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研究生: 張紫庭
Chang Tzu-Ting
論文名稱: 我國大學就學貸款制度執行之研究-以國立臺灣師範大學為例
The Study on the Implementation for Student loan system of University in Taiwan
指導教授: 黃人傑
Huang, Jen-Jei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 181
中文關鍵詞: 就學貸款成本效益分析補貼利息逾期放款
英文關鍵詞: Student loan, Cost-Benefit Analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:574下載:58
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  • 本研究以國立台灣師範大學為個案,研究目的在於探討國立台灣師範大學就學貸款制度執行,影響過程的變數,並就制度執行與制度影響兩個面向提供高中以上就學貸款制度執行成果,研究一個較為完整的架構。
    第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與相關文獻回顧、研究目的、 重要概念及法令規定、 理論基礎與分析架構、 研究方法、研究範圍與研究限制及章節安排。
    第二章為現況的檢討及分析首先說明就學貸款的定義與制度執行問題的癥結與重大變化原因、 就學貸款制度執行之目的及其法令依據、 就學貸款制度執行之執行機關與就學貸款制度執行制度之檢討、就學貸款制度之執行情形及其自我研究並提出本研究之架構。

    This research take National Taiwan Normal University as a document, the research goal lies in discussion National Taiwan Normal University to go to school the loan system execution, affects the process the variable, and affects two on the system execution and the system face to provide above the high school to go to school the loan system to carry out the achievement, studies a more complete overhead construction.
    This research method picks the literature analysis, the questionnaire survey and the depth talk three methods. Scope of the research goes to school the loan system implementation take National Taiwan Normal University and the achievement research as the discussion center of gravity, on the one hand the discussion influence implementation variable studies goes to school the loan system execution; On the other hand discusses the research standard to weigh goes to school the loan system execution achievements. This article altogether is divided six chapters, the chapter arrangement and the content essence tells in brief as follows:
    First chapter is the introduction, the explanation research motive and the correlation literature review, the research goal, the important concept and the law stipulation, the rationale and the analysis overhead construction, the research technique, the research scope and the research limit and the chapter arrangement.
    Second chapter for present situation self-criticism and the analysis first explained goes to school the loan definition and the system carries out the question in with the tremendous reason for change, goes to school goal of and its the law basis the loan system execution, goes to school execution institution the loan system execution with to go to school the loan system to carry out self-criticism the system, to go to school the loan system to carry out the situation and its oneself to study and proposes overhead construction of the this research.
    Third chapter is the influence carries out analysis system question characteristic the factor to the system execution influence, system itself meets the requirement to outside the system execution influence, system itself the condition to the system execution influence.
    Fourth chapter goes to school analysis the loan implementation for National Taiwan Normal University. First explained National Taiwan Normal University goes to school discussion the loan, explained National Taiwan Normal University goes to school the loan current survey and its goes to school the loan background, the quantity, hopes the scenery, explained in addition National Taiwan Normal University accepts goes to school the process condition which the loan, all previous years comes. Goes to school analysis the loan implementation for National Taiwan Normal University, analysis National Taiwan Normal University goes to school the loan influence variable, next is National Taiwan Normal University goes to school in the loan process, the execution is winds the change factor and the system content factor discussion.
    Fifth chapter goes to school the loan for National Taiwan Normal University to carry out research the achievement, first explained National Taiwan Normal University goes to school the loan achievement and the research standard of if operationally defines, in addition by five research standards: The goal achieves, the cost benefit, exterior nature, fairness and the specific community (student, guardian, enforcement agent) the degree of satisfaction goes to school the loan to National Taiwan Normal University to carry out the achievement to do the sub-item research.
    Sixth chapter for the conclusion and the suggestion, summarizes attainment of the this research and puts forward the proposal that, impels for the government to go to school the loan system and reference all correlations administrative personnel.

    中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 緒 論....................................................1 第一節 研究動機與目的...........................................3 第二節 研究方法與架構...........................................7 第三節 研究範圍與限制..........................................20 第四節 文獻探討與名詞釋義......................................21 第二章 就學貸款制度執行之理論 第一節 制度執行之意義..........................................39 第二節 制度執行理論模式........................................49 第三節 就學貸款之理論基礎......................................66 第三章 我國學生就學貸款制度 第一節 我國的學校教育制度......................................73 第二節 就學貸款制度之緣起......................................77 第三節 學貸款制度之發展沿革............................... ....90 第四章 我國就學貸款制度之實施概況與困境 第一節 就學貸款制度之相關規範.................................109 第二節 現行就學貸款制度之實施概況.............................115 第三節 當前就學貸款制度面臨之困境.............................129 第五章 國立台灣師範大學就學貸款執行狀況 第一節 就學貸款辦理情形.......................................137 第二節 就學貸款執行成果.......................................147 第三節 就學貸款滿意度調查.....................................151 第六章 結論 第一節 發現..................................................175 第二節 建議..................................................179 第三節 展望..................................................180 參考書目 圖表目錄 (一)表目錄 表1-1 學生申請就學貸款之影響層面……………………………….……22 表2-1 由上而下及由下而上研究途徑之差異比較表…………………...47 表3 臺灣產業結構變化…………………………………………….……78 表3-2 臺灣經濟成長與物價變動……………………………………….…79 表3-3 1960-1981臺灣高等教育成長狀況……………………………..…81表3-3-1 高中以上學校申貸金額與政府利息補貼數統計表…………..…86 表3-4 臺灣就學貸款計劃草案與就學貸款辦法最後定案之比較表……..92 表3-5 臺灣就學貸款辦法第一次修訂條文對照表……………………….95 表3-6 臺灣就學貸款辦法第二次修訂條文對照表……………………….96 表3-7 臺灣就學貸款辦法第三次修訂條文對照表……………………….98 表3-8 臺灣就學貸款辦法第六次修訂條文對照表……………………….99 表3-9 臺灣就學貸款辦法第八次修訂條文對照表……………………….101 表3-10 臺灣就學貸款辦法第九次修訂條文對照表……………………….102 表3-11 臺灣就學貸款作業要點第三次修訂條文對照表………………….103 表3-12 臺灣就學貸款作業要點增訂條文……………..………………….104 表3-13 臺灣就學貸款作業要點第五次修訂條文對照表………………….106 表4-1 臺灣1994-2002年高中以上就學貸款人數及貸款金額……………117 表4-2 臺灣經濟成長率與每年國民所得之對照……………………………118 表4-3 臺灣歷年政府補貼就學貸款利息統計表…………………………..119 表5-1 臺灣師範大學90學年度就學貸款統計表………………………..147表5-2 臺灣師範大學(91.1)就學貸款統計表……………….………...148 (二)圖目錄 圖1-1 研究流程圖…………………………………………………………18 圖1-2 章節架構………..…………………………………………………20 圖2-1 Smith的政策執行過程模式………………………………….…..52 圖2-2 Van Meter and Van Horn 的政策執行模式……………………..54 圖2-3 Edwards 的政策執行模式……………………………………..57 圖2-4 Sabatier and Mazmanian的政策執行模式……………………….59 圖2-5 Rein and Rabinovetz的政策執行循環模式…………………….61 圖2-6 Nakamura and Smallwood的政策環境關聯模式…………………62 圖2-7 Grindle「視執行為政治和行政過程」的執行模式……………..64 圖2-8 林水波、張世賢的政策執行模式………………………………….66 圖2-9 柯三吉的政策執行過程模式……………………………………….67 圖2-10 顏國樑的教育政策執行理論模式………………………………….69 圖2-11 Goggin and Bowman的政府間政策執行溝通模式………………..71 圖3-1 臺灣現行學制圖…………………………………………………….81 圖3-2-1 90-92年政府補貼就學貸款利息圖………………………...….84 圖3-2-2 高中以上學校申貸金額與政府利息補貼數統計圖…………..…85 圖3-2-3 高中以上學生就學貸款申貸人數/金額統計圖………………….85 圖3-3 就學貸款作業流程圖……………………………………………..86 圖4-1 臺灣就學貸款作業流程圖…………………………………….….122 圖4-1-1 審核大專校院學生就學貸款作業流程…………………………125 圖5-1 國立臺灣師範大學學生就學貸款作業流程………………………139 壹、中文書籍....................................................182 貳、外文書籍....................................................185 附錄 附錄一、教育部高級中等以上學校學生就學貸款辦法 附錄二、教育部高級中等以上學校學生就學貸款作業要點 附錄三、台北富邦銀行就學貸款作業須知 附錄四、台北銀行就學貸款注意事項 附錄五、教育部九十二會計年度辦理高級中等以上學校學生就學貸款工作計畫調整支應函 附錄六、國立臺灣師範大學「就學貸款辦理」服務品質滿意度問卷調查表 附錄七、高級中等以上學校學生就學貸款作業要點第二點、第七點及第十九點 修正規定

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