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研究生: 薛鈺蓉
Yu-Jung Hsueh
論文名稱: 女性意識的成長及其教育意涵—以西蒙‧德‧波娃為例
The Development and the Educational Meaning of Feminine Consciousness: Giving Simone de Beauvoir as an Example
指導教授: 歐陽教
Ouyang, Jiao
Shen, Vin-Cent
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 1999
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 230
中文關鍵詞: 女性西蒙‧德‧波娃女性主義第二性
英文關鍵詞: feminine, Simone de Beauvoir, feminism, The Second Sex
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:579下載:0
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  • 西蒙‧德‧波娃(Simone de Beauvoir,1908~1986)是當代法國最傑出的存在主義女權作家,也是學識淵博的女學者。她在巴黎索本(Sorbonne)大學攻讀哲學時,結識了存在主義大師沙特(Jean-Paul Sartre),深受他的影響,並成為其終身伴侶。波娃著作等身,且涵蓋範圍甚廣,舉凡小說、戲劇、遊記和學術論文皆頗受讚揚,而其學術巨作《老年》(The Coming of Age)更喧騰全球出版界。今年一九九九年是女性主義經典名著《第二性》(Le Deuxieme Sexe)出版五十週年紀念,波娃這個名字再度成為熱門話題,而其對女性問題與處境全面探討的傑作,業已在歐陸掀起一股評論熱潮,學術界一致公認,至今尚無人能超越。值此女性主義思想百花齊放的時代,追溯、理解波娃的女性觀及其散發的影響,就釐析女性問題與探尋女性意識而言,實具意義。
    本文計分六章:首章為緒論,說明研究動機、目的、方法、步驟、範圍及限制;第二章探究波娃思想之孕育與開展,摘述其生平、文化背景及其與沙特的相互影響;第三章先予論述生物學、心理分析學和歷史唯物主義對性別的定義,次則探討歷史脈絡中的女性地位,再繼之以蒙泰朗(Momtherlant)、勞倫斯(D.H.Lawrence)、克勞代爾(Paul Claudel)、布勒東(Breton)和司當達爾(Stendhal)等五位作家筆下的女性神話作一剖析,以統觀歷史樊籠中的女性宿命;第四章隨之深入女性的自我意象、情慾和性倫理等核心主題,闡明「女人到底是什麼」之豐富義蘊;第五章則剖析波娃的新女性主義,呈顯其思想的全貌,並探究當代婦運的發展和各流派理論的叢衍,以揭示出女性對世界、對人類的終極關懷;末章則歸結本文之研究結果,析論女性意識成長之教育意涵,以尋繹未來在教育上的可行之道,並針對波娃的思想及當代女性主義的發展提出評析意見。

    Simone de Beauvoir was the most outstanding French Existentialist Feminist writer of the contemporary era, also a knowledgeable scholar. When she studied philosophy at the Sorbonne University in Paris. She met the master of Existentialism, Jean-Paul Sartre. Not only did she come under Sartre's influence deeply, but also become his closed partner. Beauvoir had plenty of various writings, such as novels, plays, travel notes and academic thesis, which usually received favorable comment in general. Among the total, the publisher especially admitted her important book: The Coming of Old Age. Since this year(1999) is the 50th anniversary of publication Feminism masterpiece: Le Deuxieme Sexe, Beauvoir's name becomes the hot-topic again. For its overall discussion about feminine problems and situations, this book has arose an upsurge of review in Europe. Almost all the academic circle agrees its importance and admits that there is no one else could surpass. It is meaningful to track back and know more about Beauvoir's feminist view and her influence, by means that, we could analyze feminine problems and seek feminist consciousness.
    There are four main purpose of this thesis:
    1. Discuss the breeding and the development of Beauvoir's thought, and grasp the essential concern and the direction of her philosophy.
    2. Distinguish Beauvoir's viewpoint from the different sides of Biology, Psychoanalysis and Historical Materialism, and analysis the historical thread and text which effects female situation.
    3. At the base of Beauvoir's "The Second Sex" to criticize the development and the internal of feminine self-consciousness, feelings and sexual moral to get the enlightenment provided by the women's revolution during this era.
    4. Synthesizing the research result, interpret the educational meaning of feminine consciousness to criticize the essence and context of bisexual education, also provide a reference to developing educational theory and improving educational practice.
    This thesis has six chapters. The first chapter is to introduce the purpose, aims, methods, steps, scope and limit of this study. The second chapter is to discuss the breading and development of Beauvoir's philosophy, quote her biographical sketch, the cultural background, and the mutual influence with Sartre. In the third chapter, at first , the researcher examines the definitions of sex in Biology, Psychoanalysis and Historical Materialism, and consequently discusses the women's position in the historical thread, then analyzes through Momtherlant's, D.H.Lawrence's, Paul Cloudel's, Breton's and Stendhal's articles to make a comprehensive survey of the women's predestination in the historical cage. In the forth chapter, the author will go deep into such kinds of topics as self-esteem, sexual desire and sexual moral, etc. to try to expound the plentiful meaning of "What women are on earth?". The fifth chapter is going to deal with Beauvoir's New-Feminism, show the full view of her thoughts, survey the development of women's movement, and various theories of different schools, to reveal the feminist's deep concern toward world and human being. In the last chapter, the researcher will conclude the research result, discuss the educational meaning of feminine consciousness to seek out the potential was of the education in the future, present analytic opinions aiming at Beauvoir's thought and the development of contemporary feminism.
    Through this study, the researcher get such an educational meaning:
    Beauvoir not only pointed out the fact that the feminine is characterized as "the other", but also advocated to substitute "humanize" for the male and female separated education. She was even against the saying of "Women have their nature" in order to denounce all myths about feminine. In her eyes, men and women are all complete, and we should attach importance to the difference of individual more than sex distinction. Besides, the liberation of women should begin from the individual. Way to complying the difference of occupations and cultures, the inner worth of the women is not all the same. But by the force of education, women could not only recognize themselves but also realize their value in work. Furthermore, the capacity dose come from efforts rather than from nature, and the inspiration of creativity also stands for a kind of responsibility for world. Therefore, guiding the learners properly could make learners transfer their interest into inherent motive and could give them the high expectation to encourage people to show their rich vitality and distinguished mission towards the world.
    By probing into Beauvoir's feminism view-point, the researcher's main findings are as follow: If women in this age want to seek the liberation and equality between male and female, they should not only request men to give up chauvinism, but also remove up their dependence. Beauvoir's thought indeed lead women a appropriate way, but at the same time there are some inadequate aspects. Here the researcher will raise 7-point criticism:
    1. The explanation of feminine experience is too abstract.
    2. The self-experience is too restricted.
    3. The attitude towards the female body is too opposite.
    4. She belittle the value of the motherhood.
    5. The position on Psychoanalysis is ambiguous.
    6. She took the male ambiguous value as the standard.
    7. There is conflict with the fundamental concept of feminist in the philosophy.
    In additions, the researcher surveys the weaknesses feminism though and comes to the conclusions as follows:
    1. Use the difference of physiology to define gender.
    2. Restrict itself to differentiate field between public and private.
    3. Over-publicize the identity of sex.
    4. Erase the difference of sisterhood.
    5. Stimulate the deluge of the key-link of feminine.
    6. Strengthen the role of wounded women.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究方法與步驟 第三節 研究範圍與資料 第二章 波娃的思想孕育與開展 第一節 波娃的生平及其思想的開展 第二節 沙特與波娃的關係及相互影響 第三節 沙特與波娃─兩個獨立自主的存在 第三章 歷史樊籠中的女性宿命 第一節 命運 第二節 歷史 第三節 神話 第四章 女性的秘密─意識的黑盒子 第一節 女性形象「自我」的空洞化 第二節 愛的困惑,一個古老的困惑 第三節 文化死角:模稜兩可的性倫理 第五章 角色的困惑與女性的出路 第一節 波娃的新女性主義 第二節 婦女:最漫長的革命 第三節 女性的終極關懷 第六章 結論 第一節 女性意識成長之教育意涵 第二節 對波娃思想之評析 第三節 對女性主義發展之綜合評述 參考書目 附 錄 西蒙‧德‧波娃生平年表

    壹、 西蒙‧德‧波娃原著之中西文譯作:
    一、 法文原著及其英文譯作
    1. Beauvoir, Simone de (1943), L'Invitee, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Yvonne Moyse and Roger Senhouse as She Come to Stay, London: Secker and Warburg/Lindsay Drummond, 1949.
    2. Beauvoir, Simone de (1946), Tous les hommes sont mortels, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Leonard M. Friedman as All Men Are Mortal, Cleveland: World, 1956.
    3. Beauvoir, Simone de (1947), Pour une Morale de L'ambiguite, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Bernard Frechman as The Ethics of Ambiguity, New York: Philosophical Library, 1948.
    4. Beauvoir, Simone de (1948), L'Amerique au Jour le Jour, Paris: Morihien, Translated by Patrick Dudley as America Day by Day, New York: Grove Press, 1953.
    5. Beauvoir, Simone de (1949), Le Deuxieme Sexe, Paris: Morihien, Translated by H. M. Parshley as The Second Sex, New York: Knopf, 1953.
    6. Beauvoir, Simone de (1954), Les Mandarins, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Leonard M. Friedman as The Mandarins, Cleveland: World, 1956.
    7. Beauvoir, Simone de (1955), Privileges, Republished as Faut-il Bruler Sade? Paris: Gallimard, 1972, Partially translated by Annette Michelson as Mush We Brun Sade? London:Nevill, 1953; reprinted in The Marquis de Sade, edited by Paul Dinnage. New York: Grove Press, 1953.
    8. Beauvoir, Simone de (1957), La Longue Marche, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Austryn Wainhouse as The Long March, Cleveland: World, 1958.
    9. Beauvoir, Simone de (1958), Memoires d'une Jeune Fille Rangee, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by James Kirkup as Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, Cleveland: World, 1959.
    10. Beauvoir, Simone de (1960), La Force de L'age, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Peter Green as The Prime of Life, Cleveland: World, 1962.
    11. Beauvoir, Simone de (1963), La Force de Choses, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Richard Howard as Force of Circumstance, New York: Putnam's, 1965.
    12. Beauvoir, Simone de (1964), Une Mort tres Douce, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Patrick O'Brian as A Very Easy Death, New York: Putnam's, 1966.
    13. Beauvoir, Simone de (1966), Les Belles Images, Paris: Gallimard. Translated by Patrick O'Brain as Les Belles Images, New York: Putnam's,1986.
    14. Beauvoir, Simone de (1967), La Femme Rompue, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Patrick O'Brian as The Woman Destroyed, New York: Putnam's, 1969.
    15. Beauvoir, Simone de (1970), La Vieillesse, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Patrick O'Brian as Old Age, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970, Republished as The Coming of Age, New York: Putnam's, 1970.
    16. Beauvoir, Simone de (1972), Tout Compte Fait, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Patrick O'Brain as All Said and Done, New York: Putnam's 1974.
    17. Beauvoir, Simone de (1979), La Ceremonie des Adieux, Suivi de Entretiens Avec Jean-Paul Sartre, Paris: Gallimard, Translated by Patrick O'Brian as Adieux: A Farewell to Sartre, New York: Putnam's, 1984.
    二、 中文譯作
    1. 陶鐵柱譯(1998),《第二性》,北京:中國書籍出版社。
    2. 楊美惠譯(1997),《第二性》,第二卷:處境,台北:志文。
    3. 楊翠屏等譯(1997),《第二性》,第三卷:正當的主張與邁向解放,台北:志文。
    4. 楊翠屏譯(1981),《西蒙‧波娃回憶錄》,台北:志文。
    5. 歐陽子譯(1992),《第二性》,第一卷:形成期,台北:志文。
    6. 曉宜‧張亞莉譯(1988),《女性的秘密》,北京:中國國際廣播出版社。
