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研究生: 潘采均
Pan, Tsai-Chun
論文名稱: 「帶著地方遠颺」:伊夫.博納富瓦的詩意空間
“He Takes His Place Forward on the Ship:” Poetic Space of Yves Bonnefoy
指導教授: 狄亞倫
Aaron Deveson
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 伊夫.博納富瓦《雪的開始與結束》《彎曲的船板》《長錨鏈》《當下時刻》詩意空間加斯東.巴舍拉想像動態辯證詩意象
英文關鍵詞: Yves Bonnefoy, poetic space, Beginning and End of The Snow, The Curved Planks, The Anchor’s Long Chain, The Present Hour, Gaston Bachelard, imagination, dynamic dialectics, poetic image
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001539
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:265下載:5
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  • 本論文以加斯東.巴舍拉於《空間詩學》中的論述為主,探討法國當代詩人伊夫.博納富瓦的晚期四本詩集《雪的開始與結束》、《彎曲的船板》、《長錨鏈》與《當下時刻》中所呈現的詩意空間;在此架構中,我不僅呈現博納富瓦自身詩學的不斷革新,也加以論證此詩意空間的延展與動態建構,實是詩人自身的存有之展。

    This thesis explores four of contemporary French poet Yves Bonnefoy’s (1923-2016) late writings Beginning and End of The Snow (1989), The Curved Planks (2001), The Anchor’s Long Chain (2008), and The Present Hour (2011) to demonstrate the constructing process of the poet’s poetic space through the reading of Gaston Bachelard’s theoretical discourse proposed in The Poetics of Space (1958). By closely examining these four volumes, I not only demonstrate Bonnefoy’s evolving attitude toward his poetics but also indicate plainly how such poetic space is made possible.
    I propose that this poetic space is a collective unity of distinctive matters, events, places, and sensations; it possesses its verticality and profundity, meanwhile is capable of shaping and reshaping itself with the subject’s imaginative faculty: the poet’s returning to particular poetic themes along with his different stances have endlessly renewed this poetic space, bringing about its endless formations. Though my proposed structure of poetic space has its roots in Bachelard’s discourse on space’s poetics, the two are not entirely identical; Bonnefoy’s poetic space exceeds Bachelard’s in the poet’s inclusion of positive and negative spaces, spaces that are and are not.
    This thesis is divided into three chapters, each has its particular theme to pursue, namely temptation, venture, and confidence. Chapter One probes into 1991 volume Beginning and End of The Snow to demonstrate the transformation of Bonnefoy’s placial and spatial experiences from geographically concrete to poetic and imaginative; with Bachelard’s discourse on dynamic imagination, I demonstrate how Bonnefoy contours his poetic space with plentiful performances of the snow image. Chapter Two continues the discussion of imagination’s dynamism with Bonnefoy’s 2001 volume The Curved Planks, focusing particularly on its workings in negative and even hostile contexts to show how poetic space still possesses its potential to grow and expand. Chapter Three examines The Anchor’s Long Chain (2008) and The Present Hour (2011) to present the dialectical relationship between imagining subject and the imagined image, and how the two co-constitute the immensity which points to the depth of the being. I see the dialectical co-constitution of the two as the completion of Bonnefoy’s poetic space: it constitutes the roundness of this structure in which the poet ceaselessly returns to and dwells.

    Table of Contents Acknowledgements i Chinese Abstract ii English Abstract iii Table of Contents v Abbreviations vii INTRODUCTION 1 I. Yves Bonnefoy: The Successor of Nineteenth-Century French Poetry 4 II. Bonnefoy’s Poetics and Spatial Inclination 7 III. Aims and Objectives 11 i. Methodology and Hypothesis 13 ii. Proposed Structure of Chapters 16 Chapter One: Temptation Beginning and End of the Snow (1991) 18 1.1 Experiencing Place and Space 19 1.1.1 Sense Structuring 20 1.1.2 The Interchangeability of Place and Space 22 1.2 Imaginative Opening of Poetics of Space 27 1.2.1 Bachelard’s Imagination and Mobility 28 1.2.2 Snow Image and Its Poetics 30 1.2.3 The Outlining of Poetic Space 38 Chapter Two: Venture The Curved Planks (2001) 48 2.1 Imagining the Ambivalences 49 2.1.1 Bonnefoy’s Imaginings of Passivity 51 2.1.2 The Placeless Space 52 2.1.3 The Childhood House 67 2.2 Poetic Advancing of the Images 79 2.2.1 Bachelard’s Idea of Dialectics 80 2.2.2 The Matter of Will: Throwing Stones 81 2.2.3 The Nautical Search: Venturing of the Boat 86 Chapter Three: Confidence The Anchor’s Long Chain (2008) & The Present Hour (2011) 92 3.1 Dreaming the Immensity 93 3.1.1 The Imagining Depth 94 3.1.2 The Convergence: “He Dreamed; He Set Sailed” 96 3.2 The Ultimate Dialectics 105 3.2.1 Recognizing the Lure: “Sail On, Disappoint Them” 107 3.2.2 Poetic Faith: “He Seemed Buoyed Up, Forever” 113 3.2.3 Bonnefoy’s Homecoming 118 CONCLUSION: POETIC SPACE 124 Works Cited 129

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