簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 杜欣欣
Hsin-hsin, Tu
論文名稱: 格雷群像:文化翻譯視野下的譯本研究
The Pictures of Dorian Gray: A Cultural Analysis of Six Chinese Trasnlations in Taiwan
指導教授: 賴慈芸
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 文化翻譯研究改寫譯寫去殖民化勒斐維爾列維王爾德
英文關鍵詞: cultural translation studies, rewriting, adaptive translation, decolonization, André Lefevere, Jiři Levỳ, Oscar Wilde
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:625下載:133
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  • 本文擬以文化翻譯研究途徑探討同一作品在特定譯語環境下生成的各種譯本,藉以描述翻譯現象之共時性與同時性,並瞭解從原文到譯文生產過程中的文化協商機制。研究材料為王爾德(Oscar Wilde)作品The Picture of Dorian Gray及該書在台灣的六個譯本:首先在第一章裡頭分析原文內容與寫作特徵,找出翻譯上可能遇到的困難點,然後於第二章評論各家譯文所形塑的各種文本形象。接下來第三章的焦點將轉移到《杜連魁》,借用列維(Jiři Levỳ)翻譯決定過程模式,分析王大閎的「情境移轉策略」客觀性為何,又其「譯寫」是否逾越社會文化背景迻譯的權限。第四章裡帶入勒斐維爾(André Lefevere)的文化翻譯視野來分析前一章析離出《杜連魁》隱含的譯者專斷,從權力、贊助人、意識型態、詩學觀審視王大閎如何在七零年代臺灣社會現實情境中構築《杜連魁》的文本情境,而這部實驗性的譯文又如何透過「譯/異文化」來確立本身的主體性。最後為全文總結。

    The thesis examines, through a cultural translation studies approach, five Chinese translations and a Chinese adapted translation of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray published in Taiwan. Through a discussion of these translated versions I hope to come up with a diachronic and synchronic description of the translation norm from the early seventies to the present as well an understanding of the cultural negotiation mechanisms in operation in the translating process.

    In Chapter One, I will provide an overview of the original work and analyze some difficult points in translation. Then Chapter Two will cover all six translations and the kinds of images they create in the acceptant culture. Starting from Chapter Three the focus of discussion will shift to the adapted version Du Lian-Kuei. In analyzing Wang Da-Hong’s experimental work Du Lian-Kuei, I propose an interdisciplinary approach. First, I will use Jiři Levý’s linguistic model to determine whether the deviations from the plot in Du Lian-Kuei were necessary due to the social-cultural differences between the target text and source text. Later, in Chapter Four I will apply André Lefevere’s concept of the manipulation of translated texts in the four categories of power, patronage, ideology, and poetics. Chapter Five will be the conclusion.

    In a close comparison of the original text and the adapted translation, this thesis will explain how the recontextualized Du Lian-Kuei reflects certain singularities that only appear at the historical point of the production of the translation.

    第一章:續論 1 1.1研究目標 1 1.2王爾德《格雷的畫像》The Picture of Dorian Gray 4 1.3文獻回顧 8 第二章:中譯本評論 12 2.1 台灣譯本簡評 12 2.2 王大閎譯本 18 2.3 翻譯現象綜合評析 28 第三章:《杜連魁》移轉決定分析 39 3.1列維模式—翻譯即決定的過程 39 3.2由語言分析擴大至社會文化情境分析 43 第四章:《杜連魁》文化翻譯研究視角 51 4.1權力 51 4.2贊助人 55 4.3意識型態 58 4.4詩學 72 第五章:結論 77


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