研究生: |
殷聖媚 |
論文名稱: |
插畫應用於兒童服飾之創作與研究 The study and creation of illustration for children’s clothes |
指導教授: | 周賢彬 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 129 |
中文關鍵詞: | 童裝 、插畫 |
英文關鍵詞: | Children's clothing, illustration |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:326 下載:25 |
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第三章的研究方法採用案例分析的方式,根據文獻資料調查結果,消費者購買童裝時較喜歡國內知名品牌製造商、習慣在連鎖性專賣店購買,消費金額約在1000-3000 元左右。針對消費者的習慣,本研究選擇WHY AND 1/2 為案例分析對象,挑選2009 年春夏服飾目錄中,具有插畫風格的24 件男女上衣作視覺圖像的分析,並與前一章的兒童視覺偏好作出差異分析。
The birth-rate of Taiwan is decreasing in the last few years. But the consumption market of children's clothing does not reduce. The amount of sales for superior children's clothing brand increases year by year. T he form of children’s clothes has drawn great attention. But mostly they are unable to have individual opinion in clothes choosing. Children's clothing's design is still led by adult. If the design of children's clothing can reflect their opinion and choice, not only represent each child's individual underline d characteristic, but also enhance relationship between the parent and child.
This research contains three parts; the first one is the child cognition development of color, shape preference and the illustration style. The second is the analysis of the children's clothing and the design tendency. The third one is to analyze the illustration’ characteristic and the expression means. According to the result of child’s preference study, this study makes the analysis comparison with the chosen children's clothing case.
The third chapter is the case analysis. According to the literature survey, the consumer purchases the domestic well -known brand manufacturer, the expense is approximately about 1000-3000 NT dollars. According to consumer's tendency, this research chooses WHY AND 1/2 for case analysis, selects 24 boys and girls’ T-shirt. And then makes the variance analysis based on the literature.
In the final part, with the child’s opinion analysis and the result of case analysis, this study sets up two topics, each designs three T-shirts with images retained by case study. Extended poster designs are made by images.
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