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研究生: 董又銘
Tung, Yu-ming
論文名稱: 三動力源複合式動力車之最佳化能量管理與模式切換
GSA for Engery Mangment and Mode Switch of a 3-Power Hybrid Vehicle
指導教授: 洪翊軒
Hung, Yi-Hsuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 複合動力車性能模擬控制策略動力分配最佳化
英文關鍵詞: hybrid electric vehicle, performance simulation, control strategy, optimization
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:194下載:12
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  • 目前電池能量密度不足問題,行駛里程距離經常受到限制。研究三動力源複合動力源之最佳功率分配與切換時機最佳化。採用Matlab/Simulink建立三動力源整車複合動力搭載引擎、驅動馬達、起動發電機模組(Integrated Starter Generator,ISG )、動力鋰電池、煞車回充、傳動系統、能量管理策略及行車型態,並且使用最小等效油耗(Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy)之控制策略與巢狀式五項變數(需求功率、殘電量、轉速、引擎功率及馬達功率)之全域搜尋(Global Sreach Algorithm,GSA),將等效最小等效函數之動力分配崁入整車系統中。另搭配全域搜尋五項變數找出最佳模式切換時機,進一步在不同操作條件下尋找整車可行駛最大里程之最佳操作點。模擬行車型態為NEDC與FTP-75。在NEDC工況中,使用ECMS可改善26.32 %,再將最佳能量源理論和模式切換最佳化整合可改善30.52 %;FTP-75工況中,使用ECMS可改善17.22 %,再將ECMS和模型切換最佳化整合可改善19.81 %

    The mileage of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) is limited by the low energy density of batteries. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the optimal power distributionand to optimize the mode-switching of a three-power source hybrid power system. Matlab/Simulink was employed to develop a three-power source hybrid vehicle with an engine, propulsion motor, integrated starter generator (ISG), lithium battery, regenerative braking, drive system, energy management system, and driving pattern. Furthermore, an equivalent consumption minimization strategy and global search algorithm (GSA) with five nested variables (power required, state of charge, revolutions per minute, engine power, and motor power) were employed to embed the power distribution system of minimum equivalent function into the overall vehicle system. Separately, the five-variable GSA was applied to determine the optimal time for switching modes as well as the optimal operating point for determining the ideal mileage under various operating conditions. The driving cycles were simulated according to the New European Driving Cycle NEDC and Federal Test Procedure 75 (FTP-75). Under the NEDC, the driving cycle was improved by 26.32% by using the electrical control and energy management system (ECMS) alone; integrating the ECMS with the optimal energy source and optimized mode-switching configuration resulted in a 30.52% improvement. Under FTP-75, the driving cycle was improved by 17.22% by using the ECMS alone, whereas integrating the ECMS and optimized mode-switching configuration resulted in a 19.81% improvement.

    摘 要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌 謝 iv 目錄 v 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1引言 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3研究目的 4 1.4研究方法 5 1.5文獻回顧 7 1.6論文架構 11 第二章 系統動態模型 13 2.1系統架構 13 2.2內燃引擎 15 2.3高功率電動馬達 17 2.4 ISG起動式發電機 18 2.5儲能鋰電池 19 2.6傳動系統 21 2.7縱向整車動態 22 2.8駕駛者行車型態 23 第三章 能量管理策略 25 3.1複合動力車模式 25 3.2規則庫管理策略 31 3.3動力分配最佳化 35 3.4整車模式切換最佳化 39 第四章 模擬結果與討論 43 4.1基本性能結果 43 4.2行車型態模擬結果 44 4.3動力最佳化分配結果 45 4.4延距模式最佳化結果 50 4.5不同能量管理比較結果 51 4.5.1 一次NEDC行車型態結果 51 4.5.2 加滿20 l之NEDC行車型態結果 54 4.6能耗比較結果 57 4.6.1 一次NEDC能耗結果 57 4.6.2加滿20 l 之NEDC能耗結果 58 第五章 結論與未來工作 63 5.1結論 63 5.2未來工作與建議 64 參考文獻 67 符號列表 71

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