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研究生: 張永暉
Zhang, Yong-Hui
論文名稱: 水墨風格之城市文化圖像設計創作研究—以福州爲例
Research on Urban Image Creation in the Ink painting style—Taking Fuzhou as an Example
指導教授: 許和捷
Hsu, Ho-Chieh
口試委員: 許峻誠
Hsu, Chun-Cheng
Hsueh, Yu-ting
Hsu, Ho-Chieh
口試日期: 2023/06/05
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 127
中文關鍵詞: 城市意象水墨技法福州城市文化圖像創作
英文關鍵詞: urban imagery, wash drawing, Ink Wash, Fuzhou
研究方法: 個案研究法深度訪談法文獻分析法創作實證法調查法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300867
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:195下載:9
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  • 本研究以福州為例,探討水墨技法在城市意象圖像創作中的運用。本文首先研究了城市文化與城市意象,從中得出城市意象的代表元素並將其分類,再由探討圖像學與城市意象之間的聯係,以及城市形象創作的概念和水墨畫的歷史,包括它的發展和技巧,總結創作方式和理念,最後將水墨畫技法應用於城市圖像的創作中。

    This study takes Fuzhou as an example to explore the application of ink wash painting technique in the creation of urban imagery. The paper first studies the relationship between urban culture and urban imagery, and classifies the representative elements of urban imagery. It then discusses the connection between image theory and urban imagery, as well as the concepts of urban image creation and the history of ink wash painting, including its development and techniques, and summarizes the creative methods and ideas. Finally, the ink wash painting technique is applied to the creation of urban imagery.
    The article analyzes the relationship between urban culture and image creation, and explores how urban imagery reflects and shapes urban culture. It studies how ink wash painting techniques can be used to create images that reflect the unique culture of the city. Research methods include case studies of urban and ink wash posters, and analysis through content and visual analysis. In-depth interviews with designers and professors in related fields provided insights into the techniques and processes used to create urban imagery.
    The paper also explores the role of technology in the creation of urban images, including the use of digital tools and techniques to enhance and change the tonality of ink wash style images. Finally, the paper summarizes the research results and emphasizes the importance of ink wash painting techniques in creating urban imagery that reflects the city's cultural identity. The paper concludes that ink wash painting techniques can be used to create visually appealing and culturally significant urban images that can be used to promote the city and its culture. The paper provides insights into the use of ink wash painting techniques in the creation of urban imagery, and helps to understand the relationship between art and urban culture. It demonstrates the potential of ink wash painting techniques in creating visually striking and culturally significant urban images, and provides a framework for future research in this field.

    第壹章、緒論 第一節、研究動機與目的 1 第二節、研究方法與限制 2 第三節、名詞解釋 4 第四節、研究架構 5 第貳章、文獻探討 第一節、城市文化理論與剖析 7 一、城市文化的內涵 7 二、城市文化的作用探討 9 三、城市意象的元素分析 11 四、城市文化意象 12 第二節、圖像學研究 13 一、圖像的涵義 13 二、圖像學相關理論探討 14 三、圖像學架構 15 四、圖像學與城市文化的連結 18 第三節、水墨表現技法 19 一、水墨畫的定義與特色 19 二、水墨視覺表現分析 19 第參章、研究方法與個案分析 第一節、研究方法 26 一、研究架構 26 二、研究方法 26 第二節、圖像個案研究 28 一、城市海報圖像個案分析 29 二、水墨風格圖像個案分析 36 三、小結 46 第三節、深度訪談 47 一、訪談者之研究篩選條件 47 二、訪談大綱 48 三、訪談內容分析整理 48 四、訪談小結 53 第肆章、創作理念與作品展現 第一節、創作理念 54 第二節、創作歷程 55 第三節、創作作品説明 59 一、自然環境類 59 二、地標建築類 69 三、人文意象類 79 第四節、展場説明 89 一、展覽介紹 89 二、展場説明 89 第五節、成效調查 91 一、問卷調查 91 二、國際賽事評比 93 第伍章、結論與建議 第一節、研究結論 96 第二節、研究建議 97 參考文獻 99 附錄一 104 附錄二 108 附錄三 113

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