研究生: |
林京霈 Ching-Pei Ling |
論文名稱: |
泰勒(Charles Taylor)自我根源論之德育蘊義 Charles Taylor’s Treatise on “Sources of the Self” and Its Significance In Moral Education |
指導教授: | 林逢祺 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 182 |
中文關鍵詞: | 查爾斯‧泰勒 、自我根源論 、道德根源 、道德空間 、本真性倫理學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Charles Taylor, sources of the self, moral source, moral space, the ethics of authenticity |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:470 下載:117 |
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本研究旨在探討 C. Taylor的自我根源論及其在德育上的蘊義。首先,探究Taylor自我根源論思想形成的可能背景,此部份大體上可分做兩個層次,其一為Taylor的生平事蹟及其生長的環境理解,其二則是嘗試回到 Taylor相關著作中所提及之哲學家的思想,進一步掌握Taylor的自我根源論,此部份包含Herder語言思想、Hegel的自我意識和歷史哲學、Heidegger的存有論與Wittgenstein對私人語言的反對等。其次,著手於Taylor的道德思想,即道德空間中自我與善的關係,及現代自我同一性的相關範疇;對於Taylor的道德思想有了初步的理解背景之後,再進入Taylor對於自我與道德根源之間關係轉變的探討。Taylor以歷史研究的方式梳理出三大道德根源,包含有神論的道德根源、分離理性之道德根源,以及內在深度的道德根源。再輔以現代性問題的分析,以揭示出現代工具理性及自我實現的表現扭曲了其原有的道德理想。最後,Taylor不僅恢復分離理性及表現主義之道德理想,更企圖以融合其語言思想的本真性倫理學結合這兩股道德根源,並且統合人類的理性、自由、情感與自然,重新恢復人類的靈性。本研究之末尾依據前述的探討,提出Taylor自我根源論於道德教育的啟示,希冀能夠為當前台灣的道德教育注入一道活水,並且達到提醒效果。
This study inquired into C. Taylor’s treatise on “sources of the self” and expounded its significance in moral education. Firstly, it investigated the acceptable background of Taylor’s thought about “sources of the self”. This part was divided into two levels: one was the understanding of Taylor’s life history, and the other was the knowing of several philosophers’ relevant thoughts, including Herder’s philosophy of language, Hegel’s philosophy of mind and history, Heidegger’s “Ontologie” and Wittgenstein’s arguments against the private language. Secondly, it dealt with Taylor’s moral thought, including the connection between a self and goods in the moral space, and the relevant conceptions of self-identity. When discussing the changes of the relationship between a self and the moral source, Taylor used historical approach and then distributed the moral sources into three domains: one was based on the theism; the second one centred on disengaged reason; the third family of view was the form of inner path. In addition, Taylor’s analysis of the problems of modernity also revealed the moral ideal which has been distorted by the visions of instrumental reason and the expressive fulfillment. Finally, Taylor not only wanted to retrieve the moral ideals of disengaged reason and expressivism, but also tried to connect the two families of the moral sources by his philosophy of language and the ethics of authenticity. By doing this, Taylor wanted to unit human’s reason, freedom, feeling and the nature, and also to retrieve human’s spirituality. Based on the above discussions, the implication of Taylor’s treatise of “sources of the self” for moral education is expounded at the end of this study.
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