研究生: |
黎曉安 Li Hsiao-An |
論文名稱: |
檔案評量策略在視覺藝術課程實施之探討 An Investigation Of Portfolio Assessment Strategies On The Implementation Of Visual Art Curriculum |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chiung-Hua 王國川 Wang, Kuo-Chang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 297 |
中文關鍵詞: | 檔案評量 、評量策略 、視覺藝術課程 |
英文關鍵詞: | portfolio assessment, assessment strategy, visual art curriculum |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:454 下載:59 |
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An Investigation of Portfolio Assessment Strategies on The Implementation of Visual Art Curriculum
The main purpose of this research is to investigate on the application of portfolio assessment strategies on a visual art curriculum. The action research method is adopted to design a issue-type curriculum and in addition, portfolio assessment strategies are developed. Observation will be conducted on whether they can help students to achieve learning goals of the course and to establish the ability to think and to criticize. Furthermore, this research also wishes to clarify what types of student learning the portfolio assessment can provide. Based on the analysis and discussion of this study, the conclusions are as follows:
1. Portfolio assessment strategies can effectively help
students to achieve learning goals of the course.
Through implementation of systemized and structural portfolio assessment strategies, they can effectively help students to achieve the goals of the course.
2. Portfolio assessment strategies can help students to learn
the ability of thinking and criticism.
The portfolio assessment strategies of this research are mainly the learning-task journal pages and the self-evaluation feedback form. For the design of the learning-task journal pages, in the initial stage will utilize a stronger leading learning questions. In addition, at the same time, the assessment standards of that learning-task journal pages are emphasized. After a few weeks of training and requirement, slowly student can grasp the rules of analysis and judgment and can also learn the attitude of suspicion.
3. Portfolio assessment strategies can provide information for
student learning
As portfolio assessment strategies can make use of portfolios to collect all information in the course of learning, therefore they can grasp the information of overall learning of students. Not only they can provide the learning performance of students in a certain period, they can also show the change in the course of student learning. If appropriate method is utilized, it can even provide information on the learning type of students.
4. Assessment strategies should be correspond with the goals of
visual art curriculums
During development of the goals of the curriculums and teaching activities, consideration should be given to the aspect on what students want to learn? What should we teach them? Once there are clear goals and teaching activities, a substantial and systemized assessment strategy can be developed.
5. Student answer types can be utilized to supplement the
establishment of assessment standards
Establishment of assessment standards should correspond with the goals of the curriculums. In addition, in order to avoid negligence, the student learning performance results and the types of answers can be utilized to compare and adjust the draft assessment standards. These might be different due to different teaching targets and classes. Therefore assessment standards should be adjusted at any time in order to provide the most accurate learning information.
According to the discovery in the above research, the researcher presents the following suggestions on visual art portfolio assessment:
(1) Clarify course goals: Each goal of curriculum should only
cover a single concept or a concept of pure similar type.
(2) Construction of assessment standards: First the concrete
concept is standardized, and then the abstract concept will
be re-defined and standardized. Then progressively, the
assessment standards can be formulated.
(3) Student learning process: Make good use of portfolios and
portfolio assessment strategies to collect all information
of the learning process of students.
Suggestions for future researches:
(1) Assessment strategy can concurrently take care both the
spirit of multi- assessment and objectiveness.
(2) Student answer types can be utilized to supplement the
establishment of assessment standard.
(3) Teacher should contemplate how to handle the problem of non-
submission of homework.
(4) Should the assessment standards be explained to the
(5) Inspection should be conducted on the goals of all
(6) Consideration should be given to the fairness of group
Key word: portfolio assessment, assessment strategy, visual art curriculum
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