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研究生: 郭佩儀
Pei-Yi Kuo
論文名稱: 從比例問題的表面結構和深層結構探究國一學生的解題表現及解題策略情形
A study on the performance and strategies used by seventh grade students on proportion items in relation to the surface and deep structures of the items
指導教授: 譚克平
Tam, Hak-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 211
中文關鍵詞: 表面結構深層結構絕對改變相對改變加法策略比例推理
英文關鍵詞: surface structure, deep structure, absolute change, relative change, additive strategy, proportional reasoning
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:373下載:20
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  • 本研究的主要目的是從比例問題的表面結構和深層結構探究國一學生的解題表現及解題策略情形,並瞭解表面結構解題和深層結構解題的關聯性。

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the problem solving performance as well as strategies used by seventh grade students on proportion problems. Special attention will be directed towards their performance with respect to the surface and deep structure of the problems. In addition, the relationship between performances under the two structures will also be investigated.
    Towards this end, both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used in this study. It can basically be divided into two stages, the paper and pencil test stage and the interview stage. The items used in the paper and pencil test are based on three features of surface structure, namely, the integer type, the semantic type, and the quantitative properties of the ratios. The test instruments were administered to 460 seventh grade students from a junior high school located in the central region of Taiwan. The data thus collected was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, multiple regressions together with multivariate repeated measures method. The interview stage was focused on the problem solving performance of 24 students in relation to the deep structure of the proportion problems. They were selected based on their high, medium or low performance at school, with eight students coming from each group. The purpose of this stage is to find out how the problem solving performance of the students were related to the three deep structure features of the items, namely, the concept of covariance, invariance and relative change.
    The results of this study are as follows:
    1.Students with different abilities performed differently and used different strategies with respect to the specific kind of integer type items that they encountered.
    2.Students with different abilities performed differently and used different strategies with respect to the specific kind of semantic type items that they encountered. The kind of semantic type items in increasing difficulty as perceived by students are, well-chunked measures, associated sets, stretchers and shrinkers, and part-part items, in that order.
    3.Likewise, students with different abilities performed differently and used different strategies with respect to the specific kind of quantitative properties of the ratios items. In general, performances on the discrete quantity items are better than those on the continuous quantity items. Moreover, performances on the external ratio items are better than on the internal ratio items.
    4.Students with different abilities performed differently and used different strategies with respect to the surface structure of the items. Generally speaking, high ability students tended to use formula to solve problems while low ability students tended to use unit amount method to solve problems.
    5.High ability students were not that much affected by the surface structure of the items as the low ability students. Moreover, they understand the deep structure of the items better than the low ability students. Furthermore, one can predict to a certain extent the overall performance of students on proportion items based on their extent of understanding the deep structure of the items.
    6.There seemed to be difference in terms of student perception of the feature of surface structure of the items. There are some evidence that students were most easily affected by the feature of integer type, the feature of semantic type and then the feature of quantitative properties of the ratios that underlaid the items. So far as the deep structure is concerned, students were most easily affected by the feature of covariance, the feature of invariance and then the feature of relative change that underlaid the items.
    7.The gamma coefficient was biggest between students’ performance in relation to the feature of relative change and their performance in relation to the feature of integer type. Students’performance with respect to the feature of relative change was the best predictor of whether they could solve proportion items correctly.
    8.Students who could solve proportion items did not necessarily imply that they could handle the deep structure that underlaid the items. However, for those students who could handle the deep structure of the items, they could all solve the proportion items successfully.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究問題 5 第四節 名詞界定 6 第五節 研究範圍與限制 10 第貳章 文獻探討 11 第一節 比和比例的概念結構 11 第二節 影響兒童解比例問題的因素 24 第三節 比和比例概念的相關研究 28 第參章 研究方法 40 第一節 研究架構 40 第二節 研究設計 43 第三節 研究對象 48 第四節 研究工具 53 第五節 研究步驟與過程 65 第六節 資料處理 68 第肆章 資料分析 69 第一節 比例問題的表面結構與國一學生的解題表現之關係 70 第二節 比例問題的表面結構與國一學生的解題策略之關係 88 第三節 比例問題的深層結構與國一學生的解題表現之關係 147 第四節 比例問題的深層結構與國一學生的解題策略之關係 174 第五節 比例問題的表面結構與深層結構解題之間的關聯性 179 第伍章 結論與建議 185 第一節 結論 185 第二節 建議 194 參考文獻 202 中文部分 202 英文部分 204 附錄 208 附錄一 比例問題測驗四個題本的數字型式設計 208 附錄二 比例問題測驗T1題本 209

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