研究生: |
林麗寬 Lin, li-kawn |
論文名稱: |
詞語語義新探:「一詞一義三元法」及「皮」之個案研究 An Exploratory Approach to Word Meanings: Single Word Meaning in Three Diamentions with the Case Study of "Pi" |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Chin-Chuan |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 196 |
中文關鍵詞: | 類指義 、概念 、概念特徵 、特指義 、譬喻義 |
英文關鍵詞: | denotation, sense, sense traits, reference, metaphor |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:315 下載:33 |
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The traditional way of defining WORD and MEANING is inconvenient for analysis of shades of meanings of words, nor readily applicable in designing research into the processes of reading, writing, and vocabulary learning, particularly with respect to learning word meanings in another language. In this study, an exploratory approach to word meanings: single word meaning in three dimensions, was proposed on the basis of modification and reintegration of Lyons’s notions of denotation, sense, and reference and Cruse’s of lexical units and sense traits. It is a different analytical frame that defines WORD as a single meaning unit of three constituents.
Under this frame, a WORD is a union of certain phonological and orthographic forms designated to a single, relatively independent meaning unit in a imagined mental dictionary; it approximately corresponds to one of the distinct meaning items under a certain lexeme—a word item in a traditional dictionary. And MEANING of a word so defined is the virtual function of a word’s three coexistent constituents: denotative, referential, and conceptual (sense) aspects. From this new perspective, any lexeme is considered no more than an index for the editing convenience of compilation, whereas each of its meaning items is a closer surrogate of a distinct meaning unit of the mental dictionary, which is more consistent with the psycholinguistic capacity of language users, more convenient for descriptions of words and their meanings, and hence a better representation of WORD-MEANING in theoretical discussion and research design.
This single-meaning-unit-of-three-constituents frame was also applied to a case study of the lexeme ‘Pi’, whereby to demonstrate its practicability in analyzing and clarifying the mixed shades and nuances of meanings under ‘Pi’, which were also reclassified into twelve distinct words (‘Pi1’~‘Pi12’), so defined according to the new frame, and a ‘Pi0’ of bound morphemes. Each of the twelve ‘Pin’ denotes its own class of things in the world and may refer to a particular member or groups of members of that class in a given context, or even metaphorically so in referring things of different classes, in accordance with the concept abstracted from its denotative contents. As for the existing bound-morphemes, they were described as such to make the case study of ‘Pi’ complete.
In conclusion, this exploratory approach to word meanings: single word meaning in three dimensions, is more consistent with the language users’ psycholinguistic capacity, hence more readily applicable in research design and theoretical analyses. Moreover, it has the potential for training students in strategy and tactics in effectively figuring out the shades of word meanings in learning a language other than their own.
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