研究生: |
張嘉雯 Chang Jia-wen |
論文名稱: |
高中英詩教學:美術班英詩教學活動之研究 Teaching English Poetry in Senior High School: A Case Study of Art Students |
指導教授: |
Chuang, Kun-Liang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 135 |
中文關鍵詞: | 英詩教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | teaching english poetry |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:223 下載:32 |
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1. 研究中的教學活動提昇了學生對英詩的興趣,該班大部分學生表示閱讀英詩啟發他們作深度思考並提升對西方文化的了解。
2. 大部分的學生表示英詩教學活動對增進英文能力有幫助,尤其是在閱讀能力方面。
3. 大部分學生喜歡或感受深刻的英詩,是與他們生活經驗有關的,或是有關西方文化的內容。
4. 大部分學生對本研究的英詩教學活動抱持肯定的態度,他們表示這些活動幫助他們理解英詩,此外,學生們認為教室的學習氣氛愉快且教室佈告欄與寫學習單提供他們更多學習英詩的機會。
5. 大部分學生表示生字是他們在閱讀英詩時遇到最大的困難,絕大部分的學生會以查字典或請教老師同學的方式解決。
6. 大部分學生肯定學習單及畫出心中的英詩,能幫助自己反省學習過程。
1. 高中英語教師可以將符合學生興趣及程度的英詩納入日常的英語課程中。
2. 高中英語教師可以透過設計活動及學習單來提升學生對英詩學習的理解與認同。
3. 高中英語教師可以為學生營造依各有利的英詩學習環境,結合學生的專長與優點,幫助學生融入英詩的學習。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of poetry teaching in senior high school. Specifically, the students’ attitude toward poetry reading and writing, their growth of the four language skills, and their responses to the poetry classes were investigated.
Thirty first graders of I-lan Senior High School in I-lan County were recruited in this study. Data were collected from the researcher’s observation records, students’ questionnaires, interviews and worksheets. Based on the analyses of both quantitative and qualitative data, the findings of the study are as follows:
1. The activities in this study helped motivate the art students to learn English poems. Most of them became more interested in English poems at the end of the study.
2. Most of the art students confirmed that their four language skills improved after the project.
3. The poems that most students took interest in were related to their lives or about western cultures.
4. Most of the students held positive attitudes toward the activities in poetry classes. They revealed that the activities helped them understand the poems better. Moreover, they thought the classroom atmosphere was pleasant, and the classroom bulletin board provided them with more learning opportunities.
5. Most students in this project considered the biggest problem they encountered in reading poems was that they had small vocabulary. Most of them would consult the dictionary or the teacher to solve the problem.
6. Most of the students thought the worksheets could help them reflect on their learning process.
Based on the study findings, it is suggested that the English teachers in senior high schools bring English poems into reading curricula. Additionally, English teachers can implement well-designed activities and worksheets to enhance students’ English reading comprehension of poetry. Finally, English teachers can try their best to create a favorable and friendly environment for students to immerse themselves in English poetry learning as well as incorporating students’ talents or strengths with their poetry learning. Though there is still a lot to be desired in this study, the results of this project provide English teachers with confidence and confirmation that it is possible and it helps to apply poetry lessons in the instruction of English in senior high schools in Taiwan.
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The Teaching of English Poetry to Students whose Native Language is not English
BOTTRALL ELT J.1953; VIII: 39-44.