研究生: |
許慧蘭 Hsu, Hui-Lan |
論文名稱: |
外人所見的福爾摩沙戰後之初社會現象,1945-1947 Formosa's early postwar social phenomena based on foreign sources, 1945-1947 |
指導教授: |
Khng, Pôe-tek |
口試委員: |
Khng, Pôe-tek 許文堂 Hsu, Wen-Tang 林欣宜 Lin, Xin-Yi |
口試日期: | 2024/07/15 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
臺灣史研究所 Graduate Institute of Taiwan History |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 244 |
中文關鍵詞: | 福爾摩沙 、戰後初期台灣史 、前置條件 、微觀史學 、小歷史 、政治經濟 、援蔣關説集團 |
英文關鍵詞: | Formosa, early postwar Taiwan history, constitutive preconditions, microhistory, small histories, political economy, Chiang's Lobby |
研究方法: | 個案研究法 、 歷史研究法 、 比較研究 、 文件分析法 、 社會網路分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401647 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:323 下載:9 |
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本論文結合宏觀與微觀視角,由外與由內雙向切入觀察台灣戰後之初(1945.8-1947)的社會現象,尤重民生經濟的演變。宏觀層面提出預示性的「前置條件」概念,微觀層面運用「小歷史」方法。 「前置條件」關注歷史的連續性,凸顯焦點時空的所以然取決於外在於該時空的先行時代背景;「小歷史」方法實作主要藉由戰後之初在台外國人的經驗紀錄來情境化那個時空當中具體細微的歷史事實和過程。 本研究第二章嘗試宏觀掌握制約戰後福爾摩沙地緣政治位置與內部社政經條件的歷史脈絡,包括例如二〇 年代中期到 1947 年的中國內政、援蔣關説集團在美國的運作、麥卡錫主義的影響、「美國版世界和平」構想與「共產巨擘」神話的對峙等。這些重層脈絡的交織,清楚預示了戰後福爾摩沙的權力關係結構及由此而來的政經趨勢及後果。 第三至第八章依外人的背景、來台動機分類,他們大多現場參與或見證戰後之初福爾摩沙的社會過程。筆者逐章介紹這些個人和組織的背景、在台扮演的角色及分別帶來的影響以外,尤其關注他們留下的文字記錄——包括陳述、所持立場及詮釋框架,此外另一個用意是紀念這些在福爾摩沙(人)最孤立的時刻同理其遭遇的外來友人,因為除了被國民黨當局污名化的葛超智以外,台灣戰後史幾乎無視他們的存在。 本論文借重戰後長期被圍堵或忽略的另類資料——戰後之初在台外國人筆下的動態小歷史——來評量黨國版台灣史之「製造性」。分析架構以世界史和小歷史為座標,首先將台灣史置回世界史地平線,揭示中、美兩國各別的內政以及美中蘇三向地緣政治如何影響台灣戰後史,畢竟真正關注台灣史的人都多少知覺,關乎台灣及其人民福祉的重大決定通常不由她(們)自決、而是任遠端的強權行動體定案。
This thesis approaches early postwar Formosa history (1945.8-1947) from without as well as within. It combines macro and micro perspectives, formulating for the former the concept of “constitutive preconditions” and for the latter utilizing the microhistory method. “Constitutive preconditions” in practice are concerned with the relationship between structural conditions of a given society and its potentialities. Microhistory engages in structural and symbolic analyses by way of experiential small histories, which situate facts and processes in context. Chapter 2 aims to illuminate the preconditions that dictate postwar Formosa’s structure of power relations and its attendant politico-economic consequences. These conditions include, for instance, Chinese politics from mid-1920s through 1947, Chiang’s Lobby in American politics, McCarthyism, the perceived battle between Pax Americana and the Communist Monolith, etc.. Chapters 3-8 organize outsiders to early postwar Formosa by personal or organizational background and motive. Most of these individuals and organizations were on-the-spot observers of or participants in the political, social, and economic processes. These chapters note the roles they play, their impact, and in particular their written records in terms not only of experiences and observation described, but also perspectives involved, and analyses arrived at. This part of the thesis is done in their memory, since Taiwan’s postwar history hardly ever registers their existence except for the case of George Kerr’s notoriety as a result of ostracization by KMT officialdom. Regarding research method, this thesis situates Taiwan in the field of world history, unveiling how Chinese and American domestic politics, respectively, as well as the US-China-Russia relations come to bear on Formosa’s postwar history. After all, for all who has ever been concerned with Taiwan history, it is well understood that the most crucial decisions related to the island and her peoples’ well-being are generally dealt remotely by powers and actors unjustly beyond her control. Meanwhile, this writing foregrounds the “small histories” materialized by outsiders to early postwar Formosa as illuminating bases to access some factual fragments from that particular time-space, as well as to assess the “manufactured” nature of KMT sanctioned history.
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