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研究生: 洪慧如
Stephanie Hui-Ru Hong
論文名稱: 中文冷笑話之語言分析
A Linguistic Analysis of Mandarin Cold Jokes
指導教授: 張妙霞
Chang, Miao-Hsia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 冷笑話
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:455下載:247
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  • 中文摘要

    Cold jokes and traditional jokes differ in the types of humor they exploit. According to the data collected in the present study, cold jokes are found to make use of several types of humor: Metahumor, Nonsense Humor, and Incongruity-Resolution Humor. The Nonsense Humor in cold jokes can be further classified into three subtypes—Partial Resolution, No Resolution, and Creating New Incongruity. Among these types of humor in cold jokes, only the humor of Incongruity-Resolution and Partial Resolution are employed in traditional jokes.
    Although Incongruity-Resolution Humor is exploited in both traditional jokes and cold jokes, cold jokes cover a higher percentage of sexual or other vulgar topics than traditional jokes. In addition, linguistic ambiguity is extensively employed in this class of cold jokes. As sexual or other vulgar topics are usually considered taboos by the society, large number of jokes addressing these topics tend to strike one as “cold". The same is also true of linguistic ambiguity. Since language is a rule-governed system, frequently breaking the linguistic rule may not evoke humor.
    While the humor of Partial Resolution is employed in both traditional jokes and cold jokes, the cold jokes employing Partial Resolution are perceived as “cold” in that these jokes depict inanimate entities behaving like humans; the situation is very improbable in reality.
    From a linguistic perspective, this study aims to explore the reason why the types of humor in cold jokes are perceived as “cold” or unfunny: they may violate certain rules of well-formed jokes. To see whether these cold jokes abide by the rules of well-formed jokes, two filters are used: Raskin’s Main Hypothesis and Giora’s three conditions for joke well-formedness. The result shows that exceptthe humor of Incongruity-Resolution and Partial Resolution, other types of humor in cold jokes violate to a great extent the requirements posited by Raskin and Giora.
    To sum up, cold jokes can be characterized in several ways. First, cold jokes cover a large number of taboo topics (i.e. sexual or other vulgar topics). Second,linguistic ambiguity is widely exploited in cold jokes. Third, most of the humor types in cold jokes violate certain rules of well-formed or funny jokes.
    The above characteristics of cold jokes may have some implications. They seem to reflect the social and psychological state of modern people: they are trying to break the norm, be it related to taboos, language or humor. Cold jokes thus are not only a newly arising joke type, but also a reflection of the social and psychological state of modern people.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRCT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS-------------------------------------------------------------------iii LIST OF ABBREVIAIOTNS-----------------------------------------------------------------iv LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES--------------------------------------------------------viii Chapter One Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1 Motivation------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.2 Definition of Cold Jokes and Purpose of the Present Study---------------------2 1.3 Organization of this Thesis ----------------------------------------------------------4 Chapter Two Literature Review----------------------------------------------------------------5 2.0 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------5 2.1 Incongruity-Resolution Theory------------------------------------------------------5 2.2 Semantic Script Theory of Humor and General Theory of Verbal Humor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.2.1 Semantic Script Theory of Humor--------------------------------------------8 Script-Based Lexicon-------------------------------------------------8 Combinational Rules------------------------------------------------10 The Main Hypothesis-----------------------------------------------11 Script Oppositeness-------------------------------------------------12 Semantic Script-Switch Triggers----------------------------------13 Non-Bona-Fide Mode of Communication-----------------------13 2.2.2 General Theory of Verbal Humor-------------------------------------------15 An Alternative Formulation of Script Opposition (SO)--------16 A Taxonomy of Logical Mechanism (LM) ----------------------17 2.3 Giora’s Informative Requirement--------------------------------------------------18 2.3.1 On Defining Informativeness------------------------------------------------18 2.3.2 The Conditions for Text Well-Formedness--------------------------------21 2.3.3 The Conditions for Joke Well-Formedness--------------------------------24 Chapter Three Methodology and Theoretical Framework--------------------------------28 3.0 Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------28 3.1 Data Collection-----------------------------------------------------------------------28 3.2 Theoretical Framework--------------------------------------------------------------29 v 3.2.1 Types of Humor Used in Jokes----------------------------------------------29 Metahumor-----------------------------------------------------------29 Nonsense Humor----------------------------------------------------31 Nonsense Humor: No Resolution----------------------31 Nonsense Humor: Partial Resolution------------------31 Nonsense Humor: Creating New Incongruity--------32 Incongruity-Resolution Humor------------------------------------33 3.2.2 The Conditions of Well-Formed Jokes-------------------------------------33 Chapter Four Results and Discussion--------------------------------------------------------36 4.0 Introductory Remarks---------------------------------------------------------------36 4.1 A Comparison between Traditional Jokes and Cold Jokes---------------------36 4.1.1 Metahumor---------------------------------------------------------------------38 4.1.2 Nonsense Humor--------------------------------------------------------------39 4.1.3 Incongruity-Resolution Humor----------------------------------------------43 Sexual Topics------------------------------------------ --------------45 Other Vulgar Topics-------------------------------------------------46 Linguistic Ambiguity-----------------------------------------------46 Classification of Linguistic Ambiguity---------------47 The Linguistic Strategies Used in Traditional Jokes and Cold Jokes-------------------------------------------50 Phonological Strategies-------------------52 Morphological Strategies-----------------56 Syntactic Strategies------------------------58 Pragmatic Strategies-----------------------60 Other Strategies----------------------------63 4.1.4 Summary-----------------------------------------------------------------------64 4.2 The Degree of Joke Well-Formedness in Cold Jokes---------------------------66 4.2.1 Metahumor--------------------------------------------------------------------68 4.2.2 Nonsense Humor-------------------------------------------------------------71 Nonsense Humor: Partial Resolution----------------------------71 Nonsense Humor: No Resolution--------------------------------75 Nonsense Humor: Creating New Incongruity------------------78 4.2.3 Incongruity-Resolution Humor--------------------------------------------81 4.2.4 Summary----------------------------------------------------------------------86 vi Chapter Five Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------89 5.1 General Summary and Implications ----------------------------------------------89 5.2 Suggestions for Further Research--------------------------------------------------91 References---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------93 Appendix I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------99 vii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 2.1 Incongruity-Resolution Model----------------------------------------------------6 Table 2.1 List of all known LMs--------------------------------------------------------------18 Table 4.1 Types of humor employed in traditional jokes and cold jokes----------------37 Table 4.2 Topics and linguistic ambiguity of Incongruity-Resolution Humor in traditional jokes and cold jokes---------------------------------------------------44 Table 4.3 The linguistic strategies used in traditional jokes and cold jokes------------51 Table 4.4 The degree of joke well-formedness in the joke of Metahumor--------------70 Table 4.5 The degree of joke well-formedness in the joke of Partial Resolution------74 Table 4.6 The degree of joke well-formedness in the joke of No Resolution----------77 Table 4.7 The degree of joke well-formedness in the joke of Creating New Incongruity--------------------------------------------------------------------------81 Table 4.8 The degree of joke well-formedness in the joke of Incongruity-Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------86 Table 4.9 The degree of joke well-formedness in each type of humor------------------86 viii

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