observational insight of the training and serving of the volunteers in KMP. The collected research data is analyzed through the inductive analysis approach.
    The findings of this study are that some personal and environmental characteristics and the learning content would influence the learning of the volunteers in KMP. They are (1) their readiness to learn, (2) their learning characteristics, (3) the environmental characteristics of KMP, and(4) the planning of the volunteers training program.
    In addition, (1)the organizational characteristics of KMP, (2)the jobs taken part in by the volunteers, and (3)the learning peers in and the characteristics of KMP Volunteer Association all effect the commitment of the volunteers and their willingness to learn. Moreover, (4)the lack of human resources in the KMP and the KMP Volunteer Association, and the limited administration power of KMP and time of the volunteers are all the limiting factors of the organizational development.
    According to the findings, it is suggested that the supervisors should be aware of the learning characteristics of the volunteers. The KMP Volunteer Association should also try to work out their own training programs and increase the interaction among the volunteers to develop continued commitment. For the future researchers, I suggest them design a study on the learning and training of the interpretation ability of the volunteers.

    內容目次 第一章 緒論 壹、研究動機.................…............................................1 貳、研究目的.................................................................2 參、研究問題.................................................................4 肆、研究對象………………………………………….4 伍、名詞解釋.................................................................5 第二章 個案介紹 第一節 高雄都會公園...............................................7 第二節 高雄都會公園義務服務員….................... 18 第三章 文獻探討...........................................................…......23 第一節 義工之相關理論.........................................24 第二節 義工的學習…….........................................30 第三節 義工的社會化過程與影響因子.................38 第四節 公園情境提供之學習功能.........................43 第四章 研究方法與歷程 壹、人種誌研究法..................….................................49貳、資料收集...............................................................52 參、資料分析...............................................................57 肆、資料檢核...............................................................58 伍、研究者之角色定位與團體的關係.......................59 陸、研究歷程及其階段性...........................................61 柒、研究階段性及其重點...........................................66 捌、研究限制…………………………………………71 第五章 高雄都會公園義務服務員之學習特質與成效....….75 第一節 高雄都會公園義務服務員之個人特質.....77 第二節 高雄都會公園義務服務員之學習特色.....91 第三節 高雄都會公園環境特色對義務服務員之 影響............................................................103 第四節 高雄都會公園義務服務員對培訓課程之學習與期許...................................................116 第六章 影響高雄都會公園義務服務員參與學習服務工作 之相關因素...............................................…............127 第一節 高雄都會公園管理站之特色與運作現況對義務服務員之影響....................................128 第二節 高雄都會公園義務服務工作執行現況對義務服務員之影響........................................139 第三節 高雄都會公園義務服務員聯誼會之運作對義務服務員之影響....................................145 第四節 阻礙高雄都會公園義務服務員參與學習服務工作之因素............................................163 第七章 研究結論與建議 第一節 研究結論..........................….....................173 第二節 研究建議.............................…..................176 研究後記.........................................................….................….185 參考文獻...................................................................................189 附錄 附錄一 研究初期之研究設計理念.........…..................193 附錄二 研究記事......................................….................199 附錄三 高雄都會公園植栽之特色...............................201 附錄四 高雄都會公園第二期義務服務員 講習課程表………………………………….203 附錄五 高雄都會公園義務服務員服務內容...............207 附錄六 訪談大綱與訪談檢核表...................................209 附錄七 茄苳與遊客的對話記錄.................…..............215 圖目錄 圖一 高雄都會公園位置圖…….……………….……………..8 圖二 高雄都會公園構想圖……………………..…………….11 圖三 高雄都會公園經營管理體系圖............….......................13 圖四 高雄都會公園任務編組圖..................….........................14 圖五 經驗學習圖.............……...................…...............….…...38 圖六 自然研究流程圖..............................…......................…...49 圖七 義務服務員服勤點數統計圖……………….……….….54 圖八 受訪者服勤點數統計圖……….…………………….….55 圖九 高雄都會公園第二期義務服務員年齡分佈圖....….......80 圖十 高雄都會公園義務服務員服務內容分析圖..................140 表目錄 表一 高雄都會公園義務服務員基本資料……………….…...18 表二 實證主義與自然主義典範(人種誌研究)之比較.…...51 表三 高雄都會公園展示室展示內容..................…................113


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