研究生: |
蓋允萍 Yun-Ping Ge |
論文名稱: |
跨領域個案班級中師生互動的話語類型與過程技能教學的分析研究 An Analysis of Discourse Patterns and Process-Skill Teaching in a Case Study of Interdisciplinary Teacher-Student Interaction |
指導教授: |
Yang, Wen-Gin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 183 |
中文關鍵詞: | 師生互動 、話語類型 、過程技能 、統整課程 |
英文關鍵詞: | teacher-student interaction, discourse pattern, process skill, interdisciplinary curriculum |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:409 下載:52 |
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研究分析所運用的話語編碼有四:引發對方回應的話語編碼為I,回應編為R,評論則為E,宣稱訊息為A。結果顯示,個案班級的話語類型共可分為兩大類,第一類是由教師引發的話語類型,依據話語編碼出現的規律,可再分成八種,分別是IRE,IRE,IRIE,IREA,IRsRtEs,AIRE ,ARnE,以及 IRnIRE;第二類是由學生所引發的話語類型,依照學生的意向可再分為主動引發的模式,以及在無意間引發的偶發事件等兩種。其中IRE最為普遍,除了ARnE及 IRnIRE之外,其餘的話語類型皆普遍地分佈在三領域中,只是分佈的頻率並不相同,並會隨著時間而有所不同。由學生引發的話語類型多集中在少數幾位學生身上,其成功率會隨著時間而增加,代表學生學會在情境裡說話。
Based on the sociological perspectives, both science and Mathematics are socially constituted practices through communication and negotiation among the members of community. Similar with this idea, Vygotskian learning theory recognizes the interaction between teacher and students benefits the knowledge construction in the classroom. Meanwhile, our recent educational reform tends to have interdisciplinary curriculum in elementary school level. The environment offers this case study to examine how teacher and pupils interact across Mandarin, Mathematical and Life Science lessons. Adopting ethnographical methodology, we intend to observe a first-grade classroom in a natural setting to find their discourse patterns and ways of applying process skills.
Four codes are employed in our analysis when dealing with the interaction corpus. I is initiation, R is response, E is evaluation, and A is announcement. The classification of discourse patterns results in two categories: the first one is for those initiated by teacher, while the second is initiated by students. The teacher-initiated discourse patterns can be further divided into eight subcategoies according to the patterns revealed by the codes. They are IRE, IRE, IRIE, IREA, IRsRtEs, AIRE, ARnE, and IRnIRE. However, intended events and contingent events are the only two models subordinate under the student-initiated category. Among all those models, IRE is the most prevalent; the others are distributed differently in these three kinds of lessons except ARnE and IRsRtEs. The distribution varies not only from models to models but also from time to time. Most of the intended events are initiated by very few of the students. And their initiations can be more easily accepted in the later months of the first semester. It indicates that the students have learned how and when to speak in the context of the class organization.
The comparison of pedagogical application of process skills shows that communicating, observing, classifying, and inferring are the most common inquiry skills across the three kinds of lessons. Some teaching similarities are shared among the lessons, while eight variations are due to explicit or implicit applications of these skills in the class. They are participant structure; participation structure; time distribution; ways of sensation; the objective of interactions; cognition levels; implementation order; and practice patterns.
Pedagogically, our results suggest teacher reduce the evaluation turn which might create more opportunity and room for students to talk publicly. Teacher can also try the assigning competence to encourage middle or low status students to utter in the class. We hope our interdisciplinary curriculum can provide more problem solving contexts to facilitate students the ability of applying process skills as a strategy. Finally, investigating what the discourse patterns are from the students-students interaction and group interaction, even their interrelationships, are expected for the further study.
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