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研究生: 陳虹雯
Chen Hong-wen
論文名稱: 從新版教科書之文學選材探討高中英文文學教學現況
Investigating senior high school literature teaching by analyzing the literary texts in different new versions of English textbooks
指導教授: 孫嘉懿
Sun, Jia-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
中文關鍵詞: 高中英文教科書文學教學文學選材英語教學
英文關鍵詞: English textbooks for senior high school students, literature teaching, literary texts, English teaching
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:327下載:42
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  • 中文摘要
    本論文主旨在由分析比較高中新版英文教科書中的文學類選文來了解高中英文文學教學之現況. 研究工具除了研究者本身對三個現行版本: 遠東版, 龍騰版, 及三民謝版之文學選材做分析比較之外, 另加上對台灣北中南三區共11所高中之英文教師進行有關文學教學及其對所使用教科書中之文學選材看法之問卷調查. 在發出的120份問卷中, 共回收101份; 其中93位老師選擇以遠東版為其所熟悉之版本來回答問卷, 另外有7位選擇龍騰版回答, 僅1位選擇三民謝版. 在教材內容的分析上, 主要以三個版本在文學選文的比例, 課文呈現的方式, 讀前讀後活動之設計, 教師手冊中針對文學相關的補充資料等等方面作異同的比較.
    本研究結果顯示, 九成以上的高中英文老師認同文學類選文在高中生學習英文的過程中扮演著重要的角色, 因此教科書中應有適當比例之文學類選文.
    對於遠東版課本在文學選文的編排上, 最需加強的是讀前活動的設計; 龍騰版則需加強讀後活動及問題討論的設計; 三民謝版則因樣本數不足, 無法在此探討. 最後在改進高中英文文學方面, 多數老師均表示更多的訓練課程, 生動活潑的教案及教法交流是迫切需要的.

    This research aims to investigate the status quo of senior high school literature teaching by analyzing the literary texts in different new versions of English textbooks in Taiwan. Besides the content analysis that the researcher conducts on the three major sets of textbooks, including the Far-east, Lung-teng, and San-min Shieh, this research also uses questionnaires for senior high school teachers to survey the opinions they have concerning the value of literary texts and the arrangements of these texts in the in-use textbooks. Among the 120 questionnaires that distributed to teachers in northern, central, and southern Taiwan, 101 were returned. Among the returned questionnaires, 93 teachers chose the Far-east version as the one they are most familiar with and answered the related questions; Another 7 teachers chose the Lung-teng version as the basis for their responses; only one teacher chose the San-min Shieh version as her most familiar version. As for the content analysis, it is mainly conducted in terms of the percentages of literary texts in the three major versions, the way these texts are presented, the designs of the pre-reading as well as post-reading activities, and the supplementary materials in teachers’ manuals.
    The result of this research shows that over 90 % of respondent teachers identify with the idea that literary texts play an important role in the English learning process of senior high school students, and thus there are supposed to be certain percentages of literary texts in their English textbooks. In terms of suggestions for improvement in the Far-east version, teachers feel it necessary to have better-designed pre-reading activities; while for the Lung-teng version, post-reading activities and discussion questions need more improvements than other aspects. As for the San-min Shieh version, the improvements are not discussed due to the inadequacy of questionnaire samples. Last but not the least, most teachers expect there will be more training courses, practicable lesson plans, and exchange of effective teaching approaches in the hope of improving literary teaching in senior high schools.

    從新版教科書之文學選材探討高中英文文學教學現況 Investigating Senior High School Literature Teaching by Analyzing The Literary Texts in Different New Versions Of English Textbooks Abstract (in Chinese) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii Abstract (in English) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------iii Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv Table of Contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------v Table of Contents Chapter One: INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------- p.1 1.1 Background and Motivation -------------------------------------------------------------------- p.1 1.1.1 The place of literature in ESL/EFL -------------------------------------------------------- p.2 1.1.2 Literature teaching in senior high School EFL instruction in Taiwan ---------------- p.4 1. Literature in the old versions of senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan ----p.4 2. Literary texts in the college entrance examination in recent years ----------------------p.4 3. Related studies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.5 1.2 Purpose of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.7 Chapter Two: LITERATURE REVIEW -------------------------------------------------------- p.8 2.1 What is Literature --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.8 2.2 Why Literature for ESL/EFL Learners --------------------------------------------------------- p.9 Motivating materials ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p.9 Encouraging language acquisition -------------------------------------------------------------- p.11 Expanding students’ language awareness ----------------------------------------------------- p.13 Cultural enrichment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p.14 The personal growth model ---------------------------------------------------------------------- p.16 Valuable authentic materials --------------------------------------------------------------------- p.17 2.3 The Selection of Literary Texts (What to Teach) ----------------------------------------------p.17 2.4 How to Teach Literary Texts ----------------------------------------------------------------------p. 22 Chapter Three: METHODS AND PROCEDURES -------------------------------------------- p.28 3.1 Pilot Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 28 3.2 Subjects -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 29 3.3 Instruments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 30 3.3.1 A content analysis of three sets of textbooks ------------------------------------------- p. 31 3.3.2 Questionnaires for English teachers ------------------------------------------------------ p. 31 Chapter Four: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------------p. 35 4.1 Research Question 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 35 4.1.1 The percentages of literary texts in the three major sets of textbooks ----------------p. 35 4.1.2 Literary features in the Far-east version -------------------------------------------------- p. 38 4.1.3 Literary features in the Lung-teng version ------------------------------------------------ p. 40 4.1.4 Literary features in the San-min Shieh version ------------------------------------------- p. 42 4.1.5 The same literary texts in different versions -----------------------------------------------p. 42 4.1.6 Literary texts by the same writer in different versions ----------------------------------- p. 44 4.1.7 Literary texts in different versions with the same theme --------------------------------- p. 49 4.2 Research Question 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 50 4.2.1 Results from Part B questions of the questionnaires ---------------------------------------p. 50 4.3 Research Questions 3 & 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ p. 54 4.3.1 Results from Part C-1 questions of the questionnaires: the Far-east version ------------ p. 54 4.3.2 Results from Part C-2 questions of the questionnaires: the Far-east version ------------ p. 59 4.3.3 Results from Part C-1 questions of the questionnaires: the Lung-teng version ----------p. 64 4.3.4 Results from Part C-2 questions of the questionnaires: the Lung-teng version ----------p. 67 4.4 Research Question 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 71 4.4.1 The Far-east version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 71 4.4.2 The Lung-teng version --------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 72 4.5 Research Question 6 & 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 73 Chapter Five: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS -----------------------------------------p. 75 5.1 Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 75 5.2 Pedagogical Implication ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 77 5.3 Suggestions for Future Research ------------------------------------------------------------------ p. 78 REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 80 Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 85 Appendix One: Literary texts in major exams -------------------------------------------------------- p. 85 Appendix Two: The questionnaire for teachers (Chinese edition)-----------------------------------p. 89 Appendix Three: The questionnaire for teachers (English edition)--------------------------------- p. 95 Appendix Four: Results from Part D of the questionnaires ------------------------------------------p.102 Appendix Five: Two versions of While the Auto Waits -----------------------------------------------p.106 Lists of Tables Table 4.1: The literary texts and their genres in Far-east version ----------------------------------- p.35 Table 4.2: The literary texts and their genres in Lung-teng version ---------------------------------p.36 Table 4.3: The literary texts and their genres in San-min Shieh version ----------------------------p.37 Table 4.4: The percentages of literary texts in the three versions of textbooks --------------------p.37 Table 4.5: Repeated selections in the Far-east and old centralized version -------------------------p.38 Table 4.6: Poetry lessons in the Far-east version -------------------------------------------------------p. 39 Table 4.7: Poetry lessons in the Lung-teng version -----------------------------------------------------p. 40 Table 4.8: The same literary text in different versions: Gift of Magi by O’ Henry -----------------p. 42 Table 4.9: The same literary text in different versions: The Annual Letters (Chicken Soup Story) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 43 Table 4.10: Literary texts by the same writer in different versions ~ Mark Twain -----------------p. 44 Table 4.11: Literary texts by the same writer in different versions ~ Robert Frost -----------------p. 46 Table 4.12: Literary texts by the same writer in different versions ~ O’ Henry--------------------p. 48 Table 4.13: Results from Part B questions of the questionnaires ------------------------------------p. 50 Table 4.14: Results from Part C-1 questions of the questionnaires: the Far-east version --------p. 54 Table 4.15: Results from Part C-2 questions of the questionnaires: the Far-east version --------p. 59 Table 4.16: The themes of selected poems in the Far-east version ----------------------------------p. 60 Table 4.17: Results from Part C-1 questions of the questionnaires: the Lung-teng version ----- p.64 Table 4.18: Results from Part C-2 questions of the questionnaires: the Lung-teng version ----- p.68

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