簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王雅玲
Ya-Ling Wang
論文名稱: 多頻道有機壓電感測器研製與應用
Multichannel piezoelectric crystal detection system with principal component analysis for air pollutants from PVC plants
指導教授: 施正雄
Shih, Jeng-Shong
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 多頻道壓電感測器主成分分析
英文關鍵詞: Multichannel Multichannel piezoelectric crystal detection system, Principal Component Analysis,PCA
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:369下載:15
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  • 壓電晶體感測器是利用塗佈在石英晶體電極表面的辨識元,即所謂的塗佈物種,吸附待測分子造成電極表面的質量產生變化,導致石英壓電晶體本身共振頻率的下降,在藉由此頻率變化值來了解待測物的特性。本研究利用自行研製之一六個頻道(六個石英晶片)之多頻道氣體壓電感測器,用以偵測由高分子工業常用來溶解高分子之有機溶劑(如:甲醇(Methanol)、二硫化碳(Carbon disulfide)、二甲基甲醯胺(N,N-Dimethyl formamide)等)而散佈在高分子工廠空氣中之有機污染物。
    本研究中亦利用電腦主成份分析法(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)來分析各頻道對各有機污染物之頻率訊號,以助於眾多塗佈物種中選擇出最適合偵測目的的塗佈物質。進行主成份分析後,前三個主成份便可解釋總變異量的98.66﹪,且C60/PPA、Polyethylene glycol、Nafion、Triphenyl phosphine、Cryptand-22及Polyvinyl pyrrolidone等六種在主成份分析中具有代表性的石英晶體塗佈物被選出。利用主成份分析法中的成分分數,以成份1(Factor 1 or PRIN 1)為X軸,成份2(Factor 2 or PRIN 2)為Y軸作圖,所得之X-Y主成份分析散佈圖(PCA Scores Map),能夠有效地分辨出Methanol、Formic acid、Propionaldehyde、Carbon disulfide及N,N-Dimethyl formamide這五種不同的揮發性有機污染物。再者,利用雷達圖描繪不同有機污染物的訊號強度,可以發現每種揮發性有機分子都有其獨特型態的雷達圖,可以此來作為辨識的依據。
    本研究中也分別探討了各種石英晶體塗佈物之塗佈量效應、各種揮發性有機污染物之濃度效應以及水氣所造成的影響,結果顯示此自製多頻道氣體感測器對五種有機物均具有很不錯的偵測下限。而在水氣所造成的影響實驗中,發現所選用的六種塗佈物中有些塗佈物質具有吸溼性,會受到水氣的干擾,且隨著相對溼度的增加,訊號的漂移也愈顯著,尤其以Polyvinyl pyrrolidone作為塗佈膜之石英晶體感應頻率變化受到水氣的干擾較嚴重。

    Piezoelectric(PZ) quartz crystal is well-known to be sensitive to pressure exerted on its surface. The vibrational frequency of an oscillating piezoelectric quartz crystal decreases when a foreign substrance is adsorbed onto its surface. This phenomenon enables us to detect the characteristics of the substance. In this study, a multi-channel piezoelectric quartz crystal gas detection system with various organic material coated quartz crystals and a home-made computer interface for data processing were prepared and employed to detect various organic pollutants from PVC plants such as methanol, formic acid, propionaldehyde, carbon disulfide and N,N-dimethyl formamide.
    The principal component analysis (PCA) method was than applied to analyze the signals from each channel with each coating material, and the appropriate coating materials for organic pollutants were selected. After performing PCA assay, the data set obtained from 29 piezoelectric crystal sensors for 5 analytes and the first three factors of the reduced set explained 98.66﹪of the variation. Six representative coating materials such as C60/PPA, Polyethylene glycol, Nafion, Triphenyl phosphine, Cryptand-22 and Polyvinyl pyrrolidone were selected. Five vaporized organic pollutants, Methanol、Formic acid、Propionaldehyde、Carbon disulfide and N,N-Dimethyl formamide could be effectively distinguished from PCA Scores Map generated by employing factor 1(PRIN1) as the x-axis and factor 2(PRIN2) as the y-axis. Furthermore, since different evaporated organic molecules tend to have distinguishing profile discrimination maps, profile discrimination maps can be used as finger-prints for distinction.
    Effects of coating load, concentration and interference of water were also investigated and discussed. The result of multi-channel piezoelectric quartz crystal gas detection system showed the good detection limit, but the detection with some coating materials such as Polyvinyl pyrrolidone was found to be interfered by water.
    The relationship between concentration and profile discrimination maps of organic mixtures with methanol, carbon disulfide, propionaldehyde and N,N-dimethyl formamide detected by the six-channel piezoelectric detection system were also probed and discussed afterward in this study. By comparing the signal intensity of specific axis in profile discrimination maps of the organic mixtures, specific gases could be identified. The multichannel piezoelectric crystal detection system developed in this study can be potentially expected to be applied for organic pollutants from other polymer industrial plants.

    目錄 Ⅰ 圖表目錄 Ⅲ 中文摘要 Ⅵ Abstract Ⅷ 第一章 緒論 1 1-1研究緣起 1 1-2氣體化學感測器簡介 4 1-2-1化學感測器簡介 4 1-2-2氣體感測器 6 1-3壓電晶體 9 1-3-1壓電晶體之壓電性 9 1-3-2石英振盪器 11 1-3-3 AT-cut石英振盪器的特性 13 1-3-4石英振盪器的線路 16 1-3-5振盪頻率的量測 17 1-3-6石英微量天平 19 1-3-7氣體石英壓電感測器 24 1-4主成份分析 29 1-4-1基本原理 30 1-4-2主成份分析之應用 32 1-4-3成份分數 34 第二章 實驗部分 35 2-1藥品及溶劑 35 2-2石英晶體的處理 37 2-2-1石英晶體 37 2-2-2表面塗佈液配製 37 2-2-3表面塗佈法 38 2-3實驗系統與方法 39 2-3-1實驗裝置之建立 39 2-3-2多頻道石英壓電晶體氣相實驗系統之實驗步驟 42 2-3-3 SAS統計軟體 43 第三章 結果與討論 46 3-1多頻道石英壓電感測器塗佈物質之選擇 46 3-2各種不同揮發性有機物之主成份分析散佈圖 57 3-3各種揮發性有機物之雷達辨識圖 59 3-4塗佈量對感應頻率變化的影響 62 3-5待測物濃度效應對感應頻率變化的影響 69 3-6混合有機污染物對感應頻率變化的影響 78 3-7水氣對感應頻率變化的影響 84 第四章 結論 87 參考資料 88

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