簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳秀慈
Chen, Hsiu-Tzu
論文名稱: 漢語「因為」在主語前後對其呼應詞語之篇章制約及教學啟示
The Discourse Constraints of “Yinwei” in the Pre-Subject or Post-Subject Position on Its Echoing Connectors and Its Pedagogical Implications
指導教授: 陳俊光
Chen, Jyun-Gwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 165
中文關鍵詞: 因果句連詞語體體裁
英文關鍵詞: Cause-and-Effect Sentences, Connectors, Style, Genre
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203300
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:33
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  • 本研究以Halliday三大語言純理功能中篇章(textual)功能作為分析基礎,輔以真實語料之佐證,對現代漢語連詞「因為」與主語及其後子句連接性成分隱現之互動關係進行討論,並依研究結果提出教學啟示。本研究之研究基礎主要為臺灣語料庫中的304筆書面語料、100筆口語語料,共404筆語料。檢視並分析語料後,本研究有以下幾點發現。





    This research analyzes Halliday's textual function of language, examining the use of the Mandarin conjunction “Yinwei” in relation with the subject of the clause and its subordinate connectors, concluding by using the results to propose suggestions for future Chinese language education. Empirical data was collected from a variety of corpora based in Taiwan, with 304 instances of written and 100 instances of spoken Mandarin, for a total of 404 pieces of data.

    With regard to the position of the subject in the antecedent, when positioned after "Yinwei", the following echoing connector tended to be used to link the antecedent and postcedent. On the other hand, if appearing after the use of "Yinwei ", the echoing connectors tended to be omitted, with nouns or null subjects used instead. In regard to differences and similarities between the antecedent and postcedent, the use of the null subjects was not influenced by the subject. Moreover, when the subject of the antecedent and postcedent was the same, the use of an echoing connector to link the postcedent was never omitted.

    In terms of textual genre, the subjectivity or objectivity of the text had no influence on the use of null subjects; however, in cases where the postcedent subject differed from that of the antecedent, comparison revealed a cause-and-effect relationship between the two subjects. Hence, when compared to objective narration, the textual genre of subjective discourse showed higher instances of omitting conjunctive phrases between clauses.

    Finally, stylistically, the level of formality had no clear influence on the usage of null subjects. However, when the antecedent subject appeared before “Yinwei”, conjunctive phrases appeared more in spoken data when compared with written data, creating a cause-and-effect relationship. When the subject of both clauses differed, the tendency for written language to contain conjunctive phrases increased. Spoken data, when compared to written data, also showed a greater tendency to employ the conjunction “Suoyi”.

    Results reveal that when the subject is placed after “Yinwei”, and the sentence uses a conjunctive phrase to link the antecedent and postcedent, the subject will be a null subject. Based on these results, this author suggests Chinese language education put an emphasis on teaching the above structure first, afterwards introducing instances in which the subject appears before “Yinwei”, omitting a conjunctive phrase, and finally teaching the overarching principles of conjunctive phrases in linking the antecedent and postcedent.

    摘要 i Abstract iii 目錄 v 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1 一、 研究動機 1 二、 研究目的 6 第二節 研究方向與研究範圍 6 一、 研究方向 7 二、 研究範圍 7 第三節 研究問題 8 第四節 研究架構 9 第五節 術語釋義 9 一、 篇章與篇章教學 9 二、 銜接與連貫 10 三、 焦點 10 四、 無標與有標 10 五、 體裁與語體 11 六、 論說體裁與記敘體裁 11 七、 書面語體與口語語體 11 第二章 文獻探討 13 第一節 篇章理論 13 一、銜接(cohesion) 13 二、信息結構(Information Structure) 18 三、回指(Anaphora)與關聯理論(Relevance Theory) 19 四、標記理論 23 五、範距(管界) 25 六、語言經濟原則 28 第二節 體裁及語體 29 第三節 與因果句相關之先行研究 31 一、語用 32 二、主題 33 三、語義負載 34 四、語言類型 35 五、小結 37 第三章 研究方法 39 第一節 研究架構 39 一、語料分析架構 40 二、句式分類及語料討論 41 三、研究問題一 47 四、研究問題二 50 第二節 研究方法 53 一、語料來源與語料分類 54 二、教材評析與教學啟示 57 第四章 研究結果與討論 59 第一節 「因為」各句式語料分布情形 59 第二節 研究問題一 62 一、前分句主語位置與後分句關聯詞語隱現之互動關係 63 二、前、後分句主語異同與後分句關聯詞語隱現之互動關係 71 第三節 研究問題二 77 一、體裁對因果句後分句關聯詞語之影響 77 二、語體對因果句後分句關聯詞語之影響 88 第四節 本章總結 101 第五章 教材檢視與建議 105 第一節 教材檢視 106 一、《新版實用視聽華語1~5》 106 二、《遠東生活華語Ⅰ~Ⅲ》 112 三、《當代中文課程1~4》 117 第二節 教學建議 122 第六章 結論 127 第一節 研究總結 127 第二節 限制與展望 129 參考文獻 131 附錄 135

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