研究生: |
柯秋桂 Ko Chiu-Kuei |
論文名稱: |
幼兒園邁向學習型組織之行動研究―以教師教學關注為例 An Action Research of Going Forward Learning Organization in Preschool |
指導教授: | 林育瑋 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 191 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學習型組織 、學習型學校 、教師教學關注 、領導者角色 、行動研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | learning organization, learning school, teacher's teaching concerns, leader role, action research |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:893 下載:92 |
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在個人的領導風格與調整上―由於個人對「園長」角色有著更正向積極的自覺與期許,個人開始省思調整自己的領導風格,依園所發展的階段,以「整體」、「系統」規劃園所教學與行政運作,建立良好的人事與培訓制度,並藉此確立橘子園-「Team Work」的組織運作模式。
The study adopts action research approach. The purpose of this research is to explore the action process of going forward learning organization in a preschool. In the beginning of this action research, we hold meeting and discussion to decide that both “dealing with young children’s behavior“ and “helping with young children’s learning concentration” are our research focuses and first step which also concerned by preschool teachers. In the process of this research, the researcher/leader applies the spirit and thoughts of learning organization and different implements and strategies of the fifth discipline to this research. So as to help teachers get knowledge of improving their mental models and teaching skills on one hand, and on another hand, to adjust teaching and administrative function, to support teachers keep on learning and to promote preschool go forward developing learning organization.
Furthermore, the purpose of this research is to explore the process of developing learning organization in Orange Preschool:
1. Self-examination and change of teacher’s teaching concerns.
2. Self-examination and adjustment of acknowledging leader role, applying strategies and leading styles in preschool.
3. The obstacle, challenge and finding produced during the process of developing learning organization in preschool.
The action research lasts for one and a half years, The results are described as following.
1. Aspect of teachers participated in this research:
(1) They start to realize the limits of their thinking habits.
(2) They have new awareness, attitude and thinking.
(3) They deeply understand, adjust and even renew their “teaching” and children’s “learning”.
(4) They recognize and accept their job and expect themselves to be a professional teacher deeply.
2. Aspect of the leader/ researcher participated in this research:
(1) Because the researcher has more positive awareness and expectation toward “the Principal of Preschool”, who starts to self-examine and adjust leading style.
(2) Based on the steps of the preschool’s developing, the researcher designs teaching and administration policy with the points of “the Whole Group” and “System”.
(3) The leader sets up better personnel and training policy.
(4) The leader sets up “Team Work” in Orange Preschool for organization utilizing model.
3.Aspect of obstacle and challenge when developing learning organization:
(1) The time for teachers’ participation is not enough.
(2) Teachers’ attitude of participation in the learning organization is not active enough gradually.
(3) It takes lots of time to hold team meeting and discussion.
(4) Teachers doubt preschool’s teaching and administrative policy.
At last, some suggestions are provided as following.
1. Before action, it is suggested setting up promotion group and studying theory concerns with learning organization, in order to establish group relationship and centripetal force.
2. During action, it is suggested finding out the first step of action, plan and apply different implements and strategies of the fifth discipline to enhance teachers’ knowledge and skill, in order to solve the focus problem of the action concerns.
3. During every step of the action process, it is suggested estimating and revising the strategies and results.
4. Suggestions for research afterward are expected to continue:
(1) Case studies about exploring different experiences of building learning organization.
(2) Studies about strategies and the development of training implements.
(3) Studies about how learning organization affects “Teacher’s Professional Growth”.
(4) Studies about exploring the obstacle and promotion produced by “Organization Culture” when developing learning organization in preschool.
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