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研究生: 楊麗雯
Yang, Li-Wen
論文名稱: 吉姆.帕普利斯六首合唱作品之樂曲分析與詮釋
Analysis and Interpretation of Jim Papoulis six choral pieces
指導教授: 翁佳芬
Weng, Chia-Fen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 192
中文關鍵詞: 吉姆‧帕普利斯美國當代兒童合唱〈給我們希望〉
英文關鍵詞: Jim Papoulis, American contemporary piece for treble choir, “Give Us Hope”
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204301
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:23
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  • 摘要
    吉姆.帕普利斯(1961 - ) 是美國著名的作曲家與指揮家,他經常接受世界各地合唱團的委任作曲。他的創作樂種多元:交響樂、合唱曲、電影音樂、舞蹈音樂、藍調、搖滾歌曲、嘻哈和舞曲,作品融合古典與爵士音樂,曲風活潑,合唱作品共譜寫了六百多首,有些已出版,有些是以他們的方式來發表,許多合唱作品是委託學校的學生,在積極的生活表現中所創作的,六首合唱作品是由吉姆‧帕普利斯認為與「光」 或「希望」有關的作品,而被選擇為研究主題,它們由哈爾‧倫納德(Hal.Leonard) 音樂出版社發行,分別為:“Give Us Hope” (給我們希望)、“We Will ” (我們將會)、“A Light Inside” (內心的光)、“Oye” (傾聽)、“Stand Together” (站在一起)、“Stand Tall” (站在高處)。
    〈我們將會〉是二聲部和聲織體,包括獨唱或小組合唱,時間約三分鐘,歌曲以英文及斯瓦希里文(Swahili),這首歌開始是以無伴奏人聲 (A Cappella) 手法鋪陳,對比鮮明又富有張力,展現較寬廣的音樂線條,配合歌詞內涵彷彿尋找生命中的方向與目標。
    〈站在一起〉加入打擊樂器(Bodhran Drum),是三聲部和聲織體,時間約四分鐘,樂曲一開始以輕快的速度,逐漸改變音樂的個性,是具挑戰性、充滿活力的作品,運用圓滑線及連結線呈現重音不規則的節奏,使樂曲呈現舒適與輕快熱鬧的對比。
    本文共分為五章。第一章為前言;第二章為背景探究: 分為吉姆‧帕普利斯的生平、作曲家的創作理念與合唱作品;第三章提供了這六首合唱作品的創作手法;第四章為這六首歌曲的教學與注意事項,之外,針對前章各節的教學與注意要點進行探究並提出建議;第五章為本論文之結論。另有三則附錄:附錄一為西班牙文字母唸法一覽表;附錄二為斯瓦希里文字母唸法一覽表;附錄三為研究者與吉姆‧帕普利斯電子郵件往返。

    Jim Papoulis [ 1961 - ] is a famous American composer and conductor. He often receives commission works from different choruses all over the world. His compositions include many different genres: symphony, choral, film, dance, blues, rock-and-roll, hip hop and reel. The composer is especially good at combining classical with jazz styles. He has composed more than six hundred pieces of choral music. Some are published and some are on their way to publication. Many choral pieces are commissioned for school students and showed positive aspects of life. Six choral pieces by Jim Papoulis that contain “light “or “hope “were chosen to be the focus of this master research. They were published by Hal Leonard publishing company, namely ;“Give Us Hope”、“We Will ”、“A Light Inside”、“Oye”、“Stand Together ”and “Stand Tall” (Kusimama).
    “Give Us Hope” is written for three-part treble voices and piano. It takes about three minutes to perform , the music is vivid and full of life , the time signature changes transiently, which makes the music interwoven and changeably thus enhances the degree of compactness , aside from that the swiftness of beginning and ending will make the music full of surprises .
    “We Will” is a piece for two-part treble chorus, including soloist or small group, and about three minutes in length. The text is in English and sometimes Swahili. The song starts with a cappella singing and later with piano and shaker. The music is full of contrast and tension, expressing much broader lines for music, in conjunction with the lyrics as though they have found the direction and target for life.
    “A Light Inside” is for three-part treble choir. It is roughly four minutes. The tempo of the entire song is pretty steady, and it is rich in musical nature. The score sets off a fertile musical and picturesque situation. The rhythm is rather vivid, which serves as an incessant momentum for the song.
    “Oye” is for three-part treble chorus, piano, and optional percussion & bass. It is nearly four minutes. The texts are in Spanish and English. The vigorous rhythm and the use of instruments clearly remind South America’s customs and cultures. The fabrication of the structure is simple yet the force is gradually increasing. The composing finesse gradually puts the music into a boisterous mood.
    “Stand Together” is for three-part treble chorus with optional Bodhran drum. It is about four minutes long, the song is based on a lilting tempo and gradually changes characteristics, which is quite challenging; and make this work is full of life. The use of slur lines and link lines to reveal repetitive sounds with irregular rhythms, with the use of Bodhran Drum, it shall express the contrast of comfort vs. swiftness.
    “Stand Tall” (Kusimama) is for two-part treble chorus, piano, and percussion (Djembe & Shaker). It is about four minutes. The text is a combination of Swahili and English. The composer hopes to expose the singers to the rhythms, to cooperate with foot stepping and hand clapping motions. The body language makes a further extension of the music. It is a creation of a unique style.
    This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is the preamble; Chapter two is the background investigation: the life of Jim Papoulis, and compositional ideal of the composer and his choral pieces. Chapter three offers the musical analysis of these six choral works. Chapter four gives suggestions to choral rehearsal techniques about these six songs. Chapter five is the conclusion of this thesis. Aside from that, there are three appendixes: Appendix one is the reading chart for Spanish alphabets; Appendix two is the reading chart for Swahili alphabets; Appendix three is the E-mails between the writer and Jim Papoulis.
    Keywords: Jim Papoulis, American contemporary piece for treble choir, “Give Us Hope”

    目錄 摘要i 英文摘要iii 目錄vi 表目錄vii 譜例目錄ix 第一章 前言1 第二章 背景探究5 第一節 吉姆‧帕普利斯生平5 第二節 帕普利斯創作理念與合唱作品10 第三章 六首合唱作品之創作手法17 第一節 〈給我們希望〉17 第二節 〈我們將會〉33 第三節 〈內心的光〉48 第四節 〈傾聽〉61 第五節 〈站在一起〉74 第六節 〈站在高處〉88 第四章 合唱教學與注意事項96 第一節 〈給我們希望〉96 第二節 〈我們將會〉109 第三節 〈內心的光〉119 第四節 〈傾聽〉128 第五節 〈站在一起〉138 第六節 〈站在高處〉147 第五章 結論157 參考文獻 162 附錄一 西班牙文字母唸法一覽表165 附錄二 斯瓦希里文字母唸法一覽表169 附錄三 研究者與帕普利斯電子郵件往返170

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    菲利浦‧吉耶伊(Felipe, Gei) 編著。《西班牙語發音快速入門》。新北市:哈福企業,2015。
    Garreteson, Robert L. Choral Music: History, Style, and Performance Practice. Prentice Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River. 1993.

    Strimple, Nick. Choral Music in the Twentieth Century.
    Amadeus Press, Portland. 2002.


    《Jim Papoulis網站》。www.jimpapoulis.com,2013年10月20日查詢。
    《jwpepper 音樂公司網站》。www.jwpepper.com,2014年 1月12日查詢。
    Papoulis, Jim. Give Us Hope. Milwaukee, Hal•Leonard, 2001.
    Papoulis, Jim. We Will. Milwaukee, Hal•Leonard, 2006.
    Papoulis, Jim. A Light Inside. Milwaukee, Hal•Leonard, 2002.
    Papoulis, Jim. Oye. Milwaukee, Hal•Leonard, 2004.
    Papoulis, Jim. Stand Together. Milwaukee, Hal•Leonard, 2006.
    Papoulis, Jim. Stand Tall. Milwaukee, Hal•Leonard, 2011.
    Jim Papoulis: Give Us Hope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX6TJrFjHGI, 2015年6月30日、2015年7月2日查詢。

    Jim Papoulis: We Will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_iVDRbY2v8, 2015年 7月10日、2015年8月20日查詢。

    Jim Papoulis: A Light Inside. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_iVDRbY2v8, 2015年7 月16日、2015年8月20日查詢。

    Jim Papoulis: Oye. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdJWyim9u2, 2015年8

    Jim Papoulis: Stand Together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_iVDRbY2v8,

    Jim Papoulis: Stand Tall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSw-PF67KdU, 2015

    Jim Papoulis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVoCadFdC4E, 2015年6月20日查詢。

    Jim Papoulis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqmwjBX_LGg, 2015年6月20日查詢。

    Compact Disc:
    Give Us Hope: Sounds of a Better World Series, performed by Jim Papoulis and Francisco Nunez. # M051520862. Boosey & Hawkes, 2004.

    We Will: Sounds of a Better World Series, performed by Jim Papoulis and Francisco Nunez. # M051477463. Boosey & Hawkes, 2006.

    A Light Inside: Sounds of a Better World Series, performed by Jim Papoulis and Francisco Nunez. # M051473922. Boosey & Hawkes, 2002.

    Oye: Sounds of a Better World Series, performed by Jim Papoulis and Francisco Nunez. # M051520848. Boosey & Hawkes, 2004.

    Stand Together: Sounds of a Better World Series (Accompaniment CD), performed by Jim Papoulis. # M48019166. Boosey & Hawkes, 2007.

    Kusimama (Stand Tall): Sounds of a Better World Series, performed by Jim Papoulis and Sophia Miller. # M051481156. Boosey & Hawkes, 2011.

    陳雲紅編著,〈合唱音樂〉,《台灣合唱音樂中心》No.2 (7-12期,2005)。
    陳雲紅編著,〈合唱音樂〉,《台灣合唱音樂中心》No.3 (13-18期,2006)。
    陳雲紅編著,〈合唱音樂〉,《台灣合唱音樂中心》No.4 (19-24期,2007)。
