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研究生: 郭勇呈
Yung-Cheng Kuo
論文名稱: The Relationship among Job Stress, Social Support and Affective Commitment: A Study on Employees of Nonprofit Organizations in Taiwan
The Relationship among Job Stress, Social Support and Affective Commitment: A Study on Employees of Nonprofit Organizations in Taiwan
指導教授: 張媁雯
Chang, Wei-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 非營利組織工作壓力情感性承諾社會支持
英文關鍵詞: Nonprofit organizations, Job stress, Affective commitment, Social support
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:570下載:13
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  • Nowadays, human resources in nonprofit organizations become increasingly important. In this study, the research purpose was to examine the relationship among job stress, social support, and affective commitment in order to understand the job situations of employees of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in Taiwan.
    A total of 156 employees in NPOs in Taiwan were examined to understand the relationship between job stress and affective commitment while regarding social support as a moderator. This study used three dimensions of scale to collect data regarding job situations of employees in NPOs in Taiwan. A pilot study, item analysis, internal consistency and expert reviews were used to improve validity and reliability of this study. In addition, the researcher conducted descriptive statistic, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis to analyze hypotheses and examine the relationship among job stress, social support and affective commitment.
    The result confirmed that job stress was significantly and negatively related to the affective commitment. Moreover, social support was found to have a moderate effect on the relationship between job stress and affective commitment. The result of this research suggested that NPOs managers need to understand psychological situation of employees, and pay attention to the relationship of job stress, social support and affective commitment.

    Nowadays, human resources in nonprofit organizations become increasingly important. In this study, the research purpose was to examine the relationship among job stress, social support, and affective commitment in order to understand the job situations of employees of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in Taiwan.
    A total of 156 employees in NPOs in Taiwan were examined to understand the relationship between job stress and affective commitment while regarding social support as a moderator. This study used three dimensions of scale to collect data regarding job situations of employees in NPOs in Taiwan. A pilot study, item analysis, internal consistency and expert reviews were used to improve validity and reliability of this study. In addition, the researcher conducted descriptive statistic, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis to analyze hypotheses and examine the relationship among job stress, social support and affective commitment.
    The result confirmed that job stress was significantly and negatively related to the affective commitment. Moreover, social support was found to have a moderate effect on the relationship between job stress and affective commitment. The result of this research suggested that NPOs managers need to understand psychological situation of employees, and pay attention to the relationship of job stress, social support and affective commitment.

    Abstract.........................................................................................................................I Table of Contents......................................................................................... .........II List of Tables............................................................................................................IV List of Figures..........................................................................................................VI CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................1 Background of the Study..............................................................................................1 Statement of the Problem...................................................................................................3 Research Purpose...................................................................................................4 Research Questions.................................................................................................5 Hypotheses of the Study..............................................................................................5 Significance of the Study.............................................................................................6 Delimitation.........................................................................................7 The Definition of Terms...............................................................................................7 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................9 Nonprofit Organization................................................................................................9 Job Stress ....................................................................................................................11 Affective Commitment................................................................................................16 Job Stress and Affective Commitment........................................................................20 Job Stress, Affective Commitment and Demographic Characteristics……....................22 Job Stress, Social Support and Affective Commitment...............................................23 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODS ...................................................................29 Research Framework and Hypotheses........................................................................29 Research Sample..........................................................................................................31 Research Approach..........................................................................................................31 Instrument..........................................................................................................37 Data Collection..........................................................................................................39 Validity and Reliability ...................................................................................................40 Data Analysis.............................................................................................................44 Research Procedure.....................................................................................................46 CHAPTER IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS.....................................................49 Descriptive Statistics........................................................................................................49 Correlation Relationship of Variables..............................................................................56 Relationship between Job Stress and Affective Commitment.........................................58 Moderating Effect of Social Support................................................................................64 Discussions.......................................................................................................................70 CHAPTER V. COUCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.........................73 Conclusions......................................................................................................................73 Recommendations............................................................................................................74 Research Limitation.........................................................................................................75 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................77 APPENDIX A. QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH VERSION).................................85 APPENDIX B. QUESTIONNAIRE (EXPERT REVIEW).....................................91 APPENDIX C. QUESTIONNAIRE (PEER REVIEW)...........................................93

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