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研究生: 陳柏仰
Chen, Brian Pai-Yaug
論文名稱: COVID-19 疫情對電子商務消費者行為的影響
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior in E-commerce
指導教授: 吳彥濬
Wu, Yen-Chun Jim
口試委員: 黃義俊
Huang, Y. C.
Hsieh, Ying-Jiun
Wu, Yen-Chun Jim
口試日期: 2023/05/23
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 全通路銷售行動支付線上銷售電商直播電商平台
英文關鍵詞: E-commerce, Social Media, Digital Payment, E-Commerce Live-Stream, Omnichannel, OMO
研究方法: 調查研究深度訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300601
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:545下載:95
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  • 自2020 年COVID-19 疫情爆發以來,全球商業活動受到嚴重影響。在此背景下,許多實體零售企業轉向電商銷售以恢復營收和利潤。然而,三年過去了,成效尚待證實。本研究將深入探討幾個電商銷售關鍵要素。
    本研究的目的旨在探索台灣電商在COVID-19 大流行期間的轉型和消費者行為變化,並探討其理論基礎和未來研究方向。為了分析台灣電商在後COVID-19 時代面臨的挑戰,採用了混合式研究方法,結合調查和分析,以了解台灣消費者行為的變化,並開展了專家的深入訪談。量化研究針對617 名受訪者進行了疫情期間線上購物的調查。在質性研究中,三位電商專家分享了關於疫情期間電商企業的變化和後COVID-19 戰略的觀點。最後,這項研究提出了一種整合的方法,將新冠肺炎疫情期間電子商務影響的理論框架與未來研究方向相結合,提供了有價值的支持,以獲得對於理解和洞察的增進。本研究的發現顯示,電子商務的影響涵蓋了關鍵要素,包括數字支付、社交媒體、直播和全通路策略。
    本研究提供了COVID-19 疫情對台灣電子商務和消費者行為影響的證據。疫情引發了消費者行為的重大變化,包括電子商務的廣泛應用和依賴、全通路轉型、數位支付的增加以及直播購物的流行。對於企業而言,這些影響帶來了挑戰和機遇,需要大量投資於技術和技能的發展,同時也開拓了新市場和增長潛力。在後疫情時代,持續探索這些趨勢及其更廣泛的影響對於引領數位革命至關重要。

    Since 2020, the large-scale spread of the COVID-19 epidemic has almost completely disrupted business activities around the world. In this context, many companies that used to rely only on traditional offline- sales had to turn to online sales to resume revenue and profits. Three years later, however, the actual results are still to be proven.
    The purpose of this study is to analyze whether and how changes in online sales and consumer behavior in Taiwan under the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted e-commerce. At the same time, this study discussed several key factors to e-commerce in depth.
    This study provides substantial evidence of the transformative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the e-commerce landscape and consumer behavior in Taiwan. The pandemic induced significant changes in consumer behavior, including widespread adoption and reliance on e-commerce, omnichannel shift, increased use of digital payments, and the popularity of live-stream shopping. For businesses, the impact presents challenges and opportunities, requiring substantial investments in technology and skills development, while also opening up new markets and growth potential. As we navigate the post-pandemic era, continuous exploration of these trends and their broader impacts is crucial for guiding the ongoing digital revolution.


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