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研究生: 許瑞容
Hsu, Ray-rong
論文名稱: 英文對話週記和引導式寫作對台灣高中生英文寫作能力與寫作焦慮之影響
A Study of the Effects of Dialogue Journal Writing and Guided Writing on Taiwanese High School Students' Writing Proficiency and Writing Apprehension
指導教授: 馮和平
Feng, Ho-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 英文對話週記引導式寫作寫作能力寫作焦慮
英文關鍵詞: dialogue journal writing, guided writing, writing proficiency, writing apprehension
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:558下載:82
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  • 本研究旨在探討英文對話週記與引導式寫作對於台灣高中生英文寫作能力與寫作焦慮之影響。研究時間為16週,參與對象為國立岡山高中一年級的兩班學生。兩班各分別為對話週記組與引導寫作組,共70位學生。對話週記組的學生與老師進行對話週記寫作活動,而引導寫作組的學生在課堂中接受英文作文架構的講解,並被要求模仿課本範文的架構,撰寫英文短文。所有參與的學生在活動前後各撰寫一篇英文作文作為前後測。活動前,並填寫一份個人背景資料問卷和寫作焦慮量表;活動後,再填寫一份活動評量表以了解學生對這兩項寫作活動的看法,和另一份寫作焦慮量表。

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dialogue journal writing and guided writing on the writing proficiency and writing apprehension of EFL senior high school students in Taiwan. The study lasted for 16 weeks and included two classes of first-year senior high school students in National Kangshan Senior High School in Kaohsiung County. One class, designated as the dialogue journal group, was engaged in a dialogue journal writing activity; the other class, designated as the guided writing group, received explicit instruction on organization and wrote compositions by imitating the organization of the model texts. All the participants took a writing pre-test and a post-test. Besides, they responded to a background information questionnaire and a pre-Second Language Writing Apprehension Tests at the beginning of the study, and completed a post-Second Language Writing Apprehension Test and an evaluation questionnaire at the end of the study.
    The results showed that both groups improved significantly in their writing proficiency. No significant difference was found in the improvement of the participants’ writing performance between the two groups, but the guided writing group’s progress was bigger than that of the dialogue journal group. Both groups’ writing apprehension also decreased at the end of the study. However, the dialogue journal writing was found significantly more effective in reducing students’ writing apprehension. Since both dialogue journal writing and guided writing were able to help improve students’ writing proficiency and reduce their writing apprehension, it was recommended that EFL writing teachers implement these two writing practices based on students’ needs and the course objectives in their English courses.

    中文摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURE ix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions 2 Definition of Terms 3 Significance of the Study 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 An Overview of ESL Writing Instruction 7 Form-focused Writing Instruction 9 Kaplan’s Theory of Contrastive Rhetoric 10 The Use of Model Texts 11 Using Model Texts without Explicit Instruction 12 Using Model Texts with Text Organization Instruction 13 Meaning-focused Writing Instruction 15 Expressive Writing 16 Dialogue Journal Writing 17 Effects of Dialogue Journals on Writing 19 Studies outside the Context of Taiwan 19 Studies in Taiwan 22 Writing Fluency 25 Definition of Writing Fluency 25 Measurement of Writing Fluency 26 Writing Apprehension 27 Sources of Writing Apprehension 29 Suggestions for Alleviating Writing Apprehension 31 Summary 34 CHAPTER THREE METHOD 36 Research Design 36 The Setting 37 Participants 38 Writing Instruction and Writing Practices 39 Classroom Instruction 39 Writing Practice for the Guided Writing Group 40 Writing Practice for the Dialogue Journal Group 42 Data Collection Procedures 42 Instruments 44 Composition Rating Scale 44 Questionnaires 47 Background Information Questionnaire 47 Second Language Writing Apprehension Test 48 Evaluation Questionnaires 49 Data Sources and Data Analysis 49 Analysis of Compositions 50 Analysis of Questionnaires 51 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 53 Results 53 Analysis of Compositions 53 Analysis of Questionnaire Data 59 Results of Participants’ Responses to the Background Information Questionnaire 59 Results of Participants’ Responses to the Second Language Writing Apprehension Test 61 Results of Participants’ Responses to the Evaluation Questionnaire 63 Discussion 72 Dialogue Journal Group’s Writing Improvement Between the Pre- and Post-tests 73 Guided Writing Group’s Writing Improvement Between the Pre- and Post-tests 74 Comparison of Participants’ Writing Improvement Between Two Groups 74 Comparison of Participants’ Writing Apprehension 78 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONS 80 Summary of Major Findings 80 Effects of Writing Practices on Students’ Writing 80 Effect of Writing Practices on Students’ Writing Apprehension 82 Other Important Findings 83 Pedagogical Implications 84 Limitations of the Study 87 Suggestions for Future Research 88 REFERENCES 91 APPENDICES 101 Appendix A Teaching Material for the Guided Writing Group 101 Appendix B Structure Guidelines for Composition (A sample) 102 Appendix C List of Topics for the Guided Writing Group 103 Appendix D List of Topics for Journals 104 Appendix E A Student Sample of the Guided Writing Practices (Draft) 105 Appendix F A Student Sample of the Guided Writing Practices (Revision) 106 Appendix G A Student Sample of the Dialogue Journal Writing 107 Appendix H Background Information Questionnaire 109 Appendix I Second Language Writing Apprehension Test 110 Appendix J Evaluation Questionnaire for the Guided Writing Group 111 Appendix K Evaluation Questionnaire for the Dialogue Journal Group 112 Appendix L In-class Writing: Pre-test 113 Appendix M In-class Writing: Post-test 114 Appendix N Composition Grading Criteria and Guidelines 115

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