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研究生: 張樹倫
Chang Shu-Lun
論文名稱: 台灣地區社會變遷與文化建設
The Social Change and Cultural Construction in Taiwan District
指導教授: 沈六
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 社會變遷文化文化建設
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:318下載:47
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  • 變遷是人類社會必然存在的現象,變遷的動力一是源自社會內部的創造發明,另一則是來自社會外部其他文化的傳播擴散。中國近代以來社會文化巨大的變遷,主要動力就是西方外來文化的影響。台灣雖位居邊陲,但四百年來曾分別受到西班牙、荷蘭、日本等異文化的統治,社會變遷的動力更是主要來自外在刺激。此種異文化變遷由於和原有傳統距離過遠,因此新舊之間移轉代替,易引起許多失調、困頓。尤其是面對生機控制性格很強的西方優勢文化衝擊下,面臨的是一種「雙重破與立」的困境,自然更容易產生失調現象。 台灣在政府遷台後,銳意朝向現代化方向的建設下,確實已從傳統農業社會轉變為工商業社會,並朝著資訊社會邁進。在政府各項有計畫的經濟建設下,人民物質生活隨著國民所得的增加而有長足進步;然而由於過去政府特別重視經濟建設,也導致文化上不均衡發展,形成物質富裕、精神貧窮、思想乾涸的現象。政府也意識到事態的嚴重性,近年來著意重視文化建設。 本研究共分七章二十二節。第一章為緒論。首述研究問題的重要性;因而提出研究動機與目的;界定有關名詞定義;再述明研究方法與步驟。第二章為社會變遷理論的探討。分別探討社會變遷的指標、因素、類型以及理論。第三章探討台灣地區社會文化的變遷。分別從社會、政治、經濟、心理各層面,藉由各種指標,探討台灣地區社會文化變遷的事實。第四章則進一步從政治、經濟、教育、心理層面探討變遷中發生的問題與困境,以及台灣地區文化發展的特色。第五章為台灣地區的文化建設。分階段探討台灣地區的文化建設工作。第六章為當前文化發展與文化建設的展望。分別就文化發展所面臨的主要問題及文化建設的展望提出分析。第七章為結論與建議。即歸納本研究之發現,提出結論,並提出今後文化建設工作之可行途徑。

    Transition is an inevitable phenomenon that inheres in human society. One ofthe dynamics of transition comes from the creativity and invention inherent inthe society; another results from the extrinsic cultural diffusion. The maindynamic that contributes to the dramatic social and cultural transition of Chinain modern times is the influence of the foreign western culture. Since Taiwanlocates in the marginal district of China and it had been ruled by severalforeign cultures like Spain, Holland, Japan, its main dynamics of socialtransition comes from the outside stimulation. Moreover, because there is agreat distance between the foreign culture transition and the original culturein a society, the transition tends to cause a lot of maladjustment and theproblems in society in the transition and substitution between the new and theold. Therefore, in facing the shock of the western culture that bears thecharacteristics of strong organic control and the position of superiority,Taiwan especially encounters with a difficult situation of "double breaking awayand establishment." Consequently, the society is more easily unbalanced. After transferring to Taiwan, the government accentuates in developingthe modern construction. Therefore, the society had been transformed from thetraditional agricultural society to the commercial society and now it furthermoves toward the mode of informative society. Under the government's variousplanned economic construction, the living standard of the citizen have beenimproved with the increase of the national income. Nevertheless, thegovernment's over emphasis on the economic construction also leads to theimbalance of cultural development: despite the fact that the society ismaterially abundant, the mentality of the society becomes void and barren. Beingconscious about the seriousness of the whole event, the government alsohighlights the importance of cultural construction in recent years. The thesis is divided into seven chapters and twenty-two sections. Thefirst chapter is Introduction. It first states the importance of the researchproblem, then suggests the motivation and the purpose of this research. Definethe definitions of the relative terms and describe the research methods andsteps. The second chapter discusses the theories of social change. I discuss theindicators, the elements, the types and the theories of social change. The thirdchapter discusses the social and cultural transition in Taiwan society. With theaid of various indicators, I probe into the facts of social and culturaltransition of Taiwan society in social, political, economical and psychologicalaspects. The fourth chapter further discusses the problems and the difficultiesthat occurred in these transitions in political, economical, educational andpsychological facets. Chapter five is about the cultural constructions inTaiwan. I discuss the cultural construction works in Taiwan district in eachstage. The sixth chapter is about the perspectives of Taiwan culturaldevelopment and constructions in the contemporary society. Here, I would analyzethe primary problems that cultural construction would face and the itsperspectives. The seventh chapter is Conclusion and Suggestion. Here, I wouldinduce the discoveries of the study, present the conclusion and offer thepractical ways for the works of cultural construction from now on.
