研究生: |
郭哲君 Che-Chun Kuo |
論文名稱: |
體育相關科系學生未來工作自我顯著與前瞻性生涯行為之相關研究:論調控焦點之個人傾向效果 Future work self salience and proactive career behavior in physical education college students: The role of regulatory focus effects |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Chih-Fu |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 98 |
中文關鍵詞: | 前瞻性 、前瞻性行為 、生涯發展 、自我調控 |
英文關鍵詞: | proactivity, proactive behavior, career development, self-regulation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:550 下載:0 |
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前瞻性行為是當前熱門的研究議題,其關注的是一種促成事情發生的心理機制,涉及自發性、以改變為導向,並且以未來為焦點的一系列想法與行動。而在近年來,前瞻性研究開始關注個人生涯發展,相關研究先後從動機的觀點捕捉前瞻性生涯行為的影響因素。基於這樣的脈絡,本研究延續 Strauss 等人的觀點,試圖將動機和行為的聯結向前延伸,從個人長期慣習之調控焦點傾向開展,探討其對於未來工作自我顯著和前瞻性生涯行為的心理機制;同時,從正向心理的途徑進一步檢驗調控焦點傾向對於未來工作自我顯著和主觀幸福感的關聯性。據此,研究一以 228 名大專校院之在學學生為對象,先針對中文版之未來工作自我顯著量表、未來傾向量表,以及前瞻性生涯行為量表進行信效度檢驗,結果顯示三個量表分別具有良好之因素結構,且構念間的相關性符合個人前瞻性行為的理論主張。研究二以 225 名體育相關科系學生重複驗證中文量表之信效度,亦反映良好之心理計量特性。另外,在研究中我們發現,促進型調控焦點傾向能有效透過未來工作自我顯著的中介,分別正向預測前瞻性生涯行為與主觀幸福感。這樣的結果意味著在動機與目標的歷程上,帶有個人盼望、抱負與志向等個人慣用之促進型調控焦點傾向在正向可能自我的型塑上扮演重要的關係角色,如此的關係更能夠進一步提升個人前瞻性的生涯行為,同時增進個人的心理適應,整體上符合前瞻性的正向觀點。最後,透過本研究之重要發現,並依據調控焦點與前瞻性行為之理論視角進行討論,建議未來研究在方法上可採用貫時性研究或實驗研究方法,概念上則可探討調控焦點的個人傾向與情境之調節效果。實務方面,建議未來研究可將前瞻性概念延伸至不同的理論和情境脈絡中;同時,應用本研究翻譯之中文量表進行研究;最後,在生涯輔導方面則應於輔導前先瞭解被輔導者之動機傾向,藉以提升生涯輔導之成效。
Proactive behavior now is an essential research issue, which concerns with the psychological mechanism of making things happen, and focus on a seris of self-initiated, change-oriented and future-focused actions that directs to improve the situation or oneself. Recently, the research approach in proactivity started to put the aim on the individual’s career development, and researcher attempted to capture the antecedents and mechanisms of proactive behavior from the view of individual’s motivation. Drawing on the contention, this study extended the findings of Strauss, Griffin, and Parker (2012) to exam the motivation- behavior mechanism. The author applied the chronic focus (regulatory focus) as the antecedent variable of future work self-salience and proactive career behavior for examing the relations among the three variables. Also, this study based on the approach of positive psychology to test the relations among chronic focus, future work self-salience, and subjective well-being. In study one, 228 college students were recruited as the research participant for confirming the psychometrics properties of Chinese version of future work self-salience measure, future orientation measure, and proactive career behavior. The findings provided an empirical support that the three measures revealed well reliability and validity. Study two replicated the study one, the author took 225 physical education college students as research participants, the author recomfirmed the factor solution and construct validity of three measures. Furthermore, the results showed that promotion focus was significantly associated with proactive career behavior via future work self-salience, and promotion focus was significantly associated with subjective well-being via future work self-salience as well. In line with the theoretical suggestions of proactivity, the findings indicated that promotion focus play important roles in shaping students’ proactive career behavior and promoting psychological adjustment. When students with promotion focus are more likely to reveal salient future work self, which would enhance proactive career behavior and subjective well-being respectively. According to the findings of this study suggests that future research can investigate the regulatory fit effect (i.e. interaction between chronic focus and situation), and the longitudinal and experimental methods are recommended. In addition, this study suggests that future research can extend the proactivity concept to different contexts by using the Chinese version measure in this study. Finally, the findings suggest that the students’ motivational tendancy should be considered before the implement of career counseling intervention.
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