簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 唐佩瑾
Pei-Chin Tang
論文名稱: 從碩士論文的文獻回顧現象探究創新閱讀書寫
A Study on the Phenomenon of Thesis' Literature Review to Explore Innovative Writing
指導教授: 吳美美
Wu, Mei-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 256
中文關鍵詞: 文獻回顧文獻回顧類型文獻回顧心智策略文獻回顧論述邏輯文獻回顧創新閱讀
英文關鍵詞: Literature review, Types of literature review, Mental strategy for literature, Logic employment of literature review
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:295下載:51
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  • 文獻回顧表達了文獻間的關聯,以及研究與文獻的關聯,研究者也透過文獻來支持所選定之研究問題的重要性,並說明研究如何銜接和延續先前的研究缺口。在文獻回顧的過程,研究者應該持以批判性的態度,了解文獻的中心概念,並對不同的文獻加以分類和比較,從相關文獻中得到有助於研究的結論,使研究得以與研究領域接軌。本研究的目的希望了解研究者如何建立論證,將相關研究的不同觀點、結論和不同角度的看法整合起來,密切地與自己的研究相關,透過文獻間、以及研究與文獻之間的關聯,來呈現獨特的研究邏輯架構,並為自己的研究定位。進而希望了解文獻的論述、整合與連結,是否激發研究者新的想法或擴充概念,產生文獻閱讀的創新思考與成果。本研究從三個面向來觀察與分析碩士論文文獻回顧的書寫:文獻回顧的類型、文獻整理的心智策略、文獻論證建立的論述邏輯;此外,從文獻回顧書寫的邏輯建立與心智運作,來觀察文獻閱讀是否有創新思想的產生。


    (四)在文獻回顧創新閱讀現象上,「重新塑造」(3次)、「新研究概念性架構」(1次) 、「思考層面擴充」(1次)、「帶出研究重要性」(1次)、「指出新的研究缺口」(3次)。理論觀點上的「結合」,可以更充分解釋概念或現象,理論要素的比較、歸納、結合,可擴充概念面向,並且研究者透過反覆檢閱文獻,找出相關理論面向之間的關連,重新建立符合研究目的的概念性架構。研究者從相關文獻中整合並歸結出重要結論,進而能看出延伸的意義,帶出研究的重要性,或者進一步看出新的研究缺口。


    Literature review is a part of thesis, in which researchers render documents andliteratures connections andrelationships, and render the study sufficient connection
    with the literature reviewed. Researchers should be critical in reading the literatures,understanding the core concepts and being able to compare and classify different
    literatures; thus, useful points can be draw from the review and the integration between the current study and the existing academic field will be more complete. This
    study aims to explore the ways the researchers establishing the demonstrations and integrating different existing viewpoints and results of the topic into their own current
    studies, and the ways the researchers presenting the connection between the current study and the existing literatures. This study further investigates if the establishment of literature review can stimulates the thoughts of the researcher and if the critical reviewing generates innovative results from the literatures.
    This study observes and analyzes the writing of literature review in master’s theses in three aspects: types of literature review, mental strategies of literature review,
    and the logic employments in literature review, in addition, observes the generation of new thoughts deriving from the establishing of mental strategy and the employment of logic. The method of content analysis is used in this study, pointing out four dimensions in understanding the formation of literature review, establishing target
    items, and developing the structure for code sheet, then applies the established framework on the writing of literature review of the selected 5 theses.
    The results of the study indicates that the major types used in literature review are type of definition (47 times out of a total of 113), and type of context exploration
    (34 times out of a total of 113). Different types of literature review are utilized for different purposes, for example, types using in the chapter of introduction can be
    different from other chapters, while based on different focus of the chapters, different types of literature review may be used and the compiling of data is also of quality and
    quantity. On mental strategies, the most commonly used method is “induction and conclusion”, and the second most used strategy is “the exploration of the situation of
    the current study”. The choosing of strategy reflects the features of the thoughts of the researchers, and the employment of strategies also render the presentation of the
    review character of systematic, organized and integrated. The majority of the logic in the literature review is the “integrated discussion”. However, most of the 59 times of the integrated discussion concentrates at parts of literature review in subject 3 to subject 5, representing that the understanding of the researcher on the usage of
    literature review can affects the way they compose this part of their theses. Therefore,the organization and integration of the literature review is an epitome of the overall thesis and an effective interface for people to know the point contained within.
    The literature review reflects different ways of critical reading done by the researcher, including reshaping (3 times), introducing innovative conceptual framework (1 time), expansion on the thinking level (1 time) leading out the importance of the study (1 time), pointing out new cut-in point (3 times). The interaction between different theories can explain the concept more completely, and
    the flexible usage of the methods of compare and contrast, induction, and integration not only can expands the core concept, but also can form a connection and establish a
    framework suitable for the study through the continuous consulting by the researcher.
    Researcher benefits from gathering and analyzing related literature, from which obtaining critical results, pointing out the importance of extension or new cut-in point,
    and finally consolidating the importance of the study.
    Thinking on the three dimension of the use of literature review including types,mental strategies, and logics, can help the researchers establish the discussion systematically. A better utilization on mental strategy and logic employment can further integrates the various literatures, and situates the current study within the
    context of the related academic field. Literature review as the foundation of critical reading stimulates the thinking of the researchers and provides assistance on
    establishing new conceptual framework. This study collects types, mental strategies, logics, and phenomena of critical reading of literature review from the subjects,
    illustrating with sufficient explanations and examples, and after analyzing the data gathered, proposing the “Code Sheet for Literature Review of Master’s Theses” based
    on the results of this study, hoping that this sheet can serves as a reference for authors of master’s theses and for advisors.

    第壹章 緒論..............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.....................................1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題..................................5 第三節 研究範圍與限制.....................................6 第四節 名詞解釋..........................................6 第貳章 文獻回顧..........................................9 第一節 文獻回顧的意涵與本質................................9 第二節 文獻回顧的目的、類型與功能..........................15 第三節 文獻回顧的過程....................................24 第四節 文獻回顧的創新閱讀.................................33 第参章 研究設計..........................................40 第一節 研究架構..........................................40 第二節 研究對象與取樣.....................................41 第三節 研究方法..........................................44 第四節 研究工具..........................................44 第五節 資料處理..........................................50 第六節 研究流程..........................................53 第肆章 各案例分析結果.....................................55 第一節 案例一分析.........................................55 第二節 案例二分析.........................................78 第三節 案例三分析........................................103 第四節 案例四分析........................................129 第五節 案例五分析........................................154 第伍章 各面向分析結果.....................................179 第一節 文獻回顧類型方面...................................179 第二節 文獻回顧心智策略方面...............................192 第三節 論述邏輯方面......................................207 第四節 文獻回顧創新閱讀現象方面............................212 第五節 文獻回顧各面向之關係................................221 第陸章 研究結論與建議.....................................227 第一節 研究結論..........................................227 第二節 研究建議..........................................232 參考文獻.................................................235 附錄一 2007-2011年中華民國圖書館學會獎助圖書資訊學優秀學位論文.237 附錄二 研究分析單—案例一至五文本章節和文本段落編號對照表......239 附錄三 碩士論文文獻回顧研究觀察記錄表........................244 附錄四 原始編碼次數分配表(案例一至五)........................246

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