研究生: |
張純純 Chang, Chun-chun |
論文名稱: |
Whose Cultural Identity? Michael Graves’ Architectural Collage and the National Museum of Prehistory at Taitung Whose Cultural Identity? Michael Graves’ Architectural Collage and the National Museum of Prehistory at Taitung |
指導教授: |
Candida Syndikus |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
藝術史研究所 Graduate Institute of Art History |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 109 |
中文關鍵詞: | 臺東國立臺灣史前文化博物館 、麥可·葛瑞夫 、沈祖海 、博物館建築 、後現代主義 、建築拼貼 、臺灣原住民 、文化認知 、國家認同 |
英文關鍵詞: | National Museum of Prehistory of Taitung, Michael Graves, Haigo Shen, museum architecture, Postmodernism, architectural collage, Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples, cultural cognition, national identity |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201901114 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:557 下載:34 |
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位於臺東的國立臺灣史前文化博物館是臺灣第一個致力於臺灣史前研究的博物館,此外,博物館研究領域還涉及臺灣原住民與南島文化。此建案為紐約建築師麥可·葛瑞夫(1934–2015)與臺灣建築師沈祖海(1926–2005)的跨界合作。 博物館建築工程於1997年至2001年期間進行,2002年開始正式營運。以保存與展示鄰近卑南遺址所發掘的歷史文物為出發點,設立臺灣史前史和自然史為主題的博物館,並將卑南遺址挖掘現場改為文化遺址公園。
The National Museum of Prehistory in Taitung was the first museum in Taiwan devoted to the island’s earliest history. Apart from that, the museum’s mission concerns Taiwanese indigenous and Austronesian culture. The project involved cross-border collaboration between New York-based architect Michael Graves (1934–2015) and the Taiwanese practice of Haigo Shen (1926–2005). While the construction work was executed between 1997 and 2001, the museum was officially inaugurated in 2002. Proceeding from the mission to preserve and exhibit the historical artifacts originating from the nearby Peinan Excavation Site, the aim was to create a museum for Taiwanese prehistory and natural history, with the excavation site transformed into an archeological park.
The museum’s structural concepts as a complex of diverse buildings and spaces, the architectural language that borrows motifs from diverse earlier sources and that is full of allusions and references as well as the variation of materials and colors show obvious reminiscences of the architecture of the Postmodern movement as it was implemented by Michael Graves in many of his projects of the 1980s and 1990s. With its expressed symbolism, the architecture of the museum in Taitung makes a multitude of references that have not yet been clarified and scrutinized enough.
Until the building complex could be completed in its present form, there was, initially, an extensive debate about the question what museum was needed in Taitung. The discussion was followed by a complex planning process. After Graves won the competition for the project, the planning process continued. All these aspects have been totally neglected by specialists so far. It is the objective of this master’s thesis to, first, reconstruct as precisely as possible the complex history of the National Museum of Prehistory in Taitung on the basis of published and unpublished source material. In a second step, the particular features of the museum will be thoroughly analyzed and juxtaposed to Postmodern museum projects in Europe in order to understand better Michael Graves’ intentions for this site. Finally, it must be examined, to what extent Graves’ ideas realize the mission of the museum planners.
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