研究生: |
蔡如秀 Tsai, Ru-Shiow |
論文名稱: |
茶樹鱗翅目害蟲: 茶蠶和茶毒蛾的 性費洛蒙研究 Pheromones of tea pests: Andraca bipunctata Walker and Euproctis pseudoconspersa (Strand) |
指導教授: |
Wu, Chin-Yih 周延鑫 Chow, Yien-Shing |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 88 |
中文關鍵詞: | 性費洛蒙 、茶蠶 、茶毒蛾 |
英文關鍵詞: | sex pheromone, Andraca bipunctata, Euproctis pseudoconspersa |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:459 下載:6 |
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茶樹鱗翅目害蟲:茶蠶 (Andraca bipunctata Walker) 和茶毒蛾 (Euproctis pseudoconspersa [Strand]) 的性費洛蒙研究
茶蠶 (Andraca bipunctata Walker) 和臺灣的茶毒蛾 (Eproctis pseudoconspersa [Strand]) 之性費洛蒙經由氣相色層分析、質譜分析、及合成性費洛蒙進行觸角嗅覺電位差記錄 (EAG) 的生物檢定、田間誘蟲試驗等方法的研究,結果顯示:茶蠶的性費洛蒙腺體萃取液中主要含有4種成分,分別是為飽和的十八碳醛 (18:Ald)、(E)-11-十八碳烯醛 (E11-18:Ald)、(E)-14 -十八碳烯醛 (E14-18:Ald)、(E,E)-11,14-十八碳二烯醛 (E11,E14-18:Ald),其含量平均比值為 20: 8: 31: 41。而茶蠶雄蛾的EAG顯示對E11, E14-18:Ald反應明顯比其他的成分大;合成的茶蠶性費洛蒙也僅有E11, E14-18:Ald能在田間誘到雄蛾,指出茶蠶性費洛蒙的主要成分為E11, E14-18:Ald。這是E11,E14-18:Ald 第一次被鑑定為性費洛蒙的分子結構,是少數幾個被發現的非共軛型雙鍵且雙鍵距離為奇數的醛類性費洛蒙,也是蠶蛾科家族中第 3 種被鑑定出性費洛蒙的昆蟲。臺灣的茶毒蛾之性費洛蒙萃取液中主要的成分含有10,14-二甲基十五碳異丁酯 (10Me14Me-15:iBu)。茶毒蛾雄蛾的 EAG對1雌當量 (10 ng 的10Me14Me-15:iBu) 之性費洛蒙萃取液比10 ng 的 (R)-10Me14Me-15:iBu反應要大。暗示在雌蛾的性費洛蒙中有些微量的成分有促進 EAG 反應的作用;但對另一光學異構物 (S)-10Me14Me-15:iBu的反應則明顯比前二者小。茶毒蛾的田間誘蟲試驗結果顯示:20 mg 的10Me14Me-15:iBu (M:R-和S-混合異構物) 與2♀♀的誘蟲效果並無顯著的差異;但明顯的 80 mg 的10Me14Me-15:iBu (M) 之誘蟲效果比前二者要好。比較光學異構物之誘蟲效果,發現:(R)-10Me14Me-15:iBu 和10Me14Me-15:iBu (M) 的誘蟲效果相當,且都比 (S)- 10Me14Me-15:iBu 要佳。但是當田間的茶毒蛾數量很少時,則 (R)-10Me14Me-15:iBu 有較佳的誘蟲效果。這些結果與日本或中國大陸的試驗結果有所不同。
茶蠶雄蛾的觸角為櫛羽狀,雌蛾為絲狀。雄蛾觸角的分枝上都佈滿毛狀感覺器;然而在雌蛾的觸角上則沒有毛狀感覺器,只有錐形感覺器和短型剛毛。茶毒蛾無論雌蛾或雄蛾,觸角都呈櫛羽狀,但雄蛾的觸角比雌蛾大一倍;雄觸角上主要的感覺器是長毛狀感覺器,然而雌蛾沒有此感覺器,其上分布的是短型毛狀感覺器。推論茶蠶的毛狀感覺器,茶毒蛾的長毛狀感覺器就是負責接受性費洛蒙的感覺器。茶蠶的毛狀感覺器由 2 個神經細胞和 3 個鞘細胞:毛原、膜原、及毛鞘細胞所組成。毛狀部分表面上有許多孔,其內並有孔管道是負責性費洛蒙接收的重要構造。當以性費洛蒙E11,E14-18:Ald 刺激時,以電生理儀器記錄單根毛狀感覺器的反應,可以記錄到接受器神經產生的尖型電位,首次證明茶蠶性費洛蒙的接受器是毛狀感覺器。
Octadecanal, (E)-11-octadecenal, (E)-14-octadecenal and (E,E)-11,14-octadecadienal were isolated from the female pheromone gland of Andraca bipuncata in Taiwan. All four compounds were synthesized and bioassayed by electroantennography. Among these compounds, only (E,E)-11,14-octadecadienal could elicited big EAG response from male A. bipuncata. In the field test, only lures contained (E,E)-11,14-octadecadienal could catch male moths of A. bipuncata.
10,14-Dimethylpentadecyl isobutyrate was identified from extracts of pheromone glands of the female tea tussock moth, Euproctis pseudoconspersa (Strand) by gas chromatography in Taiwan. EAG records showed that (R)- and (S)-enantiomers and pheromone extract could cause male antennal responses. Crude pheromone extract elicited a larger EAG response than did (R)-10Me14Me-15:iBu, but the EAG response to the (S)-enantiomer was smaller than that to crude extract or the (R)- enantiomer. In field tests, the (R)-enantiomer showed better attractancy than did both the (S)-enantiomer and racemic mixtures in July 1998. However, later in the season, the (R)-enantiomer and racemic mixtures showed a similar attractancy, and both were better than the (S)-enantiomer. Traps baited with 20 μg of racemic mixtures and those with 2 virgin females showed similar attractancies, however, more males were caught with 80-μg baited traps.
The antennae of A. bipunctata are sexually dimorphic; those of males are pectinate with 43 pairs of branches, and those of females are filiform without branches. The antennae of both male and femae E. pseudoconspersa are pectinate, however, the one of the male is twice larger than the female's. In both species, most sensilla are on the frontal (windward, ventral) side, and the types of sensilla differ in the 2 sexes. The main type of male A. bipunctata is sensillum trichodeum (s. trichodeum), but in females are s. basiconicum and the short s. chaeticum. In E. pseudoconspersa the main type of the male is long s. trichodeum, however, of the female is short s. trichodeum.
Each putative pheromone-sensitive s. trichodeum of A. bipunctata was innervated by 2 bipolar neurons enveloped by three sheath cells. The single sensillum recording of a s. tirchodium showed spikes of 2 different amplitudes after (E,E)-11,14-octadecadienal stimulation. This result indicated that s. trichodea were indeed the sex pheromone receptor.
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