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研究生: 洪維浩
Hung, Wei-Hao
論文名稱: 擴增實境創作平台融入觀光旅遊課程對學生的學習動機之影響
A Study on the Improvement of Students' Learning Motivation through the Integration of Augmented Reality Creation Platform into Tourism Curriculum
指導教授: 周明
Jou, Min
口試委員: 周明
Jou, Min
Shyu, Hsin-Yih
Chen, Hsiu-Ling
口試日期: 2024/06/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系技職教育數位碩士在職專班
Department of Industrial Education_Online Continuing Education Master's Program of Technical and Vocational Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 擴增實境學習動機
英文關鍵詞: Augmented Reality, Learning Motivation
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401366
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:539下載:13
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  • 近年來隨著擴增實境 (AR) 科技發展的進步,許多相關的擴增實境 (AR) 應用陸續出現,因此製作擴增實境 (AR) 內容的技術限制降低,發展快速提升,在各教育領域及課程都有出現許多創新的應用內容。
    本研究的目的是為了探討將擴增實境 (AR) 融入觀光旅遊课程體驗中,是否能提升學生學習動機的研究。研究旨在调查應用擴增實境 (AR) 於觀光旅遊相關课程中學生學習動機的影響,採用準實驗的研究方法,實驗的對象是新北市某科技大學學生,分成實驗組及對照組,兩組學生分別進行不同教學方法的課程體驗,兩組學生在實驗教學前後以「ARCS學習動機量表」進行施測。課程最後,邀請實驗組學生,填寫回饋問卷,請實驗組學生針對老師教學方法課程體驗後,填寫心得感受,最後再邀請實驗組的學生,來做問卷內容訪談,將上述資料完整收集後進行質性分析,以了解學生的學習經驗、學習感受與課程的體驗心得。
    一、擴增實境 (AR) 融入課程體驗相較於傳統的教學方法,對於學生的整體學習動機有所提升,達顯著差異水準,但在建立信心動機向度,末達顯著性差異水準。整體的學習動機進行調整後的分數也優於對照組學生接受傳統式教學的分數,且達到顯著差異。
    二、實驗組學生對於將擴增實境 (AR) 融入課程體驗的看法皆認為有助於提升學習興趣、課程參與度及課程注意力,並給予正面評價,但在操作上所面對的問題需要重視並解決。

    In recent years, with advancements in Augmented Reality (AR) technology, many related AR applications have emerged. This has lowered the technical barriers for creating AR content and has led to rapid development, resulting in numerous innovative applications across various educational fields and curricula.
    The purpose of this study was to explore whether integrating AR into tourism courses could enhance students' learning motivation. The study aimed to investigate the impact of applying AR in tourism-related courses on students' learning motivation. A quasi-experimental research method was adopted, involving students from a university of technology in New Taipei City. The students were divided into an experimental group and a control group, each experiencing different teaching methods. Both groups were assessed with the "ARCS Learning Motivation Scale" before and after the experimental teaching. At the end of the course, students in the experimental group were invited to fill out feedback questionnaires, sharing their thoughts on the teaching methods and their course experiences. Additionally, students from the experimental group were interviewed based on their questionnaire responses. The collected data were then analyzed qualitatively to understand the students' learning experiences, feelings, and course feedback.
    The analysis results based on the above data are as follows :
    1.Compared to traditional teaching methods, integrating AR into course experiences significantly enhanced overall student learning motivation. However, there was no significant difference in the confidence-building dimension of motivation. After adjusting for overall learning motivation, the scores of students in the experimental group were significantly higher than those of students in the control group who received traditional teaching.
    2.Students in the experimental group believed that integrating AR into course experiences helped to enhance learning interest, course participation, and attention, and they gave positive evaluations. However, the operational issues faced need to be addressed and resolved.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 待答問題 3 第四節 研究範圍與限制 3 第五節 名詞解釋 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 擴增實境與擴增實境創作平台 7 第二節 擴增實境導入於課程教學應用 16 第三節 學習動機與ARCS學習動機模式相關研究 22 第三章 研究方法 25 第一節 研究架構與設計 25 第二節 研究流程 27 第三節 研究對象 29 第四節 實驗設計 30 第五節 研究工具 32 第六節 資料蒐集與分析 34 第四章 研究結果與討論 37 第一節 兩組學生ARCS學習動機量表結果分析 37 第二節 實驗組學生教學回饋內容質性分析結果 41 第三節 實驗組學生訪談結果與分析 43 第五章 結論與建議 49 第一節 結論 49 第二節 建議 52 參考文獻 55 附錄一 實驗組教學教案 59 附錄二 對照組教學教案 63 附錄三 專家評估審核表 65 附錄四 專家審核意見整理表 69 附錄五 ARCS學習動機量表 73 附錄六 學生訪談大綱 77 附錄七 實驗組學生教學回饋內容 79 附錄八 學生期末作品 83

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