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研究生: 張念卿
Chang, Nien-Ching
論文名稱: 伊朗核政策分析:新古典現實主義理論的觀點
An Analysis of Iran's Nuclear Policy: from Neoclassical Realism Perspectives
指導教授: 王冠雄
Wang, Kuan-Hsiung
口試委員: 盧業中
Lu, Yeh-Chung
Kuan, Hung-Chang
Sun, Kuo-Hsiang
Tsui, Chin-Kuei
口試日期: 2021/05/21
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 308
中文關鍵詞: 伊朗現實主義核政策中東伊斯蘭
英文關鍵詞: Iran, Realism, Nuclear Policy, Middle East, Islam
研究方法: 文獻分析法歷史研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100456
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:321下載:21
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  • 伊朗之重要性在於:中東地區什葉派領導國家,擁有天然氣與石油資源,扼控波斯灣之世界海上運輸要道。鑒於伊朗1979年爆發革命後,長期挑戰美國主導之中東政治秩序,加上伊朗以發展核能之名推行核計畫,爆發可能具有軍事用途之核武爭議,因而遭到美歐及聯合國制裁,引起伊朗軍方威脅封鎖波斯灣之報復行動等,致使伊朗核問題成為全球兩大核武熱點議題之一。因此,本文問題意識:第一,伊朗核計畫與核政策引發爭端原因為何?第二,伊朗核政策與其他國家之交互影響與結果為何?第三,伊朗有無製造核武之分析與發展為何?

    The importance of Iran lies in its leadership of Shia faction in the Middle East. With abundant oil and gas natural resources, Iran controls the Persian Gulf which is a significant world maritime transport route. Given that Iran has been posing a major challenge for the order of Middle East under US’s leadership after its 1979 revolution. Furthermore, Iran’s nuclear program which in the name of energy development incites the continuing nuclear weapon controversy over its possible military dimensions, and Iran therefore has long been under sanctions from US, EU and UN. To counter the economic sanctions, Iran’s revolutionary guard threatens the closure of Persian Gulf as a revenge against US. The Iranian nuclear disputer has become one of the world’s hotspot issues. Thus, this thesis answers the following questions: Firstly, what is the reason for the Iranian nuclear program and policy? Secondly, What are the interactive effects and results of Iran’s nuclear policies with other countries? Thirdly, what is the analysis and development of whether nuclear weapons are manufactured in Iran?
    The findings are as follows. Firstly, regardless of the international or non-international level, they both have a certain influence on Iran’s nuclear policies. Among the various schools of realism theory, neoclassical realism is the most explanatory for Iran’s nuclear policies. Starting with the international level, neoclassical realism indicates that Iranian Islamic Shia regime is deeply anti-American ideology. In addition, Iran has long been suffering US’s political and economic pressure in that Iran develops a controversial nuclear program and interfere with regional countries at religious and political dimensions. Therefore, how to counter the US pressure in the international system is the top priority of Iran’s leadership. Secondly, regarding the non- the international level, neoclassical realism indicates that among the four intervening variables at the national and individual levels, the perception of Iran’s leadership of US policy is the variable which affects the formation of Iran’s nuclear policy. Although the supreme leader pays attention to the conservative strategic culture, he maintains the policy resilience as well. Besides, the factor of Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps is the most special intervening variable. Among all the government sectors, IRGC is the only institution that owns the ability to form and fulfill its policy. Thus, IRGC can affect President Rouhani’s government nuclear policy to some extent.
    In sum, when we look into the issue of whether Iran is developing nuclear weapons from a theoretical point of view by applying realism theory. Iran held a high degree of insecurity about the international environment during the period of President Ahmadinejad’s government. That government firmly believed that the US or its ally Israel intend to overthrow Iran regime. That President Ahmadinejad promoted IRGC officials and the fact that he developed enrichment technology at all expense indicate that, President Ahmadinejad government has the most intent to development nuclear weapons. After President Rouhani took power, given that the US and EU economic sanctions impact Iran’s economy, the nuclear ambition and intent of Iran’s conservative hardliners is suppressed. However, the hardliners insist in keeping the nuclear program and controlling the enrichment technology achievement. At present President Rouhani’s government still pays attention to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Although President Rouhani still enjoy close relation with the supreme leader, the power of conservative hardliners has already grown due to US President Trump’s withdrawal from JCPOA. Above all, IRGC has been more adapted the US economic sanctions and its position become more assertive. Whether Iran’s conservative hardliners can be suppressed has become an important variable for the prospect of the Iranian nuclear issue.
    Three suggestions emanating from my research are: firstly, given that US President Biden’s government has just come to power in February and Iran is about to have a presidential election in June this year. With the rise of Iran conservative faction, President Biden has a shorter time if US intend to make progress in the Iranian nuclear issue before Iran President Rouhani step down. Thus, to prevent the worsening of Iranian nuclear issue, whether US would intensify engagements with EU, Russia and China, is worth attention. Secondly, the Iran supreme leader is old and has health problems. He has not yet appointed the successor. Therefore, continuing to observe the potential presidential candidates, its political views and whoever is supported by the supreme leader, is suggested. At last, once Iran President Rouhani’s government decides to rejoin the JCPOA, in which way that President Rouhani can compensate or satisfy the loss and interest of IRGC, then the President could convince IRGC to cooperate fully with his government. Whether IRGC will interfere with President Rouhani’s effort to rejoin the JCPOA or not, is an important index as well.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究途徑與方法 16 第三節 研究架構與章節安排 18 第四節 研究範圍與限制 21 第五節 文獻回顧 22 第二章 新古典現實主義與核政策研究 49 第一節 以現實主義分析伊朗核政策之理由 49 第二節 新古典現實主義理論的源起與演化 52 第三節 新古典現實主義與伊朗核政策分析 61 第四節 本章小結 71 第三章 伊朗核政策緣起及發展要況 73 第一節 2002年以前的伊朗核政策 73 第二節 哈塔米政府時期的伊朗核政策 79 第三節 內賈德政府時期的伊朗核政策 84 第四節 羅哈尼政府時期的伊朗核政策 96 第五節 本章小結 116 第四章 伊朗政治架構與意識形態 118 第一節 伊朗政治架構 118 第二節 伊朗意識形態 125 第三節 伊朗宗教界對核武的觀點 131 第四節 伊朗內部派系及總統與最高領袖關係 138 第五節 本章小結 145 第五章 中東政教鬥爭與伊朗核政策 147 第一節 什葉派與遜尼派的教派之爭 147 第二節 伊朗對中東之外交政策 155 第三節 伊朗對中東之安全政策 161 第四節 伊朗核問題與區域強權 166 第五節 本章小結 175 第六章 美伊角力與伊朗核政策 179 第一節 1979年至2002年之美伊關係 179 第二節 2002年至2015年之美伊關係 183 第三節 2015年以後之美伊關係 203 第四節 本章小結 212 第七章 新古典現實主義對伊朗核政策之分析觀點 223 第一節 新古典現實主義-國際層次 223 第二節 新古典現實主義-非國際層次 238 第三節 理論檢證:新古典現實主義觀點下之伊朗核政策 247 第四節 本章小結 256 第八章 結論 259 參考文獻 268

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