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研究生: 唐瑄
Tang, Hsuan
論文名稱: 翻譯研究所學生使用機器翻譯之意圖與接受度初探—以全臺翻譯研究所學生為例
Exploring Student Translators' Acceptance and Intention to Use Machine Translation: A Case Study of Translation Students in Taiwan
指導教授: 汝明麗
Ju, Ming-Li
口試委員: 廖柏森
Liao, Posen
Chen, Pearl
Ju, Ming-Li
口試日期: 2022/01/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 機器翻譯翻譯教學科技接受度模型
英文關鍵詞: Machine Translation, T&I Training, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200388
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:49
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  • 近年來機器翻譯與類神經技術的結合與發展,在翻譯產業掀起了一陣波瀾,改變了翻譯產業的生態及譯者工作的模式。鑑於機器翻譯與譯者工作的連結愈來愈緊密,產業的相關需求也不斷提升(Slator, 2021; DePalma et al., 2021),許多翻譯學者(Mellinger, 2017)紛紛呼籲,翻譯教育應納入翻譯科技能力的相關訓練,以確保學生在未來自動化科技發展的浪潮下,仍能維持專業譯者的市場競爭力。

    本研究以全臺九所授予翻譯碩士學位學校之學生為研究對象,以Davis(1989)提出之科技接受度模型(Technology Acceptance Model)為基礎,結合過去相關研究實證之外部變項,採問卷調查法並結合半結構式訪談,初探目前翻譯人才的機器翻譯使用與接受度現況,並試圖探討影響學生機器翻譯使用與接受度的關鍵因素,分析當前各大翻譯學校(碩士學位層級)提供的訓練如何影響學生的機器翻譯使用與態度。


    (一) 高達98.73%的受訪學生具有機器翻譯使用經驗。
    (二) 受訪學生的機器翻譯使用意圖(即接受度)非常高。
    (三) 知覺有用為影響受訪學生機器翻譯接受度的關鍵因素,而知覺有用又顯著受知覺易用、工作關聯等外部變項影響。
    (四) 信任及對機器翻譯的恐懼會接影響受訪學生的機器翻譯使用意圖。
    (五) 機器翻譯相關教課程對受訪學生的機器翻譯接受度無正向影響,惟具備電腦輔助翻譯工具訓練經驗者,機器翻譯接受度則顯著高於其餘受訪者。


    In recent years, machine translation's (MT) integration with artificial neural networks has sparked discussions within the translation industry. The unprecedented advancement in MT technology has transformed the industry dynamics as well as how translators work.

    In view of MT's increasing impact on translation practices and the industry's increasing demands in MT-related services (Slator, 2021; DePalma et al., 2021), translation scholars (Mellinger, 2017) have called on translation institutes to formalize machine translation training in an effort to ensure professional translators' competitiveness in a future increasingly dominated by automation.
    This study aims to explore the use and acceptance of MT, as well as the key factors behind the attitudes and intention to use among translation students enrolled in the Translation and Interpretation (T&I) master's programs across Taiwan through an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and semi-structured interviews. The model used in this study is based on Davis's (1989) Technology Acceptance Model and is incorporated with potential factors that were found significant in previous studies. Through locating the key factors, this study seeks to understand how the trainings currently offered at the T&I institutes affects translation students' attitude and intention to use MT in Taiwan.

    A total of 79 surveys were collected from 9 T&I schools in Taiwan between October to November, 2021; and 10 survey respondents were selected for semi-structured interviews. The key findings were as follows:

    1. 98.73% of the translation students surveyed have experience using MT.
    2. The translation students' intention to use (or acceptance of) MT is rather strong.
    3. Perceived usefulness is the key factor behind translation students' intention to use MT; and translation students' perceived usefulness is significantly affected by perceived ease of use, job relevance and other external factors.
    4. Trust of quality and fear of MT's growing influence directly affects translation students' intention to use MT.
    5. MT-related trainings offered at the T&I schools do not have a positive effect on translation students' intention to use MT. Though, translation students with Computer-Aided Translation Tools (CAT Tools) training scored significantly higher in their intention to use MT than those without any CTA Tools training.

    The results showed that the frequency and acceptance of MT among translation students in Taiwan are rather high. The proposed TAM model successfully validated a number of key factors behind their acceptance of MT. In response to the current constraints of the MT-related trainings in Taiwan, the results indeed shed light on the possible enhancements of the future trainings at the T&I institutes.

    第壹章 研究背景 1 第一節 科技帶動的全球產業變革 1 第二節 筆譯產業與機器翻譯 1 第三節 翻譯教育與機器翻譯 3 第四節 研究問題與目的 4 第貳章 文獻回顧 5 第一節 科技接受度模型 8 第二節 機器翻譯 13 第三節 專業筆譯譯者的機器翻譯使用態度與因素 16 第四節 翻譯研究所學生的機器翻譯使用態度與因素 26 第五節 翻譯研究所學生使用機器翻譯之意圖與接受度—科技接受度模型 30 第參章 研究方法 38 第一節 研究問題 38 第二節 研究架構與研究假設 38 第三節 研究對象 41 第四節 研究工具 41 第五節 前導測試(pilot test) 42 第六節 半結構式個別訪談 43 第肆章 研究結果與討論 46 第一節 信效度分析 46 第二節 研究受訪者個人基本背景描述性統計分析 47 第三節 不同基本背景受訪者的機器翻譯接受度差異分析 56 第四節 外部變項與科技接受度模式的相關性分析 88 第五節 外部變項與科技接受度模型的多元迴歸分析 93 第六節 翻譯研究所學生與其他類型使用者機器翻譯接受度比較 117 第伍章 結論 120 第一節 研究問題與研究發現 120 第二節 研究貢獻 124 第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 128 參考文獻 130 附錄一 過去五年 (2016-2021) 全臺研究所層級翻譯系所翻譯科技相關課程開設概況 138 附錄二 機器翻譯科技接受度問卷 140 附錄三 前導測試受訪者回饋與問卷題目修訂 148 附錄四 訪談參與同意書 153

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