研究生: |
張晏瑄 Chang, Yen-Hsuan |
論文名稱: |
「e」起來還需要地勤嗎?─人際與科技型服務接觸對服務品質與顧客滿意度之影響以 IPA 分析法探討機場報到方式 The Influence of Interpersonal-Based Service Encounters and Technology-Based Service Encounters on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction and Using IPA Analysis on Airport Check-in Method |
指導教授: |
Wang, Kuo-Ching |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 100 |
中文關鍵詞: | 服務接觸 、自助服務科技 、服務品質 、重要-績效分析法 (IPA) |
英文關鍵詞: | Service encounter, Self-Service Technology, Service Quality, IPA |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001305 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:457 下載:0 |
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在競爭激烈的航空客運運輸業中,企業重視服務品質同時追求營運效益,人際型與科技型服務接觸中應著重於何項才符合旅客所需,因此本研究透過兩相異服務接觸類型的知覺服務品質,以量化問卷發放,探究其對於顧客滿意度產生的影響效果,並透過重要-績效分析法 (IPA),探討旅客對於兩相異服務接觸類型服務品質的重視程度與滿意度的關係,並以航空業為研究範圍。
在有效問卷557份中,研究結果顯示,人際型與科技型服務接觸皆對服務品質有正向影響,但科技型服務品質中有形性、信賴性及回應性對整體顧客滿意無正向影響,並且兩相異服務接觸對顧客滿意有顯著差異,科技型服務接觸高於人際型服務接觸;IPA 研究結果落於第二象限中,即顧客重視卻不滿意的服務屬性包含:地勤人員能為您的最佳利益著想 (選位、行李額度等)、地勤人員了解您的特殊需求 (例如輪椅旅客、視障旅客的需求)、地勤人員能在極短的時間限制內解決您的問題、提出需求後,地勤人員能在第一次就把服務工作完成等四個項目。並針對重要性高績效度低的服務品質提出具體建議,加強服務品質管理以提高競爭優勢。
In the highly competitive airline industry, companies would like to improve the service quality while pursuing operational efficiency. Enterpise should focus on interpersonal-based service encounters or technology-based that can meet the needs of passengers. Therefore, this study used the perceived service quality of different service encounters to explore its impact on customer satisfaction, and used IPA to explore the passengers’ service encounter types the relationship between the importance of service quality and satisfaction through questionnaires.
Among 557 valid questionnaires, the results showed that the two different types of service encounters have positive effect on service quality, but the tangibility, reliability and responsiveness of technology-based service quality have no positive effect on overall customer satisfaction. And there is significant difference between the two different service encounters for customer satisfaction. The technology-based is higher than the interpersonal-based. The IPA analysis results fell in the second quadrant, the attributes of services that customers value but are not satisfied include: ground staff can take care of your best interests, and ground staff understand your special needs, the ground staff can complete your demand in the shortest time, after the demand is raised, the ground staff can complete the service work at the first time. Provide specific suggestions for service quality with high importance and low performance, and strengthen service quality management to improve competitive advantage.
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