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研究生: 許昱萱
Hsu, Yu-Syuan
論文名稱: 圖像式視覺輔助對第二語言閱讀理解之成效:一個後設分析之研究
Effects of Pictorial Visual Support in L2 Reading Comprehension: A Meta-analysis
指導教授: 朱錫琴
Chu, Hsi-Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 第二語言習得閱讀理解圖像式視覺輔助後設分析
英文關鍵詞: second language acquisition, reading comprehension, pictorial visual support, meta-analysis
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900185
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:372下載:7
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  • 本篇論文主旨在透過後設分析法(meta-analysis)整合歷年來圖像式視覺輔助對第二語言閱讀理解成效之相關研究,探討整體效果及不同研究特徵(研究對象、文本、評量、實驗設計及出版特徵)對整體圖像式視覺輔助於閱讀理解之影響。本篇研究作為第一個針對第二語言閱讀來探討圖像式視覺輔助之成效具有其重要性,並藉由實施更嚴謹的子研究篩選機制及研究分析方法,對先前相關的第一語言閱讀的後設分析研究進行更新及補強。為此,本論文囊括15篇自1993到2006年間之相關文獻,並從其中識別九個影響變項。結果顯示圖像式視覺輔助能增進第二語言閱讀理解之整體學習成效,尤其大學生及低英語能力學習者更能藉由圖像式視覺輔助增進其第二語言閱讀理解之成效。就應用圖像式視覺輔助的文本類型而言,相較於說明文文本,敘事文本是更好的選擇。除此,老師及研究員應使用讀者產出式的測驗模式,例如回憶文本和推論測驗,以利測出其閱讀理解增進之成效。

    The present study meta-analyzed existing empirical studies related to the effects of pictorial visual supports in second language (L2) reading comprehension and the moderating effects of some learner, text, measurement, design, and publication variables. The present study has its significance as the first meta-analysis on the effectiveness of pictorial visual supports in L2 reading, and update and complement the previous existing meta-analytic studies in first language (L1) reading by establishing a more comprehensive set of inclusion and exclusion criteria and performing a series of methodological moves. To this end, all 15 primary studies between 1993 and 2006 were retrieved and coded for nine moderator variables. The results showed a medium overall effect of pictorial visual supports in L2 reading comprehension. University-level learners and low-level proficiency learners can benefit most from pictorial visual supports. With regard to the text genre to apply pictorial visual supports, narrative texts would be the better option than expository texts. In order to fully assess the reading gains, teachers and researchers are suggested to employ measurement of the productive type such as recall and inference tasks for learners.

    中文摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Theories about Visual Effect 2 Effects of Pictorial Visual Support 3 Factors Influencing Effects of Pictorial Visual Support 7 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions 10 Significance of the Present Study 12 Definition of Key Terms 13 Picture 13 Comic strip 13 Comprehension 13 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 15 Theoretical Background 15 Dual Coding Theory 15 Mental Model Theory 19 Empirical Studies on Pictorial Visual Support in Reading 21 Studies on Effects of Pictorial Visual Support on L1 Reading 21 Studies on Effects of Pictorial Visual Support on L2 Reading 24 Studies on Moderator Effects of Pictorial Visual Support on L2 Reading 28 Meta-Analyses Related to Pictorial Visual Support in Reading 31 Variables 40 Learner Variables 41 Text Variables 43 Measurement Variable 44 Design Variable 44 Publication Variable 45 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 46 Identifying Primary Studies 46 Inclusion/ Exclusion Criteria 47 Coding 50 Study Characteristics 50 Subgroups Based on Moderator Variables 51 Extraction for Effect Sizes 56 Analysis and Interpretation of Effect Size Data 58 Publication Bias 58 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 60 Research Synthesis 60 Quantitative Analysis 63 The Effects of Pictorial Visual Support in L2 Reading Comprehension 63 Moderator Variables 63 Proficiency Level 65 Education Level 65 L1 Writing System 70 Type of Pictorial Visual Support 70 Text Length 70 Text Genre 71 Measurement Type 71 Type of Experimental Design 71 Publication Type 72 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS 73 Discussion 73 Effect of pictorial visual supports on L2 reading comprehension 74 Effects of different types of pictorial visual support on L2 reading comprehension 77 Moderating variables that affect the effects of pictorial visual support 78 Moderating variables that do not affect the effects of pictorial visual support 82 Implications 85 Pedagogical Implications 86 Implications for Future Study 88 REFERENCES 89 APPENDIX A: Study characteristics 110 APPENDIX B: Classifications of studies by moderator variables (learner variables and text variables) 111 APPENDIX C: Classifications of studies by moderator variables (measurement, design and publication variables) 112

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