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研究生: 范美媛
Meei-yuan Fann
論文名稱: 現代漢語歐化的研究與教學應用
A Study on Europeanized Chinese and its application in TCSL
指導教授: 鄧守信
Teng, Shou-Hsin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 歐化語言接觸本土化正遷移零教學
英文關鍵詞: Europeanized, Language Contact, Localization, Positive Transfer, Zero Instruction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:843下載:121
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  • 過去一百多年來,現代漢語在發展的過程中,也正值中西文化交會之際,因而與許多語言系統發生接觸,並從而受到影響。這些影響又以大量的原文作品譯介而產生間接語言接觸的結果為主。不可諱言,現代漢語在語音、詞彙、詞法跟句法方面已經因語言接觸產生許多改變。這些改變其中又以來自英語的影響為最大。本文討論的歐化現象主要指漢語直接或間接受英語影響而產生的改變。
    有的歐化漢語已經成熟地融入現代漢語,連以漢語為母語者也習而不察,但有的改變則還不為整個漢語社群完全接受。王力(1943, 1980, 1990)、Kubler(1985)、賀陽(2008)跟馬春華(2010)等人研究的結論,都認為漢語歐化的現象源於翻譯造成間接語言接觸的結果,僅止於書面語;蔡美智(2010)觀察的是最近六十年來臺灣地區的新興漢語歐化現象;胡雲惠(2011)則透過迪士尼動畫電影配音翻譯來研究漢語歐化的現象。本文將在前人的研究基礎上,進一步考察現代漢語在書面語、英語影視旁白翻譯,以及網路上一些特定社群聊天室的語言歐化的現象,是否已經不限於書面語。此外,我們也要從連續面(Rickford, 1993)的角度,探討漢語歐化的現象裡有哪些已經本土化,而又有哪些屬明顯的歐化語言。

    The development of Modern Mandarin over the past hundred years has at times been intertwined with the interaction between Chinese and Western cultures, resulting in the Chinese language interacting with many European languages. These interactions have in turn exerted influence over the Mandarin Chinese language, largely in a secondary fashion by way of European texts being translated en masse into Mandarin. The fact that the pronunciation, lexicon, morphology and grammar of Modern Mandarin have been affected by such language contact is undeniable. Among these linguistic changes, the largest influence has come from English. The Europeanization of Mandarin discussed in this thesis centers around changes wrought by direct and indirect contact with English.
    Some Europeanized forms of Chinese have already fully merged into modern Mandarin to the point that even native speakers are unaware of their foreign origins, but others have yet to be accepted by the Chinese speaking community as a whole. Researchers such as Wang Li (1943, 1980, 1990), Kubler (1985), He Yang (2008) and Ma Chunhua (2010) have concluded that the origins of this Europeanization phenomena is a product of indirect contact via translation and is chiefly limited to written language. Tsai Mei-chih (2010), has observed a new wave of Europeanization that has been occurring in Taiwan over the last 60 years. Hu Yunhui's (2011) study on Europeanization examines the translation of subtitles for animated Disney films. With previous research as its basis, the research presented here further investigates the Europeanization of Mandarin by analyzing the translation of English films and television programs as well as linguistic trends within certain online chat rooms in order to find out if this phenomenon is limited to formal written language. Rickford's continuum theory (1993) is adopted here to determine whether a given form is already become fully accepted by the full range of native Mandarin speakers or if it is still an obvious manifestation of Europeanization.
    Lastly, special attention is given to Mandarin textbooks for CSL learners, specifically as to whether learning materials aimed at intermediate and advanced learners contain Europeanized Mandarin. The discussion presents the pros and cons of these textbooks as they pertain to learners of Chinese and to their impact on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language as a whole. Whether the zero instruction method (i.e., positive transfer) can be applied to CSL learners in order to help them learn Europeanized forms more easily is also addressed. Conversely, if it is the case that Europeanized lexical and syntactical forms actually create interference for Western learners of Chinese, the question is: can the problem be dealt with by using teaching materials and methods which are arranged by level of difficulty?

    目錄 …………………………………………………………………………v 表目錄 ………………………………………………………………vii 圖目錄 ………………………………………………………………viii 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1 1.1. 研究動機與目的……………………………………………1 1.2. 名詞定義……………………………………………………2 1.3. 研究範圍與架構……………………………………………2 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………3 2.1. 漢語歐化構詞與外來詞相關研究…………………………5 2.1.1. 漢語歐化構詞………………………………………5 2.1.2. 漢語詞類歐化用法…………………………………9 2.2. 漢語歐化結構相關研究……………………………………14 2.2.1. 漢語句子成分歐化用法……………………………14 2.2.2. 漢語歐化句式………………………………………16 2.2.3. 前人歐化語法項目研究比較………………………18 第三章 歐化漢語的界定……………………………………………21 3.1. 語言接觸……………………………………………………21 3.1.1. 連續面 (Continuum)………………………………22 3.2. 歐化的定義…………………………………………………24 3.3. 歐化漢語與外來詞的比較…………………………………25 3.4. 歐化漢語與漢語本土化(台灣化)的比較………………25 第四章 歐化漢語的分析……………………………………………27 4.1. 歐化漢語的語音變異…………………………………………28 4.2. 歐化漢語詞彙分析……………………………………………30 4.3. 歐化漢語詞法分析……………………………………………30 4.3.1. 外來詞…………………………………………………………30 英語借詞 (English loan word)…………………………31 音譯詞與意譯詞的消長……………………………………34 4.3.2. 外來詞綴………………………………………………………34 4.3.3. 歐化詞類………………………………………………………35 4.4. 歐化漢語詞法分析……………………………………………35 4.5. 小結……………………………………………………………35 第五章 教學應用………………………………………………………37 5.1. 零教學…………………………………………………………37 5.2. 歐化漢語詞彙教學……………………………………………37 5.2.1. 外來詞語音教學………………………………………………38 5.3. 歐化漢語句法教學……………………………………………39 5.4. 小結……………………………………………………………39 第六章 結論……………………………………………………………41 6.1. 研究成果………………………………………………………41 6.2. 研究限制與建議發展…………………………………………41 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………43

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