研究生: |
論文名稱: |
蜷川實花攝影風格應用於圖畫書創作之研究 A Study: Application of Ninagawa Mika’s Photography Style on Picture Book Creation |
指導教授: | 伊彬 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 89 |
中文關鍵詞: | 日本攝影 、蜷川實花 、圖畫書 |
英文關鍵詞: | Japanese photography, Ninagawa Mika, picture book |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:308 下載:75 |
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本研究目的是把攝影師蜷川實花的創作特質應用與圖畫書的創作上。蜷川實花是日本當代著名的女性攝影師。她曾經多次獲得權威性的攝影獎項並掀起了「女性攝影風潮」。其作品主要以人像、花卉及金魚為主題,並以畫面絢爛奪目的顏色據稱。曾多次獲得攝影界獎項,其中包括具權威性的「第26回 木村伊兵衛写真賞」、「第13回 VOCA展大原美術館賞」等,是日本當代攝影界的中流砥柱。本研究對日本攝影發展、蜷川實花的背景與攝影歷程、圖畫書進行文獻探討,以了解相關知識。之後進行蜷川實花作品蒐集,進行直觀視察與作品歸類,最後分析出蜷川實花的創作特質並應用於圖畫書製作上。經研究分析本研究把蜷川實花作品分成13類:1. 自然女性、2. 時尚女性、3. 情境設置女性、4. 和風女性、5. 自然男性、6. 時尚男性、7. 情境設置男性、8. 和風男性、9. 其他人像、10. 天然花卉、11. 人造花卉、12. 金魚、13. 其他。歸納得出,蜷川實花的作品有以下特質:1.以「生命之美」為創作主軸、2.攝影主題具討喜性、3.攝影理念延伸自「自寫生」、4.作品具虛構元素、5.色彩炫目、6.符合普普藝術特質。最終分析得到之特質應用於圖畫書創作,製作出符合兒童性、藝術性、教育性、傳達性與趣味性的圖畫書。
Ninagawa Mika is one of the top-notch female photographers in Japan for the last decade. Not only that she has won many prestigious awards, she is also a key figure of “girls photography” phenomena. Portraits, flowers and gold fishes are her primary subject matter and she is well known of her dazzling colors visual expression.The research’s aim was to study Ninagawa’s works, analyze them, and to apply the attributes into a picture book production. The study process involved collection of Ninagawa’s works as sample, classification, characteristics analysis and finally application into picture book production. The study had classified the samples into 13 categories : 1. Natural female, 2. Fashion female, 3.Set-up female, 4. Traditional Japanese Female, 5. Natural male, 6. Fashion male, 7.Set-up male, 8. Traditional Japanese male, 9. Other portraits, 10. Natural flowers, 11. Synthetic Flowers, 12. Gold fishes and 13.Other. The study found Ninagawa’s works possess the following characteristics: 1.themed on “Beauty of life”, 2.consists of adorable subject matters, 3.based on “Shi-Shashin”, 4.contain fictional elements, 5.dazzling color expression and 6.meet pop art attributes.From there the research applied the concluded characteristics into a creation process, producing a picture book that met the following criteria: children suitable, artistic, educational, expressive, and interesting.
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